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Everything posted by Britanium

  1. We need some more emojis to react to this properly.. the crying one is ok, but we need a sick one !
  2. Not one that’s come up on any of my feeds, but I’m going to have a look… HOI and Asli are bad enough.. these seem worse 😬
  3. Definitely appears to be more than 4k… which hair mill did this ? One of these that are cramming in 5k per day no doubt… 😬
  4. Lots of growth happening ! And wow you’re donor area looks superb 👍🏽Thanks for the update 🙏
  5. No worries 😉 I would mention Dr Couto… but the waiting list to even get a consultation is a challenge in itself, let alone the waiting list for the hair transplant!
  6. And in answer to you’re question.. yes I do believe it’s worth the extra € to get the right Dr/Clinic for you.
  7. Here you can see a lot of Dr De Freitas results, and he’s also forum recommended. I mention him as i think he does very good hairline work.. search the forum and you can see for yourself. Best is always subjective, Dr Bisanga has long been one of my fave Drs and i have always been impressed with Dr Ferreira. Dr Bicer and Fuecapilar do good work, but personally I don’t think they are on the same level.. that’s just my opinion though having seen results from all of them. Other people may consider Dr Pinto as the other top choice from Portugal, again someone else who’s doing very good work. I think it will come down to whoever’s hairlines you prefer. For me it’s Dr De Freitas and both of the Portugal Drs.
  8. Great list of Drs/clinics ! Did you also consider Dr De Freitas?
  9. Dr Cortez (HMR), Dr Nader & if you was to consider Columbia then @Bogota HairlinesDr Camacho… All have results here on the forum…
  10. Best to go straight to source for this, so @Eugenix Hair Sciencesover to you 👍🏽
  11. At just over the mid way post I think you’re doing absolutely fine ! Glad to hear that you are now seeing a growth spurt, and that you can see the gains so far 👍🏽
  12. Unfortunately the poor clinics are everywhere, it just happens to be that most are in Turkey… but that doesn’t mean to say it’s a write off for getting a procedure.. Dr Bicer, HLC, Dr Keser, Dr Pekiner and Dr Turan & Dr Gur are all fine..
  13. Yes 👍🏽 Coffee ☕️ in moderation though !
  14. Out of curiosity whereabouts in the Uk are you? You mentioned somewhere rural?
  15. I am from the Uk so can say that although we do have some Drs here that are fine, they will be more expensive that Dr Arshad. Dr Reddy, Dr Ball, Dr Farjo + Dr Raja for example are the only other choices I think people should even consider here. And although the advice from the forum is always to not let cost or distance dictate where you’re choosing, it does for many of us. But considering most of the decent European options range from €2 - €5 per graft then it’s perfectly possible to get a elite Dr at the same price you would be spending here in the UK.. Dr Bicer in Turkey is €2 per graft, she’s forum recommended, HDC (Cyprus) is around €2.25 upwards depending on which Dr you choose.. again forum recommended. Dr Pinto & Dr Ferreira in Portugal are around €3 per graft, Dr De Freitas Im Spain is another very good option… spend some time looking/researching on the forum and you will get a much better idea of what can be achieved in terms of results from each…
  16. I get that, as you addressed it to Judoka i thought you may have mistook it for being posted this past April.. it seems he was put off by the responses at the time and promptly asked for it to be deleted and then disappeared. I have been around for 10+ years here and sometimes see that we can occasionally fail in posting a positive response, it’s a shame when we fail to get the balance right. As you rightly point out we need to tell it as it is, but hopefully in a tactful way.. we can all be guilty sometimes of being a little bit too passionate in giving our advice (I have been guilty of doing the same) The message is always to steer away from the cheaper procedures but with good reason, results first we say, but this can still be affordable.. 👍🏽
  17. @AJK How about considering some of the European options? It will open your options to some of the best Drs/Clinics you will find anywhere worldwide.. I have seen all the results from Dr Arshad that has been posted on the forums/online over the last few years, I share your apprehension. And it’s definitely worth being cautious… I need to start seeing some more consistency before I would ever start recommending him again.
  18. @Rahal Hair TransplantThe OP hasn’t logged in for 2 years and asked the thread to be deleted, safe to say he’s not coming back ..
  19. Sometimes this is true, other times it could be weeks ! Only the clinic themselves would know 👍🏽
  20. You could try this forums online consultation: https://hairtransplantnetwork.com/dr-kongiat-laorwong
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