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Everything posted by giegnosiganoe

  1. What do people think of SMP being used to increase the look of density, for example in someone who is diffuse thinning? Perhaps it would also allow slightly more grafts to be extracted from the donor area? Pros/cons? How exactly does the length of your hair affect the result? Anyone have examples with before/after pics?
  2. This is very interesting. What length did you cut your hair down to? I wonder what your recipient area graft density is, because grown out it looks very thick... Try to get a miniaturization assessment of your donor/recipient areas. I think you should be a good candidate, but just do it in incrementally and stay conservative. I really wonder what long-term fin outcomes look like, I wish there was more data on that.
  3. I'm curious about this too, but more because starting with FUE would mean you might never need to get an FUT and therefore a linear scar.
  4. To start off, it's unclear to me whether telogen phase affects all of the hairs in a graft, or just some of the hairs. Question: It is said that about 10% of hairs (or grafts?) are in the telogen phase at any time. Do these hairs get implanted during FUT or not? Do they actually survive? If the outlook is bad for those hairs, does the FUT really still have better yields?
  5. Say you remove a 1cm strip, that 1cm needs to be compensated for elsewhere in the scalp. Between where does the stretching tend to happen, and can it cause your hairline to be raised? Also, can it cause your density to be noticeably lowered due to grafts being stretched further apart? What exactly can happen here?
  6. Bay area, CA. Submitteda an appointment form for Dr. Mohebi actually, and waiting to hear back. His website says he has an office in SF but I do know he's based in LA, so I'm not sure how that works. I'vealso heard that Dr. Rassman is good for this? Might be worth a trip down. How about H&W or Gabel, is this something they do? It truly blows my mind how many people go into these procedures blind given the wait-lists and how few people post on these forums.
  7. Hi folks, I just had a HT consultation which I feel went poorly. I asked the doctor if he could measure the various properties of my hair so that I could get an objective assessment and develop a long term plan, but it seems like that isn't something they do. They just looked at my hair and told me how I'm a great candidate and have great donor density when I know that's not true. And this came from a supposedly well respected surgeon. What can I honestly expect from a consultation? Ideally I would have liked to find out: hair caliber, average hairs per graft, donor density, rate of donor miniaturization, number of lifetime available grafts (FUT then FUE vs just FUE), expected required number of lifetime grafts, etc (please let me know if there's anything else useful that I'm missing). Are there any doctors who do a comprehensive evaluation like this (PRIOR to deciding on surgery...) and develop a long term plan for a patient? I don't mind spending a bit of money for this, there's just no way I'm going into a surgery blind. Frustrated... Thanks.
  8. I also don't have the best donor (retrograde thinning and donor hair is a bit sparse..), and it seems like you're in NorCal as well. I'll be following your updates. I think you look good with the buzz btw. It's surprising how much more hair it looks like you have when it's cut that short. I'd try it out if I wasn't blessed with a cro-magnon skull 😛
  9. When transplanting into an area with some existing hairs (be it 10%, or 50% remaining), how does the doctor decide whether to transplant between existing hairs, or ignore and simply dense pack on top of the existing hairs? For example if a patient has 10% hairs remaining in an area, I'm guessing the surgeon densely packs directly over them as they would be quite miniaturized and weak? For the transplanted hairs that happen to intersect with these existing hair follicles, is their success rate any different? Basically, can the yield be any worse than transplanting to a completely bald scalp? As another example, if a patient has 50% hairs remaining in an area through diffuse thinning but is stabilized on preventative medication, then I'm guessing the surgeon would transplant between hairs? What is the chance of damaging these existing hairs, or new grafts, and what exactly could cause it? What would be the expected yield (taking into account damage to existing hairs) compared to transplanting to a completely bald scalp?
  10. Thanks all. I am located on the west coast and am talking to a few of the big names. @1978matt I tend to agree with your assessment. When you say I don't have the best density, are you talking about the regions prone to loss, or the donor area as well? I agree that FUT seems to be the better call if I want to maximize the number of lifetime grafts, I'm just worried about the scar stretching, or it being visible at shorter lengths. I usually go with a 3 guard on the back and sides, and given that my hair sticks straight out at that length(the hairdresser always mentions it), I'm afraid it might be easily seen from an upwards angle (e.g. if i tilt my head forward). I guess I'd have to start going with a taper. Are you suggesting shaving my head to see what the miniaturization looks like across my scalp? I'd be totally open to it if I didn't think I'd look like utter shit. Can a hair transplant doctor track and determine whether I've halted my progression using one of those hair microscopes instead? Are there some specific measurements that I should ask for when I go for my consultation next week? 1500-2000 grafts seems about right. How probable do you think it is that I can bring my hair back to how it was in the before photos? The actual hairline isn't too different (if you take the lowest remaining hairs, even if they are very sparse). It's mainly filling in (most of) the density between NW2 to NW3 (maybe a bit further as well). Thanks again, this means so much to me. I'm finally getting closer to having a full understanding of my situation and what I can do about it.
  11. Wow, looks incredible. You didn't mention the number of grafts though? Also, do you have any pictures from right after the procedure, and throughout the 14 months?
  12. Hi folks, I'm 25 years old, been balding since around 18 years old. I hopped on dut/min May 2019, and have mostly seen maintenance. I'm starting to think of getting a hair transplant to recover some ground, and wanted to get some opinions on my situation. Recent pictures: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_LSOP32vBwErFlL5nsoNKiRxk3mWxk1y Pictures from around 5 years ago - I was happy with my hair and would like to go back to that (crown not pictured, but it didn't really have any loss): https://drive.google.com/open?id=16gQahJ7f6GTiPJOYSsjShta6QHY5uJq3 Some questions: Am I a good candidate? Where would you recommend placing grafts? Should I try improving the crown/midscalp? How many grafts would I need? FUT vs FUE? Recommended US doctors? I'll be seeing a US doctor in a couple of weeks for a consultation. Any advice on how I can get the most out of the appointment? What kind of diagnosis should I expect (that I can hopefully share with other doctors to see what they think is the best course of action). Thanks a lot in advance, would appreciate any help. Edit: would also like to add that I believe my hair type is "fine and straight".
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