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Everything posted by EvoXOhio

  1. Ok that’s what I thought. I guess I don’t really understand why they do it versus just putting each graft in it’s own incision. It seems like that would provide for a more natural look. I definitely definitely didn’t realize they’d be cramming multiple follicles into one incision, but admittedly I was pretty ignorant when I got this procedure. I’m fairly certain everyone here is opposed to multi follicular units though.
  2. Thanks! I guess I’m not entirely sure what the multi follicular units/chunky grafts are exactly. Does it mean they take two or more unique grafts/follicles from the donor area and jam them together into one incision slot in the recipient area?
  3. Nice! Where are you going? I’m going to Hairline Ink Chicago.
  4. Ok cool. It’s going to be kind of hard for my to really judge it’s effectiveness, because I’m 8 months post hairline and crown HT so my results from that are still approving. Also I’m getting full scalp SMP I’m the month. So I likely won’t be able to accurately gauge if it’s working or not based on how much scalp I see. I’m going to try to find spots with miniaturized hairs in my mid scalp (where I didn’t get any hair added with my HT) and compare those over time.
  5. What I have is a topical that is 0.1%, but I plan to apply once a week. Does that sound right?
  6. I had PRP with my HT, never tried exosomes. I really don’t know if either are really effective, I need to read up on them.
  7. Yeah I got it from strut, it came really fast. I found a discord where they were discussing topical DUT, and several others complained about the gel because they had hair. They said the switched to the liquid and it’s 1000 times easier to apply and get onto the scalp. I’ve asked strut to switch me. The guys there also said what a lot of guys said here - you should only be applying once a week, not daily. the pill scares me because of its side effects. Even if I don’t notice any (I don’t get any from fin) I worry about the long term health effects on my prostate if I’m taking a pill that shuts down 95% of system DHT.
  8. Thanks I appreciate the input. The minoxidil situation is similar, but in my case I just use about double the dosage of foam and as the foam spreads around it kind of becomes a liquid and then gets to the scalp. It also helps that minoxidil foam takes awhile to absorb in. Unfortunately this gel stuff stays as a gel and absorbs quickly, and it’s not advised to use more than the recommended amount, plus it’s a monthly prescription so if I use too much I’ll run out I had the same thought about wetting it, but they specifically say to make sure your hair is not wet before applying or else the gel won’t absorb into the scalp as well. Since making this post I found some people discussing the same issue on a Discord chat. Apparently Strut also has a liquid version, and the guys on Discord who have a lot of hair said the liquid gets to the scalp way better. So I’m going to ask Strut to change me to the liquid.
  9. Alright so I got my topical dutasteride. It’s in a gel like form, and they say to use 1-3 pumps. My issue is that even 3 pumps is hardly anything, it’s maybe the size of a nickel. I feel like no matter how I try to rub it into the scalp, I’m likely getting most if not all of it in my hair instead. I can’t figure out how to ensure it’s getting on my scalp. I think if it was a straight liquid it would be better, but for whatever reason the place I bought it from (Strut) makes it as a gel.
  10. Alright so I got my topical dutasteride. It’s in a gel like form, and they say to use 1-3 pumps. My issue is that even 3 pumps is hardly anything, it’s maybe the size of a nickel. I feel like no matter how I try to rub it into the scalp, I’m likely getting most if not all of it in my hair instead. I can’t figure out how to ensure it’s getting on my scalp. I think if it was a straight liquid it would be better, but for whatever reason the place I bought it from (Strut) makes it as a gel.
  11. This is nuts. I’ve seen good HTs that don’t get this sort of improvement.
  12. I just ordered from strut: https://www.strutyours.com/?utm_medium=paidsearch&utm_source=google&campaignid=9557892932&adgroupid=98180586397&network=g&device=m&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjPaCBhDkARIsAISZN7Qn4temL_S2xC7B6-cZ-jIqjkOZuFxgkLr911cx56yQxw1EXEPwlA4aArkgEALw_wcB it arrived 3 days later. Meanwhile I am still waiting for the DUT I ordered from Mwamba 6 weeks ago. I likely won’t be able to do a very controlled review since my hair is still improving from my HT 8 months ago and I’m about to get full scalp density SMP. so if my hair looks better there will be lots of variables involved.
  13. These results are insane for 4 months. I saw this on the Instagram and I already commented there too. When you hit 12 months you’re going to have the look of native density in your hairline. and your donor looks untouched and it’s ridiculously thick. I’m pretty sure you could could have been a Norwood 6 and restored yourself to a Norwood 0.
  14. 4 months is just the beginning for most people. I think I saw the biggest improvement from months 4-7. In fact, check out my thread and look at the picture I posted today. It shows my crown at 0, 4, and 8 months. I don’t yet have the density I wanted, but you can see the drastic change from 4 to 8 months. And that’s the crown which is the worse damn area, hairline and mid scalp will grow faster and look denser.
  15. I second the beard comment. Your neck beard hair is so thick, dark, and dense I think the hair there alone could restore a Norwood 3 to a full head of hair. 😂 I have a thick beard too, but the consistency and color don’t match my hair at all so I’d never be able to use mine.
  16. Lots of us here love seeing our fellow balding brothers update us with their progress. If the results are good, we get joy in seeing other men enjoying their life with new hair. And if the results aren’t good, we can support each other and help the person find a doctor to repair the work.
  17. Thanks. Considering this is a franchise type place and I was completely ignorant about HTs, I am very happy with the results. Hopefully I’ll hear back tomorrow about graft counts, and then I’ll post it here.
  18. I don’t recall if they ever told me, I’m going to email them and ask. All I vaguely remember them saying is that the hairs (total hairs not grafts) transplanted were either 8,000 or 9,000. When I got this done I had never heard of this forums and didn’t know crap about HTs, so I didn’t know all the things to ask and remember.
  19. The ONLY downside to these pictures is seeing how thin my mid scalp is. I knew it was thinning but not to this level. My hair is long now so I can’t see it. But hopefully the SMP I’m getting plus the topical dutasteride I’m starting today will improve the look on the mid scalp if I cut my hair short.
  20. It really does. I also think that I had forgotten how balding I was and over the last 8 months I’ve seen steady improvement so how I used to look was forgotten. I also obviously didn’t take pictures of my scalp or hairline prior to all this, so I didn’t have a frame of reference. And in general I just didn’t have a lot of pictures of me that showed my hair. I showed these to my fiancé and said “wtf why did you let me walk around looking like this, half my hair was gone. You should have told me to shave it bald! 😂”
  21. I had my 8 month follow up yesterday. I expressed my concerns about my crown thinness. He of course said to give it more time, but then he pulled out my pre-op and 4 months pictures to compare. I didn’t have copies of these pictures, and I didn’t have any pictures of my own from the same timeframe. After comparing the progress, I am now 100% happy with my results. I do plan on getting SMP on my scalp to add crown density, but that’s just to augment this. in the picture below the left column is pre-op, middle is 4 months after, right column is 8 months after.
  22. I don’t know how it can get any better from a third HT, it looks amazing. Do you have any pictures from before your first HT?
  23. I know, it’s ridiculous. A disproportional amount of rockstars and movie stars seem to keep all their hair. I’m sure for many of them it’s hair transplants or wigs but it can’t be all of them...
  24. Ha, you’re borderline psychic. That was summer of 1995 and yes I did in fact have hoop earrings in both ears. I was a huge Grunge fan. I ended up growing it another 6 months until it was down to my shoulders. I don’t seem to have any pictures though Want to know the worst part? I cut all the hair off that winter and started shaving it. Man if I knew then what I know now, I would have kept it long while I had it!
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