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follically challenged

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Everything posted by follically challenged

  1. Any updates on your fin regime, Gatsby..? I seem to remember you scaled it back a bit, right?
  2. Thanks for being upfront with your work. I just wondered how would you define: bad donor, average donor, and good donor? thanks!
  3. On a side note: Are you actually Kevin Mann, or just a KM fanboy?
  4. The only thing more painful than a HT without anaesthesia is to sit and watch any of that guy's 'content'.
  5. I'd agree this sounds the best way, though I do wonder, are surgeons likely to do this? I can imagine most of them not wanting to waste their time with such smaller, lesser-paying procedures? And if they ARE up for doing it, any idea as to how much it would cost...?
  6. Mate, to see how far you have come is inspiring, and really makes me happy for you AND for future MPB sufferers, knowing what surgery is capable of nowadays. Still a few months to go of course, but in the mean time i really recommend you try a skin fade cut. Many guys seem to shy away from this style of haircut but i highly recommend you try it as it will take the bulk away from the sides and help the illusion of the top being wayyy thicker than it is. Also, how is the finasteride going..? I seem to remember you had some sides from it, right?
  7. I'll go against the grain here and say I don't entirely agree with what you're saying... Sure, owning up and saying you had a HT surely shows you're confident enough to admit it / to 'own' it and don't mind all the questions. But that doesn't mean that you are NOT insecure about your looks simply because you admitted to getting work done....on the contrary, it shows that you absolutely WERE insecure about your looks....and hence had a HT. Secondly, IMO, there is a very valid reason to keeping your HT a secret (if possible). One reason that i would choose to (try to) keep it a secret, if i get work done in the future, is because I simply get tired of people looking up at the high hairline when talking to me. It's a sh*tty feeling. And to have friends and family know that I had a HT, I am pretty sure that they'd always be asking questions and that their eyes would occasionally be glancing up there, not out of disrespect of course - most likely out of curiosity - but would it would still annoy the hell out of me. Don't get me wrong, I am not knocking people who are out in the open about getting work done, but i don't think it is right to imply that is always the best way to go about it. Everyone is different.
  8. haha every man has his price.. this industry is no exception...
  9. Erdogan is obviously minted from all his expansion and increasing number of patients. Seems that he has also lined the pockets of Joe Tilman recently for his promotional videos...
  10. It's looking amazing. Would be really good to see the donor on a zero guard / high fade!
  11. lol 'you bald twat...don't worry, it's just banter mate' Can confirm, english people are the worst (Brit here with many years experience)
  12. sorry to hear that, but we'd need to see some pics in order to help
  13. OK. I always figured the patient would have some say in this matter...? Perhaps not...
  14. Looks great! Are you using fibers in the pic? Kinda looks like it. Also, are you on fin..?
  15. I'm sure both have their pros and cons. Just wondering which kind of extraction you prefer? I see the extraction patterns of surgeons such as H+W / Bisanga, which seem more scattered. Then I see other results, say, Eugenix for example, where the grafts seem to be taken more from the safe zone. Personally, I prefer the scattered approach as it seems less visible.... with the potential downside being that the grafts may not be as DHT resistant...but, i still prefer the scattered approach as I like my hair short on the back. Interested as to what you guys think!
  16. Interesting. Valid point on looking to the US as a gold standard. So what is the problem with Merk?
  17. Looks so good. Are you on finasteride? You said that your hair is fine, but does it also have some wave to it? my hair incredibly thin and is also totally straight. Just trying to make a comparison for future reference
  18. Never guna happen. Would bring too much scandal to the whole family, though most of them probably know it is true. I'm sure Charles loves him regardless
  19. Another interesting point to go from here.....any guesses as to when the first royal will get a HT? William was supposedly told to not trim down too far as it is... 'not the royal way', so image is certainly important to them. But I do wonder when it will be acceptable to 'top up ones hair' so to speak....
  20. Interesting! Good observation. And good job on not mentioning his half-brother Harry. * conspiratorial wink wink * 😉
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