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Everything posted by EvoXOhio

  1. I never said people shouldn’t take anything. And I never said fin doesn’t work. Please don’t put words in my mouth. I do topical minoxidil and oral fin currently, and I have a shipment of topical dut on the way so I’ll be starting that soon. I don’t get sides from fin so I’m going to do everything I can to stop hair loss. My comment was simply pointing out that fin or dut aren’t a requirement to stabilize hair loss, and they aren’t a guarantee either. And not everyone can take them due to sides. I think it is always advisable to take fin or dut if your body can handle it. I’m not sure why you’re being so combative and argumentative here, as well as putting words in my mouth. This isn’t the place for that, this is a place to others with their hair loss. Good day to you sir.
  2. I’m confused as to why your new hairline doesn’t go all the way down to your existing hairline in the middle. Is the intent that you’re going to shave that area below your new hairline?
  3. Do you have any comparison pics of 12 months versus 18 months? I’ve seen several people say the same thing but haven’t seen any pictures.
  4. Most people have zero growth at 2.5 months. This is normal. Most people at this stage look worse than before the transplant, it’s called the ugly duckling stage.
  5. Everyone is different. Lots of people here don’t take fin or dut and they stabilized their hair loss with minoxidil. Others require it to stabilize. Then there’s others who take it all and still lose hair.
  6. Yeah he definitely pulls it off and looks way better than that rat he used to wear on his head. But man, if I had his money I’d go to the best HT doctor in the world and pay for a perfect head of hair.
  7. I watched his new show on Netflix tonight, where his head is shaved bald. He has a pretty big FUT scar from ear to ear. It looks like he had SMP on his entire head so the scar looks decent considering.
  8. Hasson and Wong continue to churn out top tier results all the time.
  9. Not everyone needs fin or dut to stabilize, or they have side effects from it and can’t take it. So for some minoxidil may stabilize their loss.
  10. No, you definitely want to stabilize your hair loss before you get surgery. You ALSO want to take fin/DUT and min after your surgery too to prevent further loss. But it’s very important to stabilize hair loss before surgery so you know what kind of work you need done. Dr. Mwambas site is fueclinic.com
  11. That’s funny because I had the exact opposite effect from sea salt spray. I had heard it would add volume and reduce frizz (my hair is naturally frizzy and wiry), so I bought some. It does make it look a lot smoother, but it drastically reduced my volume and made my hair look flat, and I had noticeable visible scalp in the mid region. That being said, I applied mine to towel dried hair, I didn’t do it wet and blow dry like you said. I don’t have a blow dryer to even test it out. I may have to find a way to try it because it was the one product that made my hair look noticeably less wiry.
  12. This. You need to stabilize your hair loss for a year minimum before surgery.
  13. Dr. Mwamba’s price is about $90-100 per bottle, but it lasts 3 months.
  14. Well, there’s your answer. I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but Bosley is a hair mill. They consistently turn out very poor results, and mediocre results at best. Take the time to read up on them on this forum to learn more. I have never seen scars like this at all. They will likely calm down a bit over time, but I can’t see them healing entirely or even close to it. I’m hoping a doctor or someone more knowledgeable can chime in. But I suspect you won’t be able to wear your hair buzzed that short any more. There’s also a good chance you won’t be happy with the results of the transplant and will need to go to a reputable surgeon to fix it. I know this is probably difficult to hear. But this is a great forum and there are a great bunch of guys here to support you and help you get educated on a proper HT and how to find a reputable surgeon.
  15. Results look great! I don’t mean to be rude but I have to ask, why are you scribbling over just your eyes in your pictures? I get when people block out there entire face for privacy, but putting a few lines over your eyes isn’t going to hide your identity from someone who knows you. If you were a friend, family member, or even an acquaintance I’d be able to immediately tell it was you from these pictures. Just passing this along if your intent is privacy.
  16. I don’t do anything special really so not sure a video would help. For the wax I put a fingernail size on, run through my hair, comb it out, then tossle and style it with my fingers. for the powder I spray about 4 pumps on, run through hair and do same process as with wax.
  17. I bought this one from Amazon based on reviews. No idea if it’s the best or if they’re all the same: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BNJRLY5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_K486ZG558WQB3RRQM7B1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  18. I have not used any fibers or concealers. I don’t think I will need to given how well my HT is going so far.
  19. You’re welcome. I’ve seen this so many times, it inspired me to make a post showing the difference. Check it out:
  20. On my opinion I think the styling powder creates the best illusion of density, but it does leave the hair quite dry. The wax provides almost equal amounts of density, but feels less dry. I go back and forth between the two products.
  21. Dry hair, with a styling powder in my hair. Virtually no visible scalp showing on mid scalp. Crown still has some due to me only being 7 months out after my transplant, and have not achieved full growth yet. But scalp is not as visible as wet it wet look product.
  22. Dry hair, with a dry/matte wax in my hair. Virtually no visible scalp showing on mid scalp. Crown still has some due to me only being 7 months out after my transplant, and have not achieved full growth yet. But scalp is not as visible as wet it wet look product.
  23. Dry hair, but with a wet look pomade product in my hair. Almost as much visible scalp as just wet.
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