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follically challenged

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Everything posted by follically challenged

  1. Interesting. Yeh your pics seemed a mix of both actually, kinda like fair but dark hair. Haha Tarzan may have been bald before but he must have had really good, thick donor hair too I'm guessing....
  2. Looks amazing work! congrats! Serious question though: Has anyone seen Couto ever do a non-spanish looking dude? I.e. not black, thick hair... I've checked a lot of his results out but i don't recall ever seeing a fine-blonde haired dude...
  3. Sorry, I'm a bit confused by this response. The George Clooney post you quoted has nothing to do with finasteride, right? And you '..99% do not think so..' Do not think what? Also, may I ask why you took it if you don't really need it? Thanks!
  4. I would really, really love to believe this! (And just to be clear, i'm not saying you're lying) But I just see soooo many people claiming to have had weaker erections, less semen, lower libido etc... Can it all just be placebo...? I dunno man, I'm sure some of it is, but going with my gut instinct it seems a fair amount of people definitely don't do that well on it... As a healthy 30-something, fingers crossed I do ok with it...
  5. That's ok. Not looking for a recommendation per se, more interested in your experience in it..? Are you on it, or have you tried it and didn't get on well with it?
  6. Thanks for the feedback. How long have you been on it...? Have you ever experienced any sides whatsoever?
  7. certainly considered it, but perhaps best to try with fin first and see how i do
  8. - not the most important announcement you'll hear all week I'm sure, lol, but i figure why not write a post about it, and maybe i can hear from you guys too... I was out last night and heard another 'jokey' comment from a friend about my hair again, *sigh* and i just thought....'screw it, it may be time to give it a go.' I have always held off from trying Fin for two reasons: 1. The fear of sides and 2. If i jump on it, I'm on it for life...which is something of a commitment even without sides... But now I'm kind of coming around to the thought of 'Well, if i try it and it thickens up my hair / stabilises it, then maybe i at least won't worry about it so much and get just be able to get on with my life knowing I'm doing what i can to preserve it' So, some questions if you guys would be so kind: 1. How should i go about getting it here in the UK? Must i visit the doctor for it...? 2. What brand should i go for? I often hear of people cutting Proscar up into quarters...which i guess is because it is cheaper? 3. How did you guys do on it? Did any of you who are currently on it notice sides and push through, or quit? Looking back...how bad were the sides?...could it have just been the nocebo thing? 4. Did any of you guys stop taking it a few years after being on it? How bad was the shed? Thanks dudes, appreciate it!
  9. Looks really good man! Did they state why they only took from the right side and back, as opposed to a more spread out symmetrical pattern from both sides..?
  10. I kinda see what you mean about the black line thing, but regarding the left vs right i think they both look excellent! How is the donor area looking...?
  11. Really excited to follow this one. Any chance we could see the donor area when you get the next hair cut? And are you intending to stay on finasteride?
  12. Man, that is a quality result! Congrats! A few questions: 1. you say you're 'NOT taking both Fin+Minox daily', right? Any reason why? And do you mean you take it every other day or something? 2. Would you describe your hair thickness as thick, medium, or thin? 3. Any chance you could upload some donor pics? Thanks!
  13. Looking great! Could you please post pics of your donor area too? thanks
  14. Never heard this before, interesting if true though...
  15. Hair loss is never nice for any man to experience... ....but it is just a tad amusing when someone who used to mock others for it experiences it themselves. Hair loss is horrible, and Karma is a bitch 🤷‍♂️
  16. Perhaps unusual but i have seen more than one case on this forum of people claiming to have gained sides 10 or so years on. Whether those sides are directly from Fin....who knows. i guess we'll never know for sure... Fair point, but not a totally fair comparison. A paracetamol would be taken as and when a headache arises, say, once every two weeks, perhaps? Whereas fin just feels like a lifelong, daily commitment. Once you're on it, you are on it! A good point. Though, if going from purely anecdotal evidence, i see many, many people claiming to have tried and got sides, which does put me off. Again, how much of that is down to placebo on their part is very hard to say. I actually haven't heard of biotin side effects....maybe i shouldn't look 😅
  17. This is definitely a valid concern but also understandable on their part too. They're busy. They run a business. I get it. But the simple quick chair sitdown followed by a quick hairline drawn on would most definitely put me on edge and make me feel rushed. Eugenix seem to show a lot of videos where they are sat down meticulously going through the details, showing what they'll do on the screen projection etc, etc, but then i also read a post on here a week or so ago, where he said he felt rushed with the hairline and had 4 technicians staring at him waiting for an answer. Perhaps there is more time to go over hairline design with the higher priced packages, i'm not so sure...? Would be interested to find out about how much time should be allocated in this situation actually...
  18. Also, while it springs to mind, do you think Beckham has had a hair transplant...?
  19. Thinking about it, i guess the main reason for not getting on fin is simply the fear of sides... But the necessary long-term (forever) use of it also bums me out. Like, if i had a HT and then got sides 2 or 3 or 5 years down the line, stopped the fin and watch the transplant and fin gains deteriorate in a matter of months would be heart-breaking. That kind of dependence on a treatment just bums me out, and i can't see it any other way no matter how hard i try...
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