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follically challenged

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Everything posted by follically challenged

  1. Good job man. Good choice of clinic. But i do wonder, won't this donor area look asymmetrical if only taking grafts from the back and just one side?
  2. Yeah, density on top is important right. I feel that my midscalp, while it still has hair, may seem different to the transplanted frontal third... preventing me from having my hair forward...
  3. This is kind of my suspicion / fear, a fear that my mid scalp would seem thin / miniaturised in comparison to the freshly implanted and hopefully dense hairline.... being stuck with that hairstyle, a hairstyle which doesnt suit me would almost make a HT pointless in my case....
  4. After seeing so many results - the good, the bad and the ugly - i have noticed that the main hairstyle that is often sported in the results photos is that of hair slicked backwards... I can't imagine this hairstyle would suit me at all, i just don't have the face for it So am i right in thinking this hairstyle is most common as it creates an illusion of density while simply covering the midscalp..? Would a fringe simply be impossible after getting just a frontal third done?
  5. That makes sense. Nevertheless, with such a life-altering surgery, I personally, would need to prepare myself mentally for getting a FUE or FUT. I simply would not be able to just change at the last minute, regardless of if it being the best choice for me. No way my anxious brain could just accept a last minute alteration on that scale.
  6. Seems kinda crazy to me when i read about patients that they are told to change from FUT to FUE at the last minute.. Like, surely that's kind of unprofessional to set someone's mind on one particular method, to only then completely change the procedure at the last minute? Whether it's for the best or not, you would expect the best decision to be made when signing up for the operation in the first place...
  7. Absolutley. IMO i think the hairline looks great and you may be somewhat paranoid over the asymmetry. But follow-up care is almost as important as the procedure and result. So if he is slacking on the follow-up then at the very least he should have someone employed to address your concerns and put your mind at rest... quite shocking that this isn't already in place tbh as i figured they had all areas covered.... I guess not...
  8. Yep, not softened. I'd even say he has fibres in here. It kinda looks thickened...?
  9. Sorry to hear that. Which clinic did you go to..?
  10. Man....this hairline is looking amazing. TBH, this is my ideal hairline lol. I am waiting patiently for the day that Eugenix uploads a case like this, but instead of black hair, they work on blonde fine hair..... as soon as i see a good result from eugenix with a patient who has hair as fine as mine...then i will most likely book my ticket. Happy growing mate, keep us updated!
  11. Superb. Really liking that result! Didn't notice if you said you are on medication or not...?
  12. I'll be heading out to Belgium in a few weeks... And I gotta tell ya, i'm now constantly thinking of this beer. Really looking forward to getting out there! Any recommendations on stuff to do there?
  13. Awesome haha. Then yours is just the thread i wanna follow! Any idea how thin your hair is, in terms of microns? I haven't had mine measured yet but i have some consultations coming up and hope to find out then... my hair is seriously fine, it's almost invisible looking at an individual strand...
  14. I love Eugenix' hairlines but the videos they put up rarely show fine, blonde haired patients... I've seen a few caucasian patients on the forum with good results, but even they seemed to have thicker grafts than i do. So, unfortunately, until i see more results of blonde, finer-haired caucasian patients i won't really be able to consider going with them.
  15. Looking great so far man! Just curious about the topical Dut... any reason you are on that as opposed to oral fin, topical fin, or minoxidyl? I know Mwamba usually prescribes that so im just wondering what his reasoning was ..? thanks!
  16. Hoping someone here who works for Bisanga can get in touch..? The consultation email i have used so far doesn't seem too reliable, so I'm hoping a patient advisor here can reach out and leave me an email address that I can contact with some questions.. Thank you!
  17. For sure. But i wasn't critiquing him, just something looked a tad noticeable to me, and I was surprised nobody else had really commented on it already...
  18. Tbh i wasn't sure if Mathew had a wig or transplant. There is one interview where he is questioned about his miraculous hair recovery and doesn't come clean... But, in all honesty, i still feel he would be somewhat derided by people in the industry if he did admit to wearing a wig. The stigma exists, so people don't come clean. People don't come clean because the stigma exists..... on and on in a vicious circle. Trapped by opinions of others...
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