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follically challenged

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Everything posted by follically challenged

  1. Excellent result! Is there any chance you could show the donor region...? And where were the beard grafts placed, which area?
  2. I'm genuinely curious, and i hope you don't mind me asking this, but i was just wondering who is more in favour of the transplant, you or your husband? I don't think I've ever seen someone on the forum asking and researching on behalf of their husband before, that's all. So I just wondered if it was your idea, or maybe he just simply doesn't like researching this stuff? Thanks
  3. How much will they charge to restore? Or is it 'on the house'? Man, I gotta be honest with you, reading this thread I can totally see that I am on a similar level to you in terms of self-criticism / OCD / anxiety etc, but in all honesty, the pictures look really good, man. Not just saying that to boost you up, but it seems to be right on track and barely noticeable you had anything done. If and when i finally pull the trigger, and if they prove they can also do great work on blonde-fine haired patients, i will almost certainly be going with them. Their work seems to be great and i really like the hairline designs
  4. My honest opinion here... it doesn't look bad...at all. But i can understand that you feel different and that is what counts. maybe reach out to some SMP companies and see if they can help at all..?
  5. It should definitely be standardised. If any doctors refuse to do so, it would not be because of time requirements, as everything i listed does not require them to go above and beyond in terms of effort, it is a matter of simply adding 2 more lines of information and an extra photo. No, doctors that would refuse to adhere would do so in order to hide behind the lack of transparency, it is that simple. 'Oh...donor not so good on this patient..let's conveniently leave out this photo' But imo, if HRN was to truly standardise it and enforce it, the transparency would be better and the quality all round would increase.
  6. Here is what I suggest as to making this great site even better... As we all know here, this industry is at times lacking, and at other times truly disgraceful, with all the lies and deceit and patients being scarred for life. In order for potential HT patients to get the best knowledge, I believe that results posted by doctors on this forum should include the following: 1. Clear pictures, of all angles, INCLUDING the donor area. Failing to include a donor area shot simply makes us suspect that something went wrong there and that the doctor is hiding it. This doesn't fool anybody, people are not that stupid here. 2. It should also be mandatory to mention if the patient is on medication, and if so, what kind. Failing to mention this, is again, not as transparent as it should be, and just wastes time for members having to ask the same question again and again. 3. I often see results posted saying that the patient's hair is 'medium' or 'thin'. This is quite a subjective description. Half of the results i have seen that are described as 'thin' isn't true, and it gives hope to those with thin hair what can be achieved when it isn't a true representation. Therefore, if surgeons started including micron size in their results posted, it would be more objective, and we can decide for ourselves if it really is 'thin', 'medium' or 'thick'. I love the forum, but would love it even more if these standards were adhered to. Thanks
  7. Its looking great man! Seems Mwamba was a good choice. Here is a question for you... You are obviously British, as am I, and you have obviously chosen to be upfront about your procedure, which is cool, though not something i personally would feel comfortable doing as and when i get a procedure... In the UK, as i'm sure you know, there is quite a strong culture with guys of 'banter' or 'ribbing', whatever you wanna call it lol. Mates can be brutal as fuck in terms of joking at others expense... So, my question is, have you encountered any of this yet, and if so, how do you handle it...? What response do you give?
  8. I too have a similar worry. It seems the main answer is to try to prevent further hairloss with meds and hope for the best... Should the worst happen, then yes i'm pretty sure that grafts can be extracted should you choose to do so, without having too much of a noticeable appearance. As far as i am aware, Bisanga is one of the honest doctors in this god awful industry, at times full of lies and deceit, so i am sure he will be up front with you and give you the facts. Good luck!
  9. Seems to have worked well on the crown! Do you see much difference in the hairline? I can't really tell from these pics...
  10. also..would it be possible to upload pics of the donor area..?
  11. Great result. Though imo i would argue his hair is not 'thin' but at least 'medium'. Mine is definitely thin, and my hairs look 50% thinner than his, haha
  12. So refreshing to see someone with hair similar to my own, instead of the usual thick, black, bulletproof hair on the results... us fair-haired baldies exist too!! How adament was Nader that you keep up with Fin...? Have you ever had any effects from it in the past?
  13. yep, such loud intros don't grab the viewers attention like you may hope... they just hurt eardrums and receive dislikes, haha (though of course i wouldn't dislike Bisanga content) interesting. So the Italian market is big for Bisanga? I didn't know that
  14. Amazing. Just curious, why oral minox, as opposed to oral fin or even topical minox?
  15. Great videos. Love the education Bisanga is providing. But on a technical video making note....please lower the volume on that intro, haha, it almost deafened me and every single person in this cafe!
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