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Everything posted by shiba1985

  1. you have to try a few different products to nail down your style. I think something with a good hold but wet would fit you good. You can try a grooming cream, styling cream, or combine fiber wax + gel.. Your hair is too frizzy you will look better with product i think. Products are expensive so see if you can get some sample packs for cheaper so if u dont like it you dont have to use it. American Crew - all of their products are good try a few Any Aveda Salon near you has some nice gels, and styling creams
  2. Bro where r u pulling this advice from? Do you know where the lateral humps are? There is no miniaturization. There is no retrograde. This is a great candidate for a a HT.
  3. What Dr Bhatti did to you makes me angry. I lost all respect for him after seeing this thread. That is just pure negligence in surgical technique. How can you sleep at night after doing this to a patient.
  4. I strongly believe that the best possible way to get the greatest hair is to do multiple small procedures (1-2k) over multiple sessions over a few years. Unfortunately most patients don’t have the patience for that. you hear the adage on this forum “you didn’t become bald overnight it took 10+years” yet most patients won’t even commit to a 2-3 year journey to get the hair back.
  5. 110% . Risk increases with mega sessions greater than 2500-3000 including overharvesting of donor shock loss that’s temporary shock loss that’s permanent
  6. I disagree. I would feel very comfortable with pekkiner or Laorwong. Both r very involved from A to Z.
  7. doesnt look concerning to mee. your post op pic looks amazing. it will rival FUE 3361 results. where did you go?
  8. All that matters is you are happy. 🙂 . Hair restoration is subjective. But you have amazing hair. Really an amazing donor area. You can pretty much hit home runs with your hair transplant.
  9. You have amazing hair characteristics. I think your result could have been better. Just my opinion. You still have a decent amount of reserve. choose wisely.
  10. I have never seen FUT done over two days. Do they take harvest a new strip every day? If so, is it done vertically (top of one another) or horizontal (one half and then the other half day 2)
  11. Cause the transplant in a scar will yield poorer growth than transplant into skin without scarring
  12. yeh i have no idea about this advise. I would stick with FUE for this small of a procedure. goal should be one session. one and done if you go to a good surgeon and your expectations are realistic.
  13. just for the green 400 - 500 would be enough total for both sides. I mean its barely 10 cm2. So at 50 FU per cm2 it would be 500. My go to clinic for this transplant is NOT amongst the 3 clinics you mentioned. But I dont want to deter you from your choices cause we all have our favorites. But I feel like there are better clinics that would fall within those price
  14. IF you were to just transplant the area in that green you would not need more than 400 - 500 grafts. The reason you are getting variations in recommendations, is probably cause clinics know that reality is a lot different than pictures. You most likely have thinning in the front hairline as well, where you have existing hair and it would need transplanting. No one goes from thick hair to bald . It is a transition from thick hair to thinner and thinner hair and then bald. your pics show a clear bald skin that you want transplant but the "transition area" is left for the clinics to be interpreted.
  15. We get it bro.. it’s clear that mwamba customer service is lacking based on multiple recent threads. But it’s a 60$ bottle of Dutasteride. Let it go…. Don’t do business with them again. As melvin said do a charge back with ur bank.
  16. Do you think it would have been wise to raise the hairline by 0.4 cm and instead boost the density than the current hairline and lower density. Just for arguments sake?
  17. Nothing to take away from the result. You look great. Dr Cuoto work is also really good. but is it just me or does anyone else see the scalp through the hairline revealing that it’s still just a modest density.
  18. you cant have it all man. This is not like ordering pizza where you pick your topping and make it the way you like. Your hair grows the way it grows in the back. Dr Bisanga cant make your donor hair straight if it wants to be wavy. just be content with the good results.
  19. do you have any more post op pics after grafts were placed. Do you have any weeks of what you looked like at week 2-3. This is not the norm with patients from this clinic. Maybe you need a biopsy.
  20. I undesrstand. But the main and possibly the only way DHT exerts its function in the body is via androgen receptor. So if you block the receptor, but let DHT continue to circulate the side effects will be the same as nuking DHT levels as it will be useless circulating around. There are other drugs in medicine that are analogous ACE inhibitor (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor) vs ARB (angiotensin receptor blocker) which are used for blood pressure. Point is when you block the receptor, you take away the functioning of the molecule and the end result is the same
  21. I did some reading. So this is topical? How much is the systemic absorption? I would not take an anti androgen orally as a male. It would have a castrating effect. If topical, biggest worry and need to know would be plasma concentration. it would work similar to topical spironolactone
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