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Everything posted by Britanium

  1. Correct, at least that’s the case here in the UK, elsewhere I’m guessing it’s 18+ too.
  2. Very nicely done ! Great graft numbers, especially the 3s. Totally natural looking hairline indeed 🙏
  3. Wow 😯 This has really come along since I last commented! Very nice indeed, and yes I have noticed the more “unruly” hairs will take longer than the usual 12 months to settle down 👍🏽
  4. I have not paid attention in the last few months, but for Turan i believe it’s still around €1.25 - €1.5 per graft, but this could have changed 😀
  5. Yes they are: https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/dr-dogan-turan Only recently been added to the forums recommended list, reach out to them 👍🏽Dr Gur isn’t on the list yet but does have results here and elsewhere. Google Fuecapilar and you will find the combined Drs website.
  6. Needed time out ! This gets very repetitive you know 😂
  7. Dr Cinik has never been a recommended Dr, well certainly never been on the forums recommended list. More than a few members here have had more than satisfactory results (some actually really good) and yet others have had a subpar one. Some of the worst are those that have Afro hair. Mostly I see Cinik do average or ok work. As we all know it’s one of the most well known hair mills, but certainly not the worst. Some of the best results have been where Dr Cinik has done the “channel opening” and his sisters tech team are involved. End of the day it’s always going to remain a hair mill and has the associated risks that come with it. Dr Turan/Dr Gur are still affordable while mostly doing good work, and are certainly a lot more involved in the procedure.
  8. Monitor for any changes, it could easily take longer for the other side to also show signs of maturing. If it stays localised in one particular area then although more unusual it might show a different issue. Basically none of us armchair experts will know just by some pics, it’s going to take a professional eye/examination in person.
  9. @thebullyeagleIt is likely you’re hair is shifting in to its “mature hairline” phase, which does seem early at 15, but certainly not impossible. It can usually occur at around age 17, but others can experience it earlier. As you mentioned that you will see a dermatologist then they can certainly take a look and investigate what’s happening. Absolutely nobody should even be considering Fin at you’re age, no Dr/Gp would even consider prescribing it. You already mentioned this in you’re first post. There is a difference between receding and a mature hairline, it is possible to lose hair from a early age, but I don’t think this is MPB. Definitely other options can be considered when you reach 18, if needed. With a high likelihood of future balding possible (family history) then it’s better to be proactive, i understand the concern here. Best advice ? Seek medical help as you intend too, dermatologist/trichologist etc.
  10. Totally would recommend him ! I was saying give the other Dr a miss and instead focus on Dr Cooley 👍🏽
  11. Usually around 10% and a truly messed up donor area for life, not to mention all the mis angles and multi grafts in the hairline…
  12. Most people will see the growth begin around month 4, that’s the most usual timeline.. Please do update us with some pics 🙏👍🏽
  13. This has been asked since as long as I have been here (about 12 years) and not a single real world result… give it a miss and strongly consider Dr Cooley !
  14. Melvin I was in the process of sending you a message ! But my messenger was switched back off ! Please turn it back on until I say to switch it back off. 

  15. Check them all out, see who suits your needs, I’m not one to base things solely on cost. Spend some time looking on the forum at each of their results, see who’s work you prefer. I would say your friend was lucky, and maybe has issues that us hair nerds would pick up on but the general public would not.
  16. They would, but please make your next choice a Dr led procedure where they will at least do the incisions. Look for Dr Bicer, Dr Turan/Dr Gur or even Dr Yaman or Dr Demirsoy as better choices.. We don’t know how the first procedure will turn out yet, keep us updated and we can see how it develops. If you need convincing then just put Aygin in the search bar here and see what you find, It’s Important the next procedure is a better choice ! We only have a finite donor area.
  17. To be blunt this isn’t a good clinic but I don’t think you have been over harvested, maybe some of the extractions are a bit close, but overall it seems ok. I am not surprised to hear that the Dr only did the drawing of the hairline, who knows if it was actually a Dr that did the hairline, probably another tech. Did you plan for a second session for the mid scalp/crown ? If so I would definitely look elsewhere 👍🏽
  18. Thanks 🙏 have you got a pic of the donor area immediately post op? That would help. Did the “Dr” actually do any of the procedure?
  19. @Swoodsy91Please spend time doing some research here on some other (better) options. If you’re happy to share some more information about yourself then we could help 👍🏽🙏
  20. Just another one of the thousands of hair mills that’s totally tech driven and a massive risk, glad you arrived here on the forum.. that gut feeling you had is right !
  21. Get the money back if you can, but if not then it’s worth the €100 to save your scalp ! Don’t choose anyone that just “oversees” the procedure. If you happen to be looking for affordable Drs/Clinics then consider Dr Bicer, Dr Turan/Dr Gur.
  22. Always difficult to tell from just a couple of pics. Doesn’t look like it though… can you let us have some more info and pre/post op pics? who was the clinic/Dr and how many grafts etc?
  23. Unreal result, even though i know it’s actually real 😉
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