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Everything posted by EvoXOhio

  1. I’m pretty happy with the front. I’m really harsh light it’s a little see through still, so I certainly wouldn’t mind if it thickened up a bit. But if it doesn’t, I’ll still be happy with how it is now.
  2. I’m only at the 6 month mark so I can’t speak for long term. But I was seeing some growth at 3 months. At 4 months I saw noticeable growth. At 5 months my hair line is pretty full, but the crown is lagging. I haven’t seen much of a change between months 5 and 6. I’m actually worried I won’t get any more growth. I hope I’m wrong because I’m not happy with my crown. Whats weirder about mine is I didn’t get the thing wispy hairs that I read about. My hairs came in normally. The new hairs on my hair line are as thick as my remaining hair in the donor area.
  3. It definitely looks way thicker in the mid top region. The front is a bit too tossled so it’s allowing some skin to come through. Since your front is thinner, maybe do the same thing you did, but then also take a comb to it to straighten and tighten it up like before? So it would the the same style and combing as when it was wet, just dry it and use wax.
  4. Awesome I hope it helps! Another thing I use a thickening conditioner. I wasn’t initially sure if it was truly working, but if I don’t use it for a couple days I notice my hair looks less fuller. This is the one I use: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0752GR3ZM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_mbCbGb75E3GQV
  5. My wet pic above is just water, then I ran a comb through it. No gel or anything.
  6. Here’s some pictures to illustrate it. Notice how much more scalp is visible when my hair is styled wet.
  7. I towel dry my hair completely dry, then I apply rogaine foam and massage it into the scalp until it’s completely dry. I then let my hair continue to dry out and acclimate while I shave. then after that I put a small amount of wax in my hair, then work it evenly through my hair, and kind of tossel it/tease it to get the volume. Then from there I add a part with my comb then style it with my hands. this is the wax I use: TIGI Bed Head for Men Matte Separation Workable Wax, 3 Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002N5MI2S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_EOibGbEVYJHRD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  8. Your results are great so far. I think the biggest thing working against you is that you style your hair wet. Wet or even the wet look makes our hair look thinner and makes it easier to see skin underneath. Try towel or blow drying your hair, then style with a product that makes the hair look dry and matte. I use wax (just use a little, too much will make it look wet) or styling powder and both make my hair look noticeably fuller when compared to styling it wet or with products with a wet look.
  9. Thanks guys. Yeah I don’t have any plans to wear concealer. I never leave the house as is anyway. But the reason I don’t want to wear it, is because if my crown doesn’t fully fill in, then I’m stuck wearing concealer forever, or stop wearing it then people wonder why I suddenly thinned out. I wish I could stop obsessing about it. I must stare at my crown in the mirror five times a day. I know I need to relax and be patient but it tough. Mostly because I just haven’t seen any new hairs sprout through in like a month, so I’m worried that no new hairs will pop up, and my only hope is that the ones I have thicken up.
  10. Because I can’t stop obsessing over my crown, lol, I took more pictures tonight. This is what frustrates me. I took these two pics back to back, in the same bathroom, 1 minute apart. The only difference is the one that looks bad was directly under very harsh light, whereas the other one wasn’t. Just based on what direction I was facing in the bathroom. it just makes me wonder if all these great results I see here are under normal lighting or harsh lighting. My crown goes from looking almost fully covered to a big bald spot just by a shift in light. im worried I didn’t get enough density, and my best case end result is I will still look like I’m balding. Or I grow my hair long enough to cover it, but then that’s pretty much a comb over.
  11. Thanks! Yes I was endowed with great beard genetics. I’ve had a full beard and chest hair since age 14. 😂 thanks all the reassurance on my progress. I’ve seen lots of people in the same boat at 5 months who went on to have full crowns, but then others who really didn’t get much more growth. So I guess I’m stuck waiting.
  12. Thanks! I really don’t leave the house ever due to Covid, save for the going to the grocery once a week. I work from home and never go anywhere. So basically nobody sees me.
  13. Thanks guys. I guess the pictures in bright light are what have me worried. When I look at the crown up close the transplanted hairs just look really spaced out. I tried to take a picture but just couldn’t get one that showed what I’m seeing. what is everyone’s thought on the hairline? I think the design and overall look and feel are pretty good and don’t look fake. I do still have a high hairline (I have a five head) but that’s because I elected to focus on the crown since it bothered me the most. At age 41 I feel like the height of my hairline is age appropriate, but I have definitely considered a second surgery down the road to bring the hair line down a bit.
  14. I’d rather not list the clinic or doctor at this time. The only reviews I have seen of the doctor on here are from many years ago. it’s not a Bosley, but I think it is a chain type place. I wish I had done more research. They have 100’s of 5 star reviews on google and Yelp, but I wish I had found this site beforehand. I paid about $12,000 for the procedure. It was FUT.
  15. Crown today in various lighting angles. In the darkest light I am super pleased with it, in the medium light it’s tolerable, but in the bright light I have a giant bald spot.
  16. Hello, about 5.5 months about I got a hair transplant. My main concern was my crown, so I told them to focus on eliminating my bald spot, then if there was any remaining hair, work on my hair line. Ironically, 5 months after my transplant, it’s my hairline that looks the most dense and that I’m happy with, but my crown I am not happy with at all. The hairline I won’t be too angry if it doesn’t get a little denser, but I do have the see through look a bit in direct light, so I’m hoping it gets a bit denser. But even if it doesn’t I think I’ll be ok with it. It’s the crown that I really have a problem with. the place I went to had great reviews, but in hind sight I wish I could have found this forum first so I could have done better research. I don’t think my results are bad per se, but I’m disappointed in the crown density in bright lights. I know that it will continue to thicken, but the spacing of the hairs makes me think it’s not going to fill in. the place I went to said they transplanted about 8000 hairs, but I don’t recall how many grafts they said it was. these are the best “before” pics I have. As you can see my crown was fairly bald, and my hair line quite receded.
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