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Everything posted by Dazed

  1. I defer to the famous Cleveland Clinic, anything I say would just be subjective. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/the-best-vitamins-supplements-and-products-for-healthier-hair/
  2. OK, then my first thought is how to conceal the transplant. Interesting dilemma, if you shave the top and leave the other area long it will look horrible. I you buzz it all the FUT scar will stand out. For your sake I hope the doctor doesn't require it to be shaved. My FUT was easy to hide.
  3. Lowpress65, whatever you choose to do first bounce it off the guys here. They will give you the pros and cons of your decision.
  4. If you want to make it as easy as possible for the doctor why not just get a buzz cut before the procedure. The doctor may also be able to work faster with the buzz. The big drawback is that the FUT scar will be very noticeable. I had good results with FUT and FUE without shaving the recipient area. You should ask the doctor what he requires beforehand so you can reason out the best approach so you don't look a fool for 4 months - don't downplay this aspect of getting a transplant because you have to deal with it for months. FUE with no prior FUT is a piece of cake because you can just buzz without revealing an FUT scar. I think most guys get more than one procedure, and the prevailing wisdom is to do an FUT first.
  5. I had FUT done in 2011 and I was not shaved, and everything turned out fine. I can see how shaving would make the doctors job easier, but you will look like a total fool for 3-4 months is you don't like to buzz your head. I returned to work after 2 weeks and nobody noticed. Hiding the transplant is a big issue for a lot of guys, and can you imagine a woman getting shaved.
  6. Have you ever seen hair regain its color? I don't even think that is possible. My mother insisted that my grandfathers hair color was returning before he died. My hair has some gray, but it is still mostly brown. The past week or so I have noticed color at the bottom of my mustache which had been all gray. I thought there was just something on it so I kept washing it, but the color would not go away. This is happening only at the last 1/8th inch near my lip. I just started taking pills to increase Nitric Oxide. I thought this was crazy so I found this article from Biology that says it can actually happen. If this keeps up I will need to dye my mustache to match the color I am seeing. https://biology.stackexchange.com/questions/14919/why-can-white-hairs-get-dark-again
  7. I had PRP done at the time of my last transplant in 2018. I cannot give an objective review of its efficacy, but the transplant went well.
  8. Overstock and Target are pretty big names so I don't believe these are scams.
  9. Google my friend. It was easy to find Morr 10%. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=morr+10%
  10. They will insert a catheter, or put a diaper on you - it all Depends. Just kidding, forget about the 4 cups of coffee before you go. Mine lasted 10 hours and they did break for lunch. In certain situations I can go long periods like during the operation, or even when i am driving long distances.
  11. I question all reviews, most are secretly promoting another product such as this review promoting something named Haironex such as this review. Believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear. https://hair-pills-reviews.com/Viviscal_full_review.php?f=adwords_Viviscal&gclid=CjwKCAjwtqj2BRBYEiwAqfzur28PRAC3w3RH2N4QTWyREfhD9Dpxkyo8RLn3Mbw5CbCBgOEdTLTAhxoCTusQAvD_BwE
  12. Kudos, you look great. Please post back at 18 months if you can stop dancing then.
  13. At at about the 4-5 months of my first transplant my transplants were curly, and actually it looked pretty good. Within a few months they turned into a soft wave which was more typical for me. This did not happen with the 2nd transplant.
  14. More than anything I would like a rule that people don't quote huge postings. People do that and then everyone has to scroll through lengthy posts that they have already seen.
  15. WOW what a story, and great results! This is probably the best story on this forum. We are all with you Glam Hair.
  16. Yes Oh Guru, that may be the case, but that is so hard to measure. Your posts are always some of the best on the forum. KUDOS I wish more guys would post 18 month reports, because it is then you can view more complete results.
  17. LOL Me at 62 prior to the first transplant. Bottom picture is me at 70 , I year prior to my second transplant in 2018. I had just walked in from cutting about 3 acres
  18. LOL, I really didn't realize how bald I was. I never could nail down the Norwood Scale. Would you say I was a 5? I remember after my first transplant in 2011 thinking how great I looked until a few years later when I caught a side view and knew I needed another transplant. I certainly don't look like I did at 17,but for me it is great. Me at 17.
  19. I worked as an auditor, and I could have worked the next day except for doing the saline solution often.
  20. This is what this quote is all about. "Imagination frames events unknown in wild fantastic shapes of hideous ruin, and what it fears, creates." Hannah More Report post Quote Edit Quote Edit "Imagination frames events unknown in wild fantastic shapes of hideous ruin, and what it fears, creates." Hannah More Quote Edit "Imagination frames events unknown in wild fantastic shapes of hideous ruin, and what it fears, creates." Hannah More
  21. I got a lot of good advice from the guys on this site. I didn't go with any of the suggested doctors from this site. It is very hard to remain objective when giving a review, and people end up being subjective. I really see no sense in posting a review prior to one year. I have see people post reviews after a few weeks, and you really don't know anything at that stage.
  22. Melvin, I like the format of this forum as it is very easy to follow. I have seen many a forum where the posts are just in a linear form and it is very difficult to follow. The only change I would like to see is the quoting feature where a person quotes a huge post, and we have to scroll through that huge post over and over again, but this is common to most forums. The only good feature of many of the linear forums is that they allow you to reference a post by number rather than quoting the entire post. With that said, I see nothing to warrant switching software, this is just an annoyance of mine. Hey I just realized I have been abound here since 2009, when I was young. LOL I wonder how many have been around longer than I.
  23. No, I have never used any medication. It actually looks better at 19 months than it did at the one year mark, but I am too lazy to take pictures and I need a haircut.
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