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Everything posted by shiba1985

  1. My eyes first went to the pics and I was gonna say you don’t need any in the crown. Then I saw ur post it says u allready had work done. It looks good. You would need Not even 100 grafts
  2. a traditional tattoo goes deeper hence it spreads more. A traditional tattoo ink is different than SMP ink. it has blue color in it. it will fade and be bluish with time. SMP or body hair into FUE scars is your only reasonable option. SMP is good for 3 years then it fades and has to be touched up but never completely disappears
  3. Yes to me it looks like you have continued to have miniaturization. Tough position. Consider talking to your doctor about adding minoxidil or going to Dutasteride or both.
  4. Former. not only is he a bit less, but he works on one patient per day and controls the whole procedure. the later has multiple procedures going on, sure there are some home runs, but how many strikes are there who knows.
  5. just send his office this thread. they ARE absolutely a part of your record. My thoughts are they have lost them. There is no reason they would not release the photos to you. If they have lost them you can ask them for a monetary compensation. Having said that, while it would help to have a photos from diep, in this day and age most people have tons of photos on smart phones. i am sure you can find enough photos there to give Gabel and idea of your hair loss patterns before and after
  6. This is a ball-sy restoration for someone with your level of hairloss and your balding pattern. I would have recommended something much more conservative to keep it looking natural. From the side view you can see there is a gap between where you existing hair stops and where the hair transplant begins.
  7. you ask to speak with the physician or the owner of the clinic. You explain what happened. Most likely he will offer another date. if they give you a hard time, report them to the business and medical board. No legit clinic would give you a hard time about this. Assuming everything you are saying is truth.
  8. Bro give it a rest. Yes the forum has some bias. But if you have a little bit of common sense and can navigate through it, it’s a very useful forum. Melvin, just ignore the troll. You can’t ban his whole ip?
  9. No. Shouldn’t be this itchy though. Maybe try applying some ointment that provides moisturizing effect
  10. If anyone dislodges a graft they need to put in sterile saline solution right away so it doesn’t dry out. Since most people won’t have that at home, I think regular contact lens solution may be a good alternative.
  11. Most likely they won’t survive. Grafts will dry out within 4-5 minutes max. 25 minutes for sure they will dry out. Once dried they are dead. Sorry but just being honest
  12. Surgeons not gonna give u anything for free., there is no surgical error other than taking grafts out of safe donor zone that allows them to grow for two years and then go dormant.
  13. If you have a good head of hair (which u do) transplant can make you have great hair. if you have ok hair transplant will make you have good hair. it’s all relative on where u start. if you allready are an 8 out of 10 some people say don’t risk trying to go for perfection. But I think the risk is worth taking as long as u go to a good doctor.
  14. I would go with Dr peki… u don’t need a transplant but if you want one you can have a better hairline. I believe he books 3 months out
  15. no i have not had a procedure at Eugenix. I am not denying the techs can do good work, but you really believe a tech that was hired a month ago and working on a patient will tell the patient, hey buddy I am practicing on you. Everyone starts somewhere don't they? I am sorry, people can have their opinion but I dont have any respect for doctors that choose not to be in operating room with THEIR patient while he/she is being operated on. I dont care how good or bad the work is period.
  16. in that case, it is a hit or miss. When the doctor is minimally involved techs come and go. it is hard to know what you are getting. i was thinking maybe dr das being a junior doctor will be more involved in the surgery. but doesnt sould like thats a case.
  17. What does the doctor do? Who does the extractions and recipient sites?
  18. you have the type of hair, where most surgeons in the world should be able to hit a home run.
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