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Everything posted by giegnosiganoe

  1. Here are some pics of my crown area, for comparison with the ones from above when my hair was rather short. You can also kinda see my donor area. I agreed with the barber to leave the back and sides slightly long until my transplanted hair gets more dense. The problem with my hair is that it's very straight, and so if I cut the back/sides to a medium short length, it sticks out like a porcupine. So I need to go very short or long. But very short is difficult as it will expose my recipient more on the sides, plus I have very fine hair so my back/sides will be more see through. Will probably start experimenting with shorter back/sides in the coming months. Regarding my crown, and even my temple points, how many grafts do you guys reckon it would take for a noticeable improvement? I could probably live with them as is, but if it'll only take 1000 grafts or so to completely escape the appearance of balding, then I'd seriously consider it. I could also then sprinkle in a couple hundred grafts to fine tune the hairline. Interested in your thoughts.
  2. Month 4. Got a haircut. Seem to be on track, but hoping for a big improvement in density this month as the transplanted hairs catch up to the native hairs. Notes: 1) I have one hair on the hairline on my right side that angles downward, ND doesn't want to stick up no matter how hard I try. It's only a single graft so not a big deal, but I'll see if I can better manage it as it grows longer. 2) I noticed a couple grafts on my hairline that weren't growing. Plucked them out without resistance. Seems like they're just dead grafts. There are probably more that I'm unable to see, but doesn't seem like a big issue in the grand scheme of things. Still interesting, and curious how common it is and what can cause it. If they do end up growing, I'll report back.
  3. I've read that this doc is also a mostly one-man-operation, similar to Konior and others. Can you share more info about your procedure and how the doc operates? Like how many days did your op take, how long each day, what methods does he use to extract/implant? Thanks.
  4. That must be some Dr. Hasson level dense packing! I'd love to hear more info (perhaps from the clinic) on how they determined the number of grafts required for your case.
  5. Hmm, well your hair is also wet in the pre-op picture. It's hard to truly evaluate the progress when your post-op pictures doesn't have the hair pinned back, and is dry. Different angles/wet hair would help.
  6. I think it may be a language barrier problem? Like imagine trolling hair transplant forums... But yeah he has said enough weird stuff at this point..
  7. Really nice results! Do you have any pics between month 3 and month 6 that you can share? Thanks!
  8. Keser is pretty well known. I'm not sure what your problem is exactly. So they post some results on forums but not on their (seemingly very antiquated) website. Sure it's a bit weird, but what are you accusing them of?
  9. Looks great, as expected from Couto! But could you share any pre op pics with similar angles and lighting? The ones the clinic took are pretty unfavorable in comparison (hair pinned back, strong lighting). Thanks.
  10. Amazing for only 3000 grafts. And still only at month 6!
  11. Hairline looks great to me. Reminds me of Konior's hairlines, and with the temple work I can see definite similarities to Lorenzo. Got any before pics?
  12. Looks great! The comparison pics are super useful. Can you also share a pic with the native hair parted away from the transplanted hair?
  13. I'm pretty sure I can see some hairs that have recently popped in your pic? You can see a few starting to poke out, no?
  14. Wow, lucky to keep so many grafts. You already seem to have a full head of hair from the left side.
  15. I think the results look pretty good for only 1000 grafts over your frontal third/quarter, given your hair characteristics. Fine and straight hair will always be difficult to get good coverage. Even my native hair in the midscalp can be see-through at times, and I'm pretty sure the density is like 70+ FU/cm2. Perhaps experiment with trying different products/hairstyles to find the sweet spot. That bald spot in the nape is odd... Could it be alopecia areata?
  16. That's interesting. Your donor still looked really good at week 3. When did the shock loss (including in the recipient) start? But you've had the sides cut to a #1 and nothing looks off? Seems kind of contradictory but I look forward to seeing the pics. +1 on having the transplanted hairline frame the face, even if the density isn't quite there yet. Oddly enough, I took that for granted at first. Only after looking back at pre-op photos did I remember how bad my old hairline used to look like. I think it looks great for month 5, considering the area covered and the number of grafts. I'm sure it'll continue to improve. Plus once you regain the shock lost hairs, things will look even better.
  17. Thanks. Doesn't look bad to me, but yeah FUE will always cause some scarring, or leave some gaps. Did your donor look much different with a similar length pre-op? Any idea what your total donor capacity is?
  18. Sorry can you clarify a bit? It's not wise to start big or small? What do you recommend then - is there some test you can do pre-HT to determine if you have this X-factor?
  19. Finasteride side effects are rare and only last as long as you're on the drug, so for most people it's worth a shot. It will greatly improve your candidacy for a hair transplant. Do more research on it and speak to a qualified doctor.
  20. Seems like there's not enough density either honestly. Who was your surgeon? You should consult with an ethical doctor who's good at repairs. Do some research on this forum. Bisanga and Feriduni seem quite experienced in Europe. In any case, you may have to wait at least a 4-6 months if you want to get a follow up procedure.
  21. I've wondered how long do you need to wait before it's safe to pluck the hair? The graft is rooted by day 10, so technically it should be fine to pluck it by then?
  22. Month 2 was fine for me, because there was no expectation of growth. But now that I'm part way through month 3, which is when growth starts for many people, I've become pretty obsessed and am taking pics almost every day. Of course, a watched pot never boils. Can't seem to help it though.
  23. Hope things pick up for you. Did you notice the baby hairs around month 3-4, or are they fairly new?
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