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follically challenged

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Everything posted by follically challenged

  1. Excellent. Massive difference! How long is that likely to last before it starts to fade? How long before he needs a touch up?
  2. From what I've seen, there seems to be two main forms of FUE extraction: 1. Majority of grafts taken from one close area at the back - the safe zone. 2. Grafts taken from a much more homogenised area i.e. spread out from all over the scalp. So, I'm curious how each clinic chooses their method of extraction. I presume each method comes with their own pros and cons... First method - PROS - stronger, longer lasting grafts. Easier and faster to extract. CONS - perhaps more visible with a shorter haircut. Second method - PROS - Much more dispersed and thus less visible to the naked eye. CONS - Perhaps less 'DHT resistant' and less likely to last as long as the first method. So, I'm wondering did the clinic you had your FUE at offer you the choice? Was the extraction method ever mentioned at your consultation? And how are your grafts holding up now? Do you regret your particular method of extraction? Thanks for your replies in advance!
  3. Yeah, i guess it's like a time-saving process, i dunno? H&W seem to spread their extraction pattern out way more from what i remember
  4. Looks great, man! Super happy for you. How long did they spend designing your hairline before operating..?
  5. Excellent work as usual! It would also be great to see some results of finer, blonder patients.
  6. That would be really great! However, it is this patient in particular I would like to chat with, as we have similar hair types... May I ask which country this person is based? I guess it doesn't matter so much about meeting in real life, a zoom call would be OK i think...
  7. His donor work is some of the cleanest I have seen. I have heard he has a special technique for extraction which leaves less scarring, though I am reluctant to believe this... While he has attained some incredible results from big sessions, unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be so much video evidence of results on youtube. So, I am wondering if he only cherrypicks his absolute best work to display or are ALL his patients achieving such great results with the absolute minimum FUE scarring? Any patients out there who know more I'd love to hear. Thanks!
  8. ...and has the video been removed?! I can no longer see the link that i posted in my original thread lol 😅
  9. Well, i dont know much about him, but he is a doctor right? And you can at least take a look at the video before totally dismissing it 😂 haha I like Kevin Mann, but that video you posted is lonnnggggg. Which part does he counter the theories listed? From what I've seen he seems to be countering some of his other theories... I guess i should clarify my original post: I'm not a huge believer in the scalp tension aspect,(certainly not the 'blood flow' stuff, but i feel there certainly could be more going on UNDER the scalp than we're totally aware of, such as more DHT in certain areas on the front perhaps, as opposed to just having the 'safe zone' DHT resistant follicles. Otherwise, how else could some HTs thin out so much if it is purely FUT (straight from the safe zone)? . At least that was what the video's studies and experts seemed to be suggesting anyway
  10. I wasn't aware of the 'skull expansion theories' but this video doesn't seem to be of his opinion, it seems to be based on studies and opinions of experts. And no, i haven't posted this before, only just came across it.
  11. I always wondered if follicle survival was just as simple as 'some hairs are less affected by DHT than others'. I always wondered if scalp tension, scalp location, played a more significant role, and that it wasn't just as easy as implanting hairs from the donor safe zone and away you go into the sunset. According to this video I just stumbled across, this seems to be the case; recipient site influence can overrule donor dominance. I.e. host tissue can affect even the hairs that are thought to be safe, reducing the density of transplants 4/5 years down the line. In other words, certain areas of host tissue can perhaps secrete more / less negative factors (I guess DHT?) depending on where you implant them. Thus, recipient sites seem to play a big role, and i guess this is why so many patients need HT top-ups down the line. The video seems to be backed up by studies. Worth watching from the 12 minute mark. Interested to see what you guys think. Cheers
  12. Looking so good. Jealous. Two questions: 1. Have they said how many more grafts you may need / may be able to take in the future? (incredible you've had so many taken already and its barely noticeable!) 2. How is Miami? 😄
  13. Interesting. Two questions if you don't mind: 1. What sides did you get, and how often were you applying to get such sides? 2. Also, how often do you apply now? And have the sides from topical dut totally gone? Thanks!
  14. ah ok. definitely would have thought they'd provide that for the premium package. thanks for responding anyway!
  15. So sorry to see this, man. I'm sure there must be some expert surgeons out there that can assist with this..? Perhaps you can reach out to H&W? I hear they are ethical and have good after-care, but be prepared to pay as they are a tad expensive too.
  16. Honestly doesnt look too bad to me. Try be patient and wait a few months to see where you're at then
  17. Looks really good, man. You have similar hair colour to mine though i think yours is a bit thicker. Looking forward to see this grow in!
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