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Everything posted by TrixGlendevon

  1. Dr Bloxham still posts results, he just doesn't contribute to advice or answering questions anymore. Some of the others don't even do that, with any great frequency. I agree I completely with you. Recommendation shouldn't be a one time grant. Standards should be consistently held high and monitored in case they fall below the limit set. Let's see what @Bill - Managing Publisher and @Melvin-Moderator say
  2. I wasn't picking on one doctor, she just so happened to be the first on the list of recommended doctors as she is based in Arizona and it is done alphabetically and lo and behold! she doesn't post results every month. Her results aren't exactly mind blowing when she does post them either. She posted some before and after pics in September and the only comment on the thread is asking her where the after pics are hahahaha. There seems to be poor policing of the site's own high standards which then reduces the quality of the site's recommendations. Clinics pay a montly premium to be recommended here because they feel they are buying quality and there is a lot of traffic in a very active forum and (potential) patients come here because they are getting quality advice and recommendations. There is a symbiosis. If the quality of the recommendations is reduced through poor enforcement of its own standards, it undermines the whole process and patients may stop coming to the site and doctors may stop thinking they are getting quality value for money which means patients stop coming to the site...... It is not my business model to worry about, just an observation. I think after Feller/Lupanzula Gate, Feller and Bloxham as a clinic made the decision to stop posting here. It is a shame because their information and advice was very good and they were very helpful. I wonder if they still post on other fora or if they stopped altogether.
  3. I am not sure that is necessarily correlated. I haven't posted my results either. I will probably stop using the forum as much now too. Some people just have their transplant and then move on with their lives. Others want to stay in the community. The former are not going to log on each month and post results for 12 months and are going to have forgotten all about the site after the 12 month mark..... until it is time for the second pass.
  4. Probably is real but I have never heard of him (although I didn't even consider Turkey as a possibility so apart from the usual 3 suspects from there who everybody knows, I have no idea). The problem isn't the doctor per se, it is the person representing him. It all just seems a bit suspicious. Some guy's first post is to ask a very, very niche question to bait "John" into saying his surgeon uses that or something. I'd avoid. Not worth the risk.
  5. For mega-session FUT, Hattingen and H&W are the best IMO. Rahal and Konior are both equally as good from what I have seen but I haven't looked into the North American doctors as much as the European ones.
  6. Well, I don't want to pick on anybody but the very first surgeon on your list (because it is Arizona) is Dr Keene who I had never heard of. I went through the first 10 pages of the results from leading clinics forum which takes us to 20th September and she does not have a single result posted.That is almost 4 months to the day. Also, if you give even a quick cursory glance at those same pages and who posts in them, most of them are the same few doctors posting multiple results (which is great for potential patients). Dr Cinik in particular is an eager beaver with almost the whole of the first page being his. Dr Arocha posts a lot, Spex has posted several times for Dr Alexander. Dr Bloxham posted once. Dr Devroye posts a lot, Loke posts for Dr Feriduni, H&W etc. Given that they are posting a lot of cases and the list of recommended surgeons is quite large, this means there are quite a few who are not posting. *Edit - my mistake - there is 1 for Dr Keene on page 9. Going through her posting history, she only posted in July before that and March before that. I am not picking on her alone, it just so happens that she was first on the list. There are others.
  7. I am not saying it is poor donor management because of the graft numbers and I think the others in the thread who made this point were also quite clear about that. I am saying the very bizarre distribution is poor judgement. The guy is a repair job to begin with and has a scarred donor and then he goes and takes all the grafts from one side of his head which will thin the hair out on one side. Even the patient has said he is not happy with it! What is poor donor management however is he has clearly used a 1.0 punch and the patient now has crater sized extraction wounds. It is highly likely he will get a good result, as you did, that is not the issue. The issue for me is that I think you can go to other clinics and get an equally good result with less controversy.
  8. I am sorry, I disagree. They may be rumors in the literal sense of the word purely because there is no proof but they are on several different, unrelated fora with several different unrelated posters posting the same complaints. I have also had a surgeon recommended on this website tell me things he has heard too. This should raise eyebrows. I have read of two separate cases, one of this forum and one on another, where he has told patients whilst they are mid-procedure he would throw extra grafts in the trash if the patient did not pay extra money. Highly unethical if true, but as you say, no proof so just rumors but I would still think twice. Secondly, he seems to get protection status on here when people post pictures of other patients' donors. I remember one thread about him in particular had pictures of an absolutely butchered donor and rather address the concerns, the pictures were removed despite the pictures having come from another thread on this forum anyway. He uses too large a punch in my opinion and also shows poor judgement like taking all of the FUE grafts from one side of the patient's donor. In fact, that thread actually has several more seasoned posters here sharing concerns about him. He does get good results but so do other clinics with less controversial stories about them, true or otherwise, and that in my opinion look after the donor sites better.
  9. Thanks for the reply! No concerns at all. I was just looking through some of them out of curiosity and didn't recognise quite a few. The site is also quite American-centric though so it may be North American residents know of them.
  10. Hi Bill! Thanks for the reply. Firstly, apologies then. I thought the clinics had to post in the "results from leading hair restoration clinics" section of the forum and not on their profiles. As I alluded to above with @hairlossPA, I didn't even know their profiles contained pictures of their work. Surely it would be easier and more public to have them post in that section anyway? It allows for people to see them more easily, which is the point, and saves your personnel time which can be spent elsewhere. Win-win!
  11. Skip Diep is my advice. Good results but rumors and stories of unethical practices and in my opinion, he doesn't look after the donors. As I said above, I think your hair is quite fine so you need to look after your donor as you need to get it right first time and will definitely need a second pass. I would add my clinic to your list too: Hattingen. The other two you have mentioned are good.
  12. Ahhh. I see. I hadn't looked at those. Well, let's see if this thread gets an official response from @Bill - Managing Publisher or @Melvin-Moderator I would really like to know the answer.
  13. Also this. The site pictures in general, on the homepage for example, are really old but that is just aesthetics so doesn't matter too much. Profiles should be up-to-date or what is the point in paying the money they pay? Their money, their choice I suppose.
  14. So, these are all apparently top clinics and must have waiting lists of a few months meaning they have a lot of patients and in 2 years of me being on this forum, not a single patient from some of those clinics gave permission for their pics to be shared and yet others are posting 1-2 results per week? Really? Come on now! They are not posting, either through laziness or poor quality results, and Bill and his team aren't enforcing the rules and therefore continued quality assurance for the list of recommended surgeons/clinics is lacking.
  15. Well, if you go cheap you're probably (although not definitely) going to be going back sooner than you wanted to anyway for a correction/second transplant so either way you will probably be having to find that money anyway. You get what you pay for and the more you pay, the less likely you are to have to go back. I'd save and then go for it. If you can't wait, ask clinics if they will do a payment plan. Look at a loan. There will be options. Dr Rahal charges in Canadian dollars and pays towards your flight and hotel. Why don't you check them out?
  16. Hello, Out of interest, I went through this website's list of recommended doctors just now and I saw doctors on the lists that I have never even heard of before. Given that I spent the best part of 2-3 years on this website (as well as others) looking at results, this means that they are not posting their results regularly on this website. I thought to continue with the recommendation, aside from paying the monthly fee to Bill, doctors/clinics have to post regular (weekly or monthly, can't remember which) results from their clinics? How is the site enforcing quality assurance for its members? The other thing I noticed is that you have put Greece as the country for Maras - it is Cyprus. A completely different and separate country.
  17. Thank you, please do. I don't check here very often anymore. I am only logging back to answer some private inbox messages about my clinic.
  18. It isn't for me, it is for an Asian friend in Asia. Thanks @seamike - do you have a thread of yoursurgery and its results?
  19. If you HAD to get a transplant in Asia, who would you go with and why? I think Dr Path seems to be the best.
  20. I am really sorry to hear this. Your donor is a mess. You could try SMP all over, and not just the donor, rather than a transplant. Without seeing the hairline, it is difficult to say if this is an option for you though. Assuming the hairline is fine, SMP the crown and the donor.
  21. Also, even if the scar is too low for another FUT over the top of that one, you could still have an FUT this time and then have the 1st scar taken out to reduce it in the future. Then you just put some FUE grafts into it/them so they are better hidden
  22. I think 17k is a lot but then I am in Europe and it is much cheaper here. I got 4387 FUT for less than that at an elite clinic in Europe. As you were willing to travel to India for this, you could try looking in Europe too. Hattingen (my clinic) and Dr Feriduni are great FUT clinics although Dr Feriduni was pushing me into FUE. Glad I went with Hattingen in the end.
  23. It was a few months ago now but he asked me in my consultation with him if I was taking Finasteride and I said no and that I didn't want to take it because there are no very long term studies showing what its effects are and just because everybody online thinks they are doctor with recommendations to take meds, empirical evidence is important as it is your health. He laughed and said this was a good view to take. I then said I know if I got side effects, I could just stop taking it and then things would return to normal but he said this isn't correct and that he wouldn't advise patients to take it and to look up post-finasteride syndrome.
  24. Yeah looks good. I will be honest, when I saw the first set of pictures I thought it was going to be a disaster but it really grew in well. Congratulations!
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