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Everything posted by Zoomster

  1. Hi Curious25.. thanks for the nice comments ..I can’t tell the difference between scalp and beard tbh as like you said ..all transplanted hair appears to be quite wiry in texture however I’m aware this is part of the early growth process ... I’m on 1.25 mg fin every mon wed fri along with some “Hairburst” vitamins and MSM pills now down to one a day ..1000 mg. Im in no panic about a second HT ..a light sprinkling of fibres might just do the job if I feel I need it ..which most likely I will Z
  2. I hear you John but to be honest i think it’s more on a subconscious level for women. Guy with strong frame to face = good genetics in their book ..in turn = little Johnny or Mary will pop out of the womb doing press ups should they decide they want a bun in the oven 😊 Z
  3. 6 MONTH UPDATE ; Hi All , Just a quick 6 month update ...I’m noticing a slow gradual increase in density last few weeks but I’m assured by the Doc it’s only going to get better ..on querying with Dr Sethi this morning about the density his reply was “ keep the hair greed for another 2 months ..you’ll be fine “...which made me giggle .....as long as he is correct 😊 please excuse the DIY buzz at back and sides ...buzzed away my lower horseshoe and into the crown top right hand side by mistake ..gonna let it all grow out through to month 7 Some interesting observations last few weeks as I’m back out and about visiting clients etc ..most just say...”nice haircut where did you get that done during lockdown “....and it almost pains me to say that having a proper frame to the face does lead to more members of the opposite sex taking note ...being friendlier and holding your gaze / doing double takes etc ....not particularly cool to admit this but it’s true ...I used to always suspect those in NW1 territory had an easier time of it in the Dating game ...Sorry to say..it’s true .. The waiting game continues.. Stay safe out there comrades Any comments very welcome Z
  4. Dude I second everything Fluffhead says... He's on the money....and youre back up on the horse growth timeline wise.. Delighted for you... I'm updating with my 6 month very shortly... covid DIY buzz cut f.. K up included 😊 Bring on month 7 for us both Z
  5. Exquisite 👌.... Take a bow Dr Arika.. 🙇‍♀️
  6. and apparently "The Donald" would get up on a cracked plate... Nothing wrong with his libido 😊
  7. Hi Sharp.. You should consider yourself fortunate not unfortunate that you actually have a job to return to the way things are around the globe at the moment.. I actually buzzed my whole scalp both recipient and donor from 2.5 weeks post HT when shed started...i had a trade event to attend under lights for 4 days meeting lots of existing clients and simply had to have that uniform look not ugly duckling... I got lucky.. You can see from my post "7000 grafts 21/23 Dec 2019 Eugenix" that any procedure was virtually undetectable... No one mentioned a thing.. You can see pics of my scalp on the stand under the lights. I continued to buzz up to start of month 3 where I allowed it all to grow in together... I'm now only buzzing sides and back to a 1 and allowing top to grow out for styling... In hindsight.. I don't think I'd buzz so soon if I were to do it again... The paranoia over whether or not you've damaged /sabotaged grafts just isnt worth the worry. Best of luck Z
  8. This is gonna be a full restoration if ever there was one...... lucky chap.. Great work... Z
  9. @Melvin-Moderator.. within minutes of joining.. this @batmanbegins chappie starts laying into Eugenix patients To be frank he's not passing the smell test...just flagging this. Z
  10. @paddyirishman has pads all over the country..he might relocate one day 😊
  11. Jeez forget all about that myself tbh... Yeah... Come Monday were good to go 👍
  12. 🙌.. Think you meant to say pre HT 😂. You musnt of had your morning coffee yet 😊 Looking forward to 22nd 👍 Z
  13. Great results so far Anil.. Your hair calibre, texture and slight kink many of us would kill for... In helping to give that illusion of density we all seek Z
  14. @harin... The NW7 beacon of hope to others.... You certainly were for me sir.. Thank you Z
  15. We're "splitting hairs" here guys 😊 Always a small element of trade off with Mega session HTs.. Thanks for the interest Z
  16. I was just keeping the chair warm for you Melvin.. I've a feeling you'll be over there yourself soon 😉
  17. I'm in between NW6/7....in my opinion my donor looks great to be honest.. You can see plenty of pics above.. Im fortunate in that I give very little thought to the donor areas as.. a) 99.99% of the general public don't go around eyeballing dudes back and sides donors B) Ive bought into the 1mm buzz back and sides which conversely gives an lllusion of density to the donor. The whole point of FUE v FUT is the ability to able to wear one's hair very short back n sides should you wish to do so... which pretty much eliminates the worry of "patchy" donor once there's no visible scarring... Which is mostly the case nowadays.. I think I cán speak for almost all NW 6/7s when I say that we don't care all that much about "pristine" donors once we've had our hair given back to us across our scalp with a nice frame to face.. That's my tuppence worth.. Z
  18. @Looking for HT... Hey man.. Hope you're well 😊.. Just thinking.. You were the last man on the planet to witness me in person as a bona fide bald NW 6/7...with grown out donor at back and sides 😢😢.. Not a pretty picture for sure.... Some dudes can rock that look perfectly well and go on and live perfectly happy lives.. But I'd had enough of the shaving my head every day and constantly comparing my hair situation to others ... I decided to go to war versus my hairloss... and youre on the same team man.... Your result is the one I'm waiting on more than any other to be honest with you... Its gonna be just beautiful... 👌 Its a very strong hunch I have.. Chat soon and thanks again mate Z
  19. @Melvin-Moderator @User888.. Much appreciated guys.. I really hope the high NWs out there who previously thought they were too far gone get tons of hope from my and others journeys.. I'm left feeling at times recently that whats ón offer at Eugenix is as close as makes no difference to the God Almighty " Cure" for Baldness that evaded us all for decades... Baldness really is OPTIONAL now.. Z
  20. @Jonboy81.. Thanks so much mate @Gatsby thanks a lot... I'm looking forward to following your journey.. You've a great real world view of this process which will stand you in really good stead mate.. 🙌 @Jstatham.. You made me blush there with all the WOWs 😊.. Youre very kind. Once I hear someone say NW 6 with "Good" donor I start to get very excited for them with respect to the results than can hope to achieve with the team that worked with me.. My donor was only average at best tbh. Remember for a moment I was actually turned down as a suitable candidate by a clinic in UK 7 years ago ( via photos consultantion)... Also a reputable clinic in Ireland last year made a big song and dance of best case scenario being able to extract 3500 grafts via cutting me open FUT 2000 FUE 1000 beard 500 grafts along with a suggestion to have some SMP added into the mix( twice the price for half the amount of grafts for good measure) .... Its downright frightening the amount of variables and differing Doctors skillets out there today.. I consider myself VERY lucky to have arrived at the doors of Eugenix after years and years of research and remind myself of this every morning I look in the mirror.. Sorry.... Évery 20 mins I look in the mirror lately 😊 Good luck and if I can help in any way drop me a line.. Z
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