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Everything posted by shiba1985

  1. healthy skepticism is never a bad thing. Without microscopes and using the smallest punches ever head off, are we just supposed to believe he is extracting complete follicular units? There is no breakdown of the grafts used i.e. how many singles, doubles and so on... just 12000 grafts units, 8000 grafts and so on. Guess what, if someone extract 6000 doubles and cuts them up that also makes "12000" grafts. At the end of the day results are the only thing that matters though. So if a patient has trust in him they should no doubt go to him. But a healthy skepticism is never a bad thing.
  2. I remember commenting on your thread “ This is a ball-sy restoration for someone with your level of hairloss and your balding pattern. I would have recommended something much more conservative to keep it looking natural. From the side view you can see there is a gap between where you existing hair stops and where the hair transplant begins. “ I wish more clinics would be real and plan with the long term cosmetic appearance of the patient in mind, instead of just looking at short term gratification.
  3. as you know,absolutely NOTHING can 100% guarantee a successful surgical result. All you can do is try your best. You did your best researching and planning. Things did not work out but you can hold your head high that you crossed all the Ts and dotted all the Is and made a very informed decision, which as a patient is all you can do. I would say before you commit to another full blown procedure, who ever you select for the next surgery do a test run with 300-500 grafts. See how they take. Then plan on a larger procedure.
  4. No one says low hairline looks unnatural in old age. the devil is in the detail:- LOW transplanted hairline will look unnatural because there will never be enough grafts available to reach the density required for a natural looking low hairline in 99.9% of transplant patients. That combined with the abnormal looking pattern that will develop as the patient will age and lose more hair will look absurd.
  5. Your post history reveals the doc. Did you end up going to the USA operation site?
  6. absolutely, I agree not wanting to take any risks. But inhibiting dht can do a lot of things effecting your genes it doesn’t .
  7. Do you want my honest opinion. You seem to have a lot of anxiety surrounding your mild hairline recession. No one can promise you no shock loss or even guarantee results. You also seem to be fooling yourself into believing you will never have Androgenetic Alopecia. At 20 there is no way to predict the future of your hair genetics. IMO you are too young and not mature or stable enough psychologically to understand the risks benefits of the hair transplant you want. Sorry just being honest form the numerous thread you have made on this topic. you may not like it but i think people should be told the truth.
  8. I am very surprised too. post op looked impeccable enough that I thought this was going to be ahomerun. Wonder what happened. What did the doctor say.
  9. there is nothing to prepare. buy tickets go in september. dont try to overthink. you will find a prp place, and lets be honest prp is not going to make or break the result. if you go in september by summer 2024 you will be enjoying your new hair. if u go in 2024 you will not enjoy it till 2025
  10. There are dermatolgists that "know" hair, and then there are dermatolgists that "REALLY KNOW" hair. Every dermatologist will get exposure to alopecia during their training. So when they come out, they can market themselves as hair loss treating doctors, which is true for the average population they have enough knowledge to tackle 95% of the patients, and the patients will be satisfied. But the average patient on THIS forum is obsessed with our hair loss, and we know stuff that the average patient doesnt. For patients like you and me you have to go to Dermatologists that live, breathe and treat hair conditions. They are not as common.
  11. you are suffering from some body dysmorphia to be obsessed with something so minor but at the same time, if anyone can afford to be aggressive , it is someone like you. Go for it. get on the waiting list.
  12. everytime i click this thread, I am impressed by the results. Just wow. one of the best results i have ever seen.
  13. fantastic. yes cases like this.. Would love to see more of these.
  14. Also, results where the hair loss is not as advance. Sometimes it is "easier" to restore a completely bald surface area. You are transplanting grafts without any worry about collateral damage. As long as there is good growth it will look good. Sometimes it is a lot more technically challenging to restore someone with a lower degree of hair loss that needs careful transplant to minimize collateral damage with existing hair in that area.
  15. really good. Look at how high the hairline starts. It is almost half an inch into the scalp. It is a must if you want to restor extensive real estate with decent coverage. If you suggest most patients on this forum that hairline they start having an emotinal breakdown.
  16. while he does sound credible, just cause an MD posted something on youtube and quoted a few "new" studies does not make it the new truth. The link between finasteride and prostate cancer is still pretty complex the last I reviewed. It may decrease cancer but may cause more cancers as it can delay detection. AKA your PSA maynot increase despite harboring a malignancy due to finasteride. While someone not on finasteride will have a sharp rise causing a red flag sooner, and hence able to take action sooner. Not saying that he may not be right but take it cause you want to to prevent hair not cause of this.
  17. I am eager to know how you can say anything about donor area from those photos?
  18. very nice. How long was each day? Do you have any pics in between days, like after day 1 , day 2. Did he break it down between each day - front and back or middle and sides?
  19. You can stop the formation of DHT or you can block the DHT binding to the receptor. The end result and the sides will be the same. It is not like it will only block the androgen receptor in the hair follicle. Any little bit of it that gets absorbed and becomes systemic will block the androgen receptor in your genitourinary system as well.
  20. isnt pyrilutamide allready avaliable through compounding. I dont know what is so earth shattering about using an anti androgen to treat male pattern baldness. Obviously it will work, but brings all the risks on blocking androgen with it. Please correct me if i am wrong
  21. It can be swelling. sometimes it makes the lines really uneven temporarily. Once the swelling subsides the lines become like they were drawn.
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