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follically challenged

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Everything posted by follically challenged

  1. Looks super work! Why not give topical fin a try...? Considered it?
  2. Sorry to say but to me that looks really over-harvested. Truly despicable that some clinics like 'Tito beauty clinic' even exist. Butchers like that should be held responsible for their unethical actions. You can look into placing grafts into that area or the easier cheaper option of SMP to disguise it. It's worth a look.
  3. Thanks man. Two questions: 1. How safe is it? I have heard somewhere that collagen supplements can, for some people, damage kidney function...? 2. If you started taking these AFTER you were already on Fin, did you notice any difference in hair quality / thickness / longevity? Or did you just continue taking them because you wanted to maximise the benefits..?
  4. Hi Maz, saw your video, looked like really clean work! Just wondering, what kind of collagen and Hyaluronic acid do you take? Are they combined in pill form? And did you take these before you started fin? I'm thinking of trying these before Fin and im curious as to what effect it would have. Thanks
  5. Looks clean work to me mate. I guess we'll have to be patient for the final result. Whats the donor area looking like now after the second surgery? It looked barley touched before...
  6. Hang in there dude, it could get better. Do you have any clearer pictures of the hairline now? That last pic doesn't really show the hairline in any detail....
  7. I think this gets to the heart of it. While it may be 'just hair' and you should 'just shave it' behind those words are a viewpoint, a feeling. When enough people have let you know this feeling through their words that you are.. looking older/worse/less desirable, you start to internalise it and it can mess with your head. Not all of us look OK with a shaved head, that's just a fact.
  8. Absolutely. I wonder if and when this will ever change. Also, the real annoyance to me is how guys who make the jokes often with no thinning whatsoever just seem to have that aura about them that they think they're better than you because of it... Perhaps luckier, yes. But better, no.
  9. For sure. But sometimes when my hair gets a bit longer and it starts to look like im covering the receded temples it may look a bit....odd? Hence they may be trying to let me know to sort it out with a hair cut or something, i.e. jokes are perhaps their way of trying to help me? I dunno... Don't get me wrong, Im not rocking a combover, but with receded temples and the hair is super thin anyway, perhaps i do let it grow somewhat longer than it should just to try and reduce the forehead size somewhat ha. Also, it isn't always friends. At a party last week, a guy i kinda know was pointing out my hair to some others of the group and i caught him and asked what was up... He then explained they were just talking about hair color... but the fact that there was sniggering going on makes me think otherwise. Those situations are hard to deal with.
  10. So excited for this one. Would you or Eugenix describe your hair thickness as 'fine'? It looks similar thickness to mine, albeit a different colour. So I'm excited to see this result. Good luck mate!
  11. OK, I see your point. And yes, maybe they are not thinking 'look like shit', perhaps that is my own thoughts about myself, ha. A better phrase to use would be 'look worse'. That phrase, I guess you would agree with, as you explained that you have spent a decade of your life researching this, and now paying a substantial amount of money to get your hair back. So, while perhaps not as sensitive to such remarks as I am, ultimately it seems it still lingers on your mind enough to invest such time and money into changing your appearance with a HT. Will / did you tell friends about your HT? How was their reaction?
  12. Haha. And how did the HT go? How did you respond to such comments before booking in for a HT? And would you say such comments as his was the final straw which made you book in for it?
  13. For sure, i really do feel for the women affected by this, it must be so, so much worse. But you say that losing hair never bothered you...? Then, I have to ask, why are you part of a forum which deals with exactly that issue?
  14. Thanks for the reply. I certainly wish i was less sensitive to things in general. And yes, ultimately, they're 'just words'. But behind those words seem to be a feeling of 'wow, you look like shit'. There's no smoke without fire, right? Also, and i ask this in a sincere way as i'm genuinely curious, if you're really not bothered by such remarks, and really don't seen to care about your thinning locks or how others perceive you or how they respond to you..... then why are you a part of a hair restoration forum? I presume you have had work done, or are at least considering it..?
  15. - or dumb, ignorant statements to that effect. How many times has someone pointed out your thinning hair situation? How do you / did you deal with it? (besides HT) It's like a gut punch every time, and there is nothing satisfactory you can say. If you just accept it in the jokey nature it is intended, then you just become fair game to the taunts. And you certainly cant get defensive about it because then people will view you as overly sensitive and treat you differently, or potentially tease you more... Overall, its a shitty situation, and quite amazing to me that with all the sensitivity nowadays around others issues, like race, culture, sexuality, weight, etc, it is still viewed as totally acceptable to just mock someone's thinning hair. Sigh. Just wondered how you guys deal with it / dealt with it, and if you have any tips. Thanks
  16. Its funny, and kinda true.. but not totally true. Some people just don't have good donor regardless of their bank balance
  17. Great result, and thanks for the professional documentation. There is obviously nothing bad to hide here 👋
  18. This used to be the case. Now it doesn't seem to be so consistent...instead, nowadays they mostly seem to be videos of him showing donor regions that have undergone FUE vs FUT. It would be reassuring if there were as many home-run results as there used to be. The fact that isn't the case intrigues me
  19. Nope. Other way round. Most surgeons, including Couto I imagine, use harsh light BEFORE surgery. This shows the gaps between hairs and creates more a clear balding effect. The soft light is used AFTER the surgery, to literally soften the effect and camouflage the density.
  20. How long does this result last? How often must it be 'topped up'?
  21. Pop a beer for us and get those tickets to India booked ✈️
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