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Everything posted by Britanium

  1. It’s totally ok to dye you’re hair, generally this is fine from approx a few weeks after a hair transplant. No worries for you being over 7 months out !
  2. If only more people could see/read this kind of invaluable information before proceeding to just jumping on a plane to Turkey… As we all see all to often people seem to do the research after and not before, and subsequently arrive here on the forum too late.
  3. Fantastic write up ! Work looks excellent and very refined 👍🏽 Thanks for posting 🙏
  4. Pretty awesome result ! Top notch presentation as per usual, this guy is even able to shave down without the donor area looking like it’s has thousands of grafts from it. All good 👍🏽
  5. This does appear to be the case, where as older guys (like me) eyebrows get bushier with each passing decade ! 😬
  6. Sorry to hear you have been getting some side effects, was this on your current dose ? Did you start on 1mg and then reduce to the 0.5?, alternative days is a another option. When you say tropical 🏝☀️ I know you mean topical but it did make me smile 😆
  7. The OP mentioned he has been on Fin/Minox for a year and a half, it’s in the quote you used, it’s important to fully read what someone says before responding. 🙏
  8. Fantastic result and it’s nice to see a good plan in place. The front view is now very impressive. 👍🏽
  9. @RolandasAsk and you shall receive… 😂 Thanks for the update 🙏 As always it’s a excellent watch 🤩
  10. The mention of neograft is enough to put me off the clinic you mentioned in Canada, it’s a outdated technique/method. And please don’t consider Turkey for Afro hair, you have some much better/reliable options elsewhere. Most of the decent choices happen to be in Belgium, Dr Bisanga, Dr Mwamba, Dr Lapunzula and Dr Feriduni. Some other Drs/Clinics that are doing good work are @DrTBarghouthi(Vertex) which is in Jordan, Dr Diep US, Hasson & Wong since you mentioned you’re in Canada.
  11. Esperemos 😂🙏🤞🤞
  12. Safe to say this has now kicked off big time 👍🏽
  13. Of course I could back it up, but it would further derail this thread, just for a example put Bauman in the search bar, someone who is affiliated with IAHRS (and others) but a truly awful Dr with some horrific results and shady practices. As I said earlier it has no relevance as the OP is choosing between 2 elite Drs, but being part of a affiliate has no bearing here. It does not give any safeguards, when I say poor Drs are on that list I mean some truly awful ones that nobody would consider, they would not remain or even get on to the forums recommended list. Some have tried and failed. What I can agree on is that it’s important to do as much research as possible ! Use every means that’s out there. The OP has done his own research to narrow it down to Drs like Couto & Mwamba , let’s face it choosing either is going to give him a very good chance of a decent result 👍🏽🙏
  14. What safeguards? Be specific, choosing a IAHRS Dr does not guarantee/safeguard anything. Go and take a look at the list of Drs and see for yourself they have a real eclectic mix, some good Drs and some mediocre, and then some very poor ones, how would a prospective patient know which is which ? They don’t. Anyway this would be drifting away from the OPs thread, he’s obviously done some very good research to narrow it down to Dr Couto & Dr Mwamba since he talks in detail about his particular needs/requirements.
  15. Could you possibly provide some pics ? And add some details of you’re first HT ? Scalp hair is obviously preferable followed by Beard, chest although possible and used on occasion, it doesn’t have the yield of the other sources. Maybe you could consider Dr Bisanga, Dr Mwamba, Eugenix, @DrTBarghouthi & Dr Bicer to name a few.
  16. Also… I can’t look at you’re username without saying “Anyone, anyone…?” In my head 😂🤣
  17. A very worthwhile consultation! That’s one thing i particularly like about Dr Bisanga is the no nonsense/honest/ethical approach to anybody seeking a hair transplant. He doesn’t tell people what they “want” to hear, more what they “need” to hear 👍🏽😉
  18. I don’t want to derail this thread, but in the OPs case he is choosing between 2 elite Drs, one happens to be affiliated and the other is not. It has no relevance here, no safeguards whatsoever. It’s results that matter, both of these Drs are highly skilled, both have a large body of work that can be found (depending where you look) I don’t trust any particular person/forum or affiliation, Drs/Clinics are only as good as the results they are currently putting out. I would say right now that both Dr Couto and Dr Mwamba are at the top of their game. To the OP the choice is going to come down to he thinks best suits his particular needs.
  19. Interesting one to follow 👍🏽 2.8k of grafts in the crown should make a massive difference 👌
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