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  1. I have a very robust beard, and I would like to see if they can be used for donor restocking and perhaps scalp as well. Right now I have some FUT scars that I think would be a great area to see if beard grafts can grow in it. From reviews, it seems that Eugenix and Dr Mwamba have the most reviews with using beard grafts, but I would like to expand my options. After that, it seems maybe dr Bisanga has a lot of experience with beard grafts. I am in the US, so it would be great if I can go to a US doctor. I saw Dr Josephitis has a video on beard graft, he said he has 80% yield, which seems to be what other top doctors experience with beard grafts have. Is there anyone else who should be in my Radar?
  2. Fit farming is when you have a FUE procedure and during the same procedure, you use beard grafts in the FUE punchouts. Donor restocking is when you create an incision into the FUE scar and plant a beard graft. Which has better survival? Grafts may not grow as well in scar tissue. But with fit farming, there is a void of material, vs a incision with donor restocking, where you can press the skin back together to hold the graft in place. Which may result in better survival?
  3. Did you get you surgical report? I got mines, and it said that I had a high number of weak grafts and telogen phase grafts. Mine mostly seemed to turn out ok, except so for a few dozen grafts that seem to be frozen as stubble.
  4. Maybe that area was done last, and the grafts were out the longest?
  5. I haven't done a consult with him yet, it great to hear he is looking for a new clinic space. I wonder what happened to this old clinics in New Jersey and Atlanta?
  6. I was hoping to see him for beard graft stuff, but he doesn't have prices in the US anymore, I would have to see him in Brussels. I noticed Dr Bisanga is also there, who is the other top beard transplant guy.
  7. I've noticed neck beard grafts are in a very vascular area at the neck, and then maybe less at the chin and jaw. I wonder if there's some sort of correlation of how well they would do on the mid vs vertex/crown. Another area I see them being used is in the FUT scars and FUE scars. Maybe it would be aesthetically optimal to use them in the FUT/FUE scar, but since it's scar tissue, and beard grafts already have a 80% survival rate (vs 90-95 with scalp hair), maybe it's best to use them in mid scalp since that's the most vascular (assuming the frontal region is out of the question). Though I have seen them being used in the crown and FUT scars. Perhaps the survivability is not dependent on the vascular-ness of the area?
  8. This is interesting to read because when I did hairline design with him, I think it was too juvenile for my preference. He seems to follow the 1 finger above the frontalis muscle rule, but I felt that for my head and face shape, I thought that it would be too juvenile. I think if you're going below the 1 finger above the frontalis muscles, it would maybe be pretty juvenile, but the 1 finger can vary. I think it depends on the face and head shape, for me I felt going well above that would be ideal for my head and face shape. I think for a guy like Paul Rudd, who has a big forehead but no hair recession I could notice, for sometime like that going near the bottom of the 1 finger would be ideal.
  9. update, it looks like a final result a while back, especially in the front, the mid has caught up Regular light high light where you would see the scalp of no hairloss people It's denser in the front than mid to create the illusion of density, interesting to see how it works, he's the mid with my front hair down Pretty good result, I think. Not yet a year though so bonus if it keeps going. No update on the stubble though. There's stubble that was always there or grew in pretty early, but haven't grown out, I think it's a small percent of the total grafts though. Skin quality in the punchout area I think also improved. I think it might look 100% the same as my regular skin. A few months ago there were subtle differences but it's really hard to find them now. Pretty impressive because I think I scar easily. Some of the punched out hairs grew back but that's normal since sometimes they grow in tricky ways and it can be hard to figure out where the root is. But I'm planning on building upon the base which would cover them.
  10. Which clinic did you go to? Beard tends to have a low survival rate and needs a lot of expertise
  11. Does he do body hair? I have seen some threads including myself where some stubbles grow out pretty early after a transplant, but don't grow. One user recently said it's the same 11 months post op. Has he ever seen this? What might be the issue?
  12. I posted one too 5.5 months for me. For me it's maybe like 25 stubbles while overall had a pretty good yield.
  13. If you're in San Diego I would recommend checking out Timothy Carmen. He's on the elite surgeon panel here. I had a consultation with him and was impressed by his knowledge. Unfortunately he didn't have many recent reviews.
  14. I just reached month 5, but I think these were here pretty early. Not sure when, at most week 6, at the earliest week 2 when I started feeling around my hair.
  15. I have some hard stubble on my scalp post-op. They seem to be make a small percent of total grafts but I'm still curious about how they'll end up. I don't remember if these are grafts that were implanted and never fell out, or just grow out early and never grew after, I wasn't keeping track. These stubbles are hard, like beard stubble. I searched this forum for 'stubble not growing' and found a bunch of threads, but none gave any conclusions. Trying in case someone can give some info. You can click on the pictures and then zoom in.
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