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Everything posted by SLA

  1. Yeah, definitely...I am sure you could probably get at least another 2k from scalp donor....and then there is the beard and of course the chest which I know Bicer tends to utilize.
  2. So, I think you want to grow it longer for sure as it will provide more of an illusion of density. Throw in a dash of fibers and it would look super full! If you can get a round # 2, perhaps, Bicer can maximize your donor by infusing beard hairs to add more density to the mid-scalp; if you could get 1,500 beard hairs in the mid-scalp, if could thicken it up. Then, maybe an additional 2k scalp and 1k beard for the crown. If you did that, then I think you could look fairly full!
  3. I would NEVER have been in the position to have met with Dr. P, Dr. A and their 2 boys if not for this community! Luckily, they came by way of Washington, DC (where I live). Look forward to meeting you one day in person, @Melvin- Moderator
  4. So glad to have been a part of it @Melvin- Moderatorand FINALLY ‘meeting’ you- The Legend! You do an amazing job to keep this community growing and thriving.
  5. It looks great! Have you simply tried combing over the right side to the left side?
  6. In a million years, @Zoomster, did you ever imagine you would get these results?
  7. That's great to hear, @DrTBarghouthi- Any timeframe on when you might begin testing on patients?
  8. ...and you might opt to wait a year to see the full density of your current transplant and how your crown looks after being on finasteride. Then you will have better perspective on where you would like the grafts placed for HT#2. Probably a best course of action, especially in your situation in which there is little margin for error.
  9. You are off to a great start @quantumhairand even the little hair you have now grown makes a big difference in framing your face. Just you wait as the next few months things will take off. Also, good choice with the high hairline and your donor looks good as I am sure they could take at least another few thousand grafts, no?
  10. Looks like no grafts have been taken out, @juanjs84. Can't see any scars! How is the mid-scalp and crown growing in after HT #2?
  11. Zarev is no doubt amazing, however, I will reiterate that all of the patients I have seen have had exceptional donors and hair characteristics.
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