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Everything posted by shiba1985

  1. What does the doctor do? Who does the extractions and recipient sites?
  2. you have the type of hair, where most surgeons in the world should be able to hit a home run.
  3. Congratulations. I have seen this doctors work and it’s always consistent and good. you are one of the few patients who probably told the doctor that the hairline is too low. Lol. I am sure he doesn’t see that often
  4. I don’t think it will hurt. Just if u r using a helmet type wait 14 days to put it on the scalp
  5. With such a huge price difference, Dr das work is good. I would pick Dr das unless you are a rich fellow.
  6. Well … finasteride is the cheapest and most effective way to prevent hair loss/ maintain/ regrow. the problem is most people don’t want to take finasteride; so the other options are prp, laser caps, minoxidil, etc. none of these work nearly as well and are many times more expensive than finasteride. But for people that don’t want to take finasteride but still want to try to maintain their hair they have to fork out the big bucks… If your friends results are similar to a guy on finasteride that itself points anecdotally to the fact that prp worked
  7. yes some doctors are better at minimizing scarring. Usually those doctors charge more as they can do a lot fewer grafts in a day then someone who is using a bigger punch and harvest more per hour. LOT of factors come into play. Reddy is pretty good at harvesting from hwat results i have seen posted here.
  8. Could be a hurried follicle/ in grown hair causing inflammation infection. Call ur doc. Apply topical abx until then.
  9. you cant judge the angle by how your wispy weak hair is coming in. They are still weak and dont have a lot of structure. They will stand up more and start taking direction. Your post op photos do not look too bad, unless you are like happy/sadman2021 and care about every single hair follicle than yeh you may not be happy. A wise man once said "perfection is the enemy of good." At first I thought what bogus saying is this, but some people mess up good and lose everything trying to acheive perfection. I would say stop fretting for now.
  10. Yes. This is unusual but you are Converting lot of the extra test into estrogen which is causing a negative feedback loop. Estrogen blocks the pituitary from releasing lh and FSH which, hormones that cause the testes to produce testosterone. I woild repeat labs one more time to make sure it’s not an error. If it is not then I would stop finasteride. I have never seen anyone increase their estrogen by 100 x . Are you sure you are reading the right labs and units.. comparing apples to apples
  11. Finasteride increases your testosterone level. Its potential for side effects is from lowering Dihydrotestosterone. Both Dr Path and Dr Laorwong are highly qualified surgeon. I would let them decide whicever punch they feel is best and not interfere with the minutia. They will use the smallest one possible, yet big enough to prevent injury to follicles. this can vary based on your hair thickness and splay. No one can tell you about how you will scar with the smallest punch. It may or may not be noticeable, and if noticeable it may be camoflougable by SMP. It is a very difficult question to answer. I will say if you use finasteride the odds of you ever having to buzz your head cause of baldness will be low. I personally prefer Dr Laowrong over Dr Path for FUE but you cant go wrong with either.
  12. Check dr alba Reyes in Dominican Republic. She is really good w Afro hair and prices maybe cheaper!
  13. I am sorry friend. Be patient wait till 12 months, even if it doesn’t improve it is easily fixable , if you don’t have any underlying disease. moreover if u continue to take Dutasteride and minoxidil you will probably have enough supply for your future demands. i don’t agree with the clinic just putting you on steroid shampoo without proper diagnosis. That to me is a bit laziness. If they are suspecting a inflammation they should atleast get you in for a check up or send you to a medical hair loss specialist
  14. I think caucasians have the highest rate of male pattern baldness. Asians are in the moderate. blacks have the lowest rate of MPB. lucky Native americans had zero % rate of baldness back in the day before mixing of genes
  15. You are comparing your results with someone who is on oral finateride for 10+ years and has had only one subpar surgery that too FUT (i believe) so he had a ton of grafts available. I dont mean to be a bearer of bad news but your expectations need to be realistic going into this. There is less than a 10% chance you will come out looking like the Dr hasson patient ur posting.
  16. There is too much hoopla about "out of body" time and graft survival and DHI technique. I think it is all BS. It is true that you dont want them to sit outside body for hours and hours on end, but the survival doesnt go down much between 1,2,3,4,5,6 hours even with a basic holding solution like normal saline. I rather have a clinic that plans properly and "takes their time" to execute the surgery properly, then try to rush things to bring down the out of body time for each graft and messing up or giving subpar extraction or receipient design in the process. All things being equal, it is correct you want to minimize the out of body time, but it is much further down the list of priorities than what some clinics may have you believe.
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