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Everything posted by jjsrader

  1. This does not imho look like natural temporal closure for a caucasian nor is the dense packing adequate (singles) before the wall of multis. Good yield for sure - I'd like to see this surgeon take more care & better aesthetics in these areas - but what do I know?
  2. It's disgusting (air). In & out as quickly as possible. Then again if it's your only time there - what can an extra day or two do to your lungs in the long term? Who knows.
  3. I'm sure you will be fine. It's such quality work. Even if let's say 5-10% of the grafts were taken a bit 'high' in the donor - if you eventually get on preventative meds (or are already on them) or even if you don't - you may not lose this hair for many many years if at all. So, I wouldn't be too concerned. H&W utilize the entire donor zone frequently & take into account donor hair quality & probably look for lack of any miniaturization in those higher-up donor zones and if they are all clear - they take a small % from that area. That's my guesstimate of what your surgeon is thinking.
  4. It was online & then networking and being young at heart. I tended to choose very intelligent but naive types who came to Chicago for college (grew up in other states). I've always found extremely intelligent women regardless of age to be more open-minded to anything goes once they've sized you up as equally intelligent & more unique than the 'bro' type.
  5. I re-inforced my frontal 1/3rd w/Dr. Feller in 2004 at age 38. I then went on a year-long tear and dated several 19 year olds at the University of Chicago. Without being able to have that hairstyle (for the time) - never would have had such fun. Alas, even w/strong meds for many years I had to have another massive surgery in '16 to fill in all the hair I lost mid-scalp to crown - but the '04 surgery bought me about 7 more years of philandering w/confidence I was not an overtly balding perv.
  6. Who is this guy & ya'll are obsessed! 😆
  7. If you do temple reconstruction, it's imperative that the SURGEON looks over the entire shaved donor and cherry picks the areas that have the FINEST/THINNEST hairs that most resemble native temple hairs in thickness & obviously all singles (dissected down to singles if not enough regular singles) - w/your very thick hair the doubles you requested further back was a huge mistake & they extracted your temple donor hairs from the thickest hair zone. It takes care & thought to make the slits for temple points and should not be rushed through, it's really both science and an art form - techs implanting in this critical zone & hairline should really only be the most experienced and skilled. That's on them & being lazy & rushing you through.
  8. I'm cynical as heck & have had multiple transplants - but for the money you got bang for your buck. All you really need is a few multis taken out of your hairline & perhaps 200-400 more frontal grafts for ultra refinement. Even now I probably would be hard pressed to tell you have had work done - and I have a super critical eye. I would just think you have insanely thick hair. Your hair quality is that good.
  9. All members reached NW6 or NW7 (some as early as mid 20's - some as late as mid 40's). As I wrote - strong baldness genetics determine our fate. Sometimes fast or slow w/or without meds. Lots of men keep alot of mid-vertex & crown hair (very slow hairloss) til late 30's - mid 40's & then it just goes. It's called middle-age & the hair just goes relatively quickly. Medications only slow hairloss - never stop it. Father time remains undefeated. I was happy not to have surgery on my mid-vertex & crown until I was 51 years old - the meds bought me 10-15 years of time. My younger brother always had great hair & by mid 20's it was going & by age 35 he was NW6 - so it's all relative. No meds for him.
  10. Getting there - month by month. Your full results down the road will be a good example of what it takes to get full coverage (alot of grafts) for aggressive hairloss. Think of all the FIBER savings down the road! Brilliant.😉
  11. Check out Dr. Shapiro in Minnesota - his work is more refined & his clinic is top shelf.
  12. Looks like a good 1st transplant - I'm surprised that the donor wasn't more spread out - but you can always do that for the next surgery. I'm not a fan of such a small area being harvested w/so many grafts though. Will be interesting to see how much density you end up getting visually speaking.
  13. No they didn't - you just lost all your existing hair in that area & behind it. Happens to alot of people as baldness is progressive - even w/medication. If your genetics are locked in for aggressive balding - medication only slows the hairloss. Although it does tend to keep 'donor' hair much healthier to use for future transplants. Also, hairloss can greatly accelerate in your 40's if you managed to hold onto the midscalp & crown (though slowly losing it) in one's 30's. Again, can't fight genetics. Since you weren't on any medication - you simply experienced progressive hairloss all the way through your crown over the next 5 years after your transplant. I had 3,800 grafts put in my frontal 1/3rd over many years & about 7 years after my last transplant at age 45 I rapidly started losing the rest of my mid-vertex to crown (even after being on propecia/avodart for 10+ years and using minox). My genetics simply caught up w/me & I did another 5K of grafts front to back in 2017. Holding up well thus far. Good luck and keep us updated.
  14. How cool is this guy that he gets in-person consults w/Couto & Zarev? One other surgeon you might consider a consult w/is Dr. Mwamba - he has trained w/Dr. C*** in Atlanta & is obsessed w/hair! Good luck young man & don't rush into anything just yet. Take it all in and maybe even wait another year (since you use fibers) & see where you are at age 25. It's good you are taking Dut & Oral minox - that will keep your 'donor' healthy as long as possible whilst you get older even w/your aggressive family history. Please keep us updated down the road.
  15. I feel ya. I have very fine - bone straight small diameter hair. I was on propecia from '98 to '02 - Avodart since then (dut) & been using minox since late 90's & oral minox since about '18 - so my donor is solid. Had about 3.55K grafts from the years '91-'04 - hair was okay from '04 to about '12 - at that time I was 44 & a NW5 (so I lost a ton of native hair mid-scalp to crown) from about '09-'13. Did another 5.5K grafts in '17 & now have full coverage. But my hair is very fine although no bald spot my density could be better behind the hairline all the way back to the crown. My plan now is to overharvest slightly the rest of my good donor scalp via FUE for a more homogenous total 'donor zone' area to make it less dense and create less of a visual difference from the recipient areas. Looking to do another couple FUE's beginning probably this fall or winter. If family history is NW6's & NW7's EVEN w/lifelong meds if you began losing your hair early 20's & you have fine hair - the struggle will always be real. Best to keep it at just the right length and a suitable hairstyle to create that illusion of a near-normal head of hair.
  16. It appears you have extremely fine/straight & thin-diameter hair. Even if all your grafts grew and you are a NW6 moving to 7 as you get older - 6K probably ain't nearly enough to get full coverage from crown up to hairline. You might need another 2-3K after your crown grows out to homogenize your entire top of the head. You didn't waste your money - you're just a difficult case that needs alot of grafts.
  17. If you've been losing hair slowly for a long time & everyone in your family eventually becomes a NW7 - it can accelerate into your 40's and beyond as well. It's all genetics & even dut won't stop it in the long run. You take the dut so your donor is robust. If you are destined to be a NW7 FUE in 2022 (w/the best surgeons) holds a slight edge over FUT especially since your're already almost 40 and a NW5 moving towards more accelerated hairloss. Good luck.
  18. Good to see Dr. Wesley giving context to this thread. Please update us throughout the next 18 months. I think your hair will look really good in the longer-term. Cheers!
  19. Ya'll seriously? Joe Buck has fine very straight hair & is MUCH older than Mustang. We don't know Mustang's ethnicity nor his hair diameter & I assume that Mustang w/his 10K transplants vs Joe Buck w/his 9 procedures - well, Mustang probably has at least 4K more transplanted hair than Buck. That written, we all work w/what we have and try our best as we get older. Also, Mustang is putting alot of body hair to replace the FUE's he is taking out. Very aggressive but well planned for maximum yield and efficiency over time. Buck being put under general anesthesia the last procedure tells me that his 8 previous procedures were not w/top-notch surgeons as Melvin wrote. Didn't know about Buck getting another procedure so it will be interesting to see his hair come late December & Jan '22 for NFL playoffs.
  20. Dr. Soni's scars tend to stretch - I'm proof of that. Good growth though. Would like to see him switch over to lateral slits instead of saggital slits but his microscopes and support team are on point. A well-oiled machine. I need to lose about 75lbs and see if I get a bit of laxity to cut out my stretched scar (4.5K grafts from that scar in '17). I've had alot of work before so nothing is perfect when you are getting another FUT after 6 previous ones (2.25K, 400, 700, 120 & 100) since '90. I think his FUE (I had 500 FUE same time as my 4.5K FUT) techniques are well done & he definitely has well over 3K procedures under his belt & is published (specifically 'crown whirl'). A good choice in India for megasessions. He is quite busy and it's definitely less 'private' as a patient pre-op/during op (nice private room though for aftercare & good meals) - but that didn't bother me as I enjoy India and understand the culture. Also, Jaipur is nice & his office is in the middle of a pleasant thriving district of activity & is great for people watching. Finally, I have bone-straight very fine individual hair diameter & his 400 (200 each side) temple-point reconstruction is flawless (I'm white Caucasian w/Swedish/German ancestry).
  21. Freeeeeek! But you are not being an *ss about it. Since you like the ultra-dense look & you were willing to spend 100K & you're OCD (regimented) & using Mwamba (super-freek HT scientist) - it's all good & an enjoyable read. TY for documenting it for us mere mortals.😈
  22. Bisanga is like a mad scientist!! Totally into the minutia & obsessiveness of all things HAIR! Luv it!
  23. Hi, GREAT pics & video. You have to tell us where you went!!!
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