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Everything posted by giegnosiganoe

  1. I know David DiMuzio recently went - who's the other youtuber? Also gotta say those are some nice natural results by Mwamba, hope to see more patient posted results though.
  2. This is interesting, do you have any better pics? Very hard to see what's going in the pic above.
  3. I noticed the same but didn't want to say anything.. Hope it's not a big deal. Maybe check some other Eugenix threads to see what their temples looked like and who they evolved? Did you ask the clinic about this? Who did the implantations, was it Dr. Arika?
  4. They could have picked a more impressive result very subtle change there.
  5. @UK 42 you should create your own thread so we can follow your progress
  6. I would still recommend consulting with many doctors to get a range of opinions. Edit: Oh, it looks like my link got automatically deleted. Search "armamed Demirsoy" on Google.
  7. In Turkey I'd recommend Demirsoy (1.25 euro per graft?), Pekiner (2.25 euro per graft?), or HLC (2.7 euro per graft?). If you can only afford Demirsoy, he can't really be beat anywhere in the world for the price IMO.
  8. Very nice growth for 4 months, no one would know you had a HT. What are your overall thoughts so far? Positives, negatives, anything?
  9. Wow, looks great. Would love to see from more angles.
  10. Great results, the videos you took are as honest as you can get. Wish more people did that here. How's the FUT scar? Are you thinking of getting another FUT or going for FUE?
  11. It seems to me that surgeons like Pekiner or Keser have higher standards than most other top surgeons, no? They do the entire procedure using manual FUE and stick and place, usually no more than 1000 grafts per day.
  12. Work looks great. How many nights are you staying in Turkey before flying back? How has sleeping and protecting the grafts been going? Time difference not too big of a deal?
  13. Do you have any pictures with longer hair? I'm curious how the density looks when it's grown out a bit more.
  14. I've heard MSM tablets can help speed up growth.. I know @Rolandas used them.
  15. Do you notice the finer singles now that your results are in? Do you have any videos where you examined that?
  16. It's all about supply and demand. Without fin you have less supply (donor is also prone to miniaturization for many people) and greater demand (you'll obviously bald quicker and reach a worse end stage). You could have 1000 grafts of supply in excess while on finasteride, however if you were to get off of finasteride then you may be short 2000 grafts. That could make the difference between you being a good candidate or not.
  17. Damn, looks super clean. Is it true that he used finer singles in the very front as @Rolandas suggested?
  18. For many people, taking finasteride makes the difference of whether you're a candidate for hair transplantation or not. Keep that in mind.
  19. Get on finasteride ASAP. Sides 1 day in? You're overthinking it.
  20. Let's not get ahead of ourselves there lol. He's one of the top HT surgeons in NA, sure. He charges more than any doc in NA, yes. But that's because he only works on one patient a day and is present throughout the entire procedure. Other docs charge less but work on 2+ patients per day and have technicians perform much of the procedure. Obviously just the fact that we're talking NA vs the rest of the world, there will be a price difference. Everything is more expensive here. You have other top European docs like Couto only charging 4-5 euros.
  21. No, I switched from finasteride to dutasteride. I'll also add that I'm not one to overthink things. I personally find most of the discussion on side effects to be ridiculous. The attention to detail that people have when talking about this and the kind of side effects that they attribute to these drugs just doesn't seem realistic. Maybe I'm just not as in tune with my body? Maybe I'm just one of the "lucky ones"? We're online, mind you. Most of the population don't have side effects, as you will hear from dermatologists and HT surgeons.
  22. Finasteride for 6 months, dutasteride for 1 year. No notable side effects from either of them. No regrowth on either of them (difficult to tell as a mostly diffuse thinner anyhow), but I seem to have at least maintained.
  23. I agree shaving is a no brainer. I also hear complaints about how difficult it is to keep the area clean during post op when you do no shave. What did the doctor say about your case after shaving down? And are you on any DHT blockers and if so since when?
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