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Everything posted by shiba1985

  1. You should contact @drtaleb barghouti. He has experience with exactly what you are asking for. It is doable as long as you realize it’s a life long commitment. dr barghouti has a case posted somewhere that has a hair system in back and transplant in front
  2. It does matter a bit. Older peoples hair follicles are not as robust. The circulation is also not as robust. All the reason though you need a above average HT surgeon to take your case.
  3. Continue using minoxidil foam. See what it looks like after a year. Options include SMP and body to donor area transplants. So taking beard or body hair and putting it in donor area. Cheers
  4. yikes. still a lot of room to improve. but who was the clinic, what doctor. and any post op pics. with that information we can advice better.
  5. It is a weird predicament to be in. You are right. Most surgeons should have the confidence enough to have their work be upheld to scrutiny. But I have a feeling lot of surgeon get offended by it and may take it out on the patient via passive aggressiveness. I wish it was not like that but there are so many different egos and personalities in surgery.
  6. What you refer to as temples is not your temples. It’s the lateral portion of the frontal hairline. Still not a good result. How much refund would you say you would call acceptable? I agree 2k is ridiculous.
  7. Patients go into hair surgery with the wrong thought process. An average reddittor is thinking how can I jam pack the most amount of grafts into an area. The way it should be thought about is how can I create a natural and good coverage with the least amount of grafts possible. Hair loss is not going to stop. you want to cover the most ground with the least possible that way you can enjoy a full head of hair for the rest of your life.
  8. it is not. I think your hair is strong and your result will be just as good as a FUEexpert patient. or close to it. A lot depends on how strong the patients donor area is. All of Cuotos patient (99%) have to be on finasteride and minoxidil. This leads to a very strong donor area. Your end result directly correlates with how strong the donor area is, and that is why those results are good. But even if you see one of his patient that posted a thread, yes he looks great but when you look at his mid scalp density, it is very low. Maybe 20 FU/ cm2 or even lower.
  9. this is probably average to slightly above average density you can get from one hair transplant. if you are not happy with it, you have unrealistic expectations and need to do a bit more research on the forum.
  10. The mounts you are referring to is the epidermal cap that comes with the follicle when you punch them out in FUE. Two reasons for not seeing the mounts are 1.) the clinic purposefully trims them during processing. It is a "vestigial" tissue so it is not needed, and looks "ugly" so trimming them looks better for cosmetic 2. If a really small punch is use when going after small follicles, so the epidermal cap is so small that despite not trimming it is not visible.
  11. Indeed. Same with topical minox. So if u don’t see yourself using it forever no point on going on it temporarily. Then finasteride alone. tbh if I had to just pick one med to be on for hair loss finasteride would be the one. So you are good.
  12. Yes definitely don’t start Dutasteride if you don’t intend to stay on it. You will gain and then lose it all. KISS - keep it simple stay on finasteride and if you want add topical minoxidil.
  13. I combine 1 scoop of NOW Unflavored whey isolate + 1 scoop of ON chocolate Casein for around 40 ish grams of protein in water + 2 splenda. I blend it with magic bullet or any small blender. it tastes good.
  14. on the global scale i would say it is the opposite. 75% of transplants are being done as FUE and 25% as FUT. Also there are patients that are better served with FUT, that are being misguided into getting an FUE and vice versa. Unscrupulous doctors.
  15. recession in temple is rarely symmetrical. Since hair transplant cant get you back to native density, working with patients styling helps with graft efficiency. the OP mentions he styles his hair right to left.
  16. Yeh that is almost a 11 or 12 mm punch. It may heal fine, but at that size you run the risk of damaging adjacent follicles that you are not extracting as there is not enough space. I think some of his latest surgeries the extraction sites look a little bit better.
  17. from personal experience, i have noticed more hair loss from starting stopping meds. then staying on some consistently or not starting them at all. They say if you stop you go back to what you would have been if you did not take it at all, but how can one truly measure that? whether you were going to progress all the time you were on meds... or not progress.. ahh too complex to explain but get what i am saying?
  18. in your case, i would just stay on finasteride and that is it. not sure why you stopped it for surgery. that is not needed. Dont over think this. the only way i would consider starting minoxidil is if you plan to use it life long like u use finasteride. otherwise it wont make any difference if you hair transplant succeeds or fail.
  19. This question is difficult to answer but i will try. Oral minoxidil is not necessary for surgery itself to be successful. a good surgery should stand alone by itself without minoxidil. If you take minoxidil your results will look more "wow" since it will beef up your hair both the transplanted and existing i.e. Each strand will be thicker. so for eg. let us say your average hair shaft is 65 um, with minoxidil it maybe 75 um. this small difference can result in a big visual difference cosmetically. Also more % of follicles will be in Anagen phase. However when you stop taking the minoxidil, it will go back to the way it was going to be without minoxidil. Meaning if you dont want to take it forever, no point in taking it and stopping. 5 mg is a hefty dose. I would not take it forever. but that is just my personal opinion. Medications are more a strategy to combat further hair loss. That is the main use for them, not so much for the success of surgery.
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