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Everything posted by ModernHair

  1. I don't have a dog in this fight and am always happy to see a great discussion about this issue (my brother and father both received strip FUT), but wow was Dr. Feller's post arrogant. Talking about the issue of strip FUT vs FUE is one thing, but then taking the opportunity to insult nearly everybody else who isn't a doctor in his field, who may have various educated and intelligent opinions, is another. I am a professional with as many years of training as Dr. Feller (maybe more) and have an advanced doctorate, but I would never talk down to others like that in my field of practice who may not have my training and education. Who knows, maybe my Mom taught me better. Anyway, good discussion (despite the rough start) but contrary to his opinions, I am a VERY happy FUE patient who received an absolutely outstanding FUE from Dr. Jim Harris in Colorado (who incidentally did bring new FUE extraction technologies to the field notwithstanding Dr. Feller's claim). While I've had an outstanding start, I still have lots of growing to go but will gladly post pics when I am done growing out to show the immense success of FUE in the hands of a skilled doctor. I never even considered strip FUT - yield (which may be slightly better for strip FUT, but not by much) is not the only consideration for patients - scarring, more tension in your scalp, inability for very short hair, chances for complications, etc. are some of the many reasons people choose FUE over strip FUT today.
  2. That seems like a lot to me - seems like you'd need far less. You definitely had a good result but from what I can tell, the way your new hairline was laid out with the grafts resulted in the gap in your temples. That said, with the right hair style, it would not be too noticeable at all. I think you got a pretty outstanding result from where you started!
  3. You'll do great! Good luck! From what I hear, you're in really good hands!
  4. I only lost probably a bit more than half of my transplanted my hair after my FUE. The other half either went dormant immediately or some actually just resumed their growing immediately after the transplant. A fair number of them that were initially dormant are actually now starting to grow after resting for the past 6 weeks. Seems strange compared to the experience of others but I'm not complaining!
  5. Congrats on your courage to post and share! Please keep us apprised on your progress. I think that given the limited donor supply, the Dr. did a good job spreading them out.
  6. My surgeon used ATP spray extensively during my procedure and then had me use it very aggressively for about 5 days afterwards. Result for me...zero scabbing.
  7. Great result - very nice hairline. That said, seems like an awful lot of grafts for that relatively small regression. Hope there is plenty of donor hair in case the center starts thinning out.
  8. Curious why FUT has a better yield, and how much better it is?
  9. Looks great! How many grafts? Now the tough part is coming shortly...all of the transplanted hairs will fall out in the next few weeks as the grafts go dormant for a bit. But, only to return again for good!
  10. Good info. Thanks! I rotate my Hair Surge with Nizoral 3x/week to get a stronger dose of the Keto in the mix as well.
  11. GREAT summary FUEAsianHairline!!! A few other things have changed in the past few years as well. First, the use of ATP during the FUE/FUT procedure to preserve as many hairs as possible and substantially increase the yield. It's a pretty big advance in just the past few years. Plus, my doctor had me spraying ATP aggressively for 4 days after my FUE and then less often for a few more days. Result was no scabbing at all and, hopefully, a super impressive final yield. My doctor also utilized the platlet-rich-plasma therapy at the conclusion of my FUE to enhance the results and decrease healing time which is pretty innovative. Finally, some interesting shampoo technology has emerged pretty recently. I use Hair Surge shampoo which combines Ketoconazole, Caffeine and Saw Palmetto, all recently found to enhance growth or slow/stop loss.
  12. My shampoo has Ketoconazole, Caffeine and Saw Palmetto in it. A pretty charged up concoction! Very highly recommended by my hair doctor. Thanks OP...your experience is very reassuring! Hair Surge Shampoo – Ultrax Labs
  13. Don't want to discourage you, but personally if I ever got to the point of needing a beard transplant, I would just throw the towel in to hair loss, shave it short and call it a day. Short with low density transplants actually looks really good on many guys. Military'ish! That said, if it seems like something that makes sense to you, then explore further, for sure. We're all different and you should do what makes you happy!
  14. Were the ones you lost growing before they fell out? My 50% have grown pretty nicely.
  15. Full results take up to 18 months...you are way early and have plenty of time!
  16. I've read that roughly 2% of patients have their new grafts continue to grow and not go dormant after their procedure. I'm about 2 1/2 weeks after my procedure and have noticed that about 50% of my grafts have grown considerably, maybe doubling in size since my transplant. It's pretty noticeable compared to where they were when transplanted. The other half of the grafts have hairs that are the same size as when transplanted or have fallen out. I'm guessing the ones that haven't grown are dormant and waiting to fall out. Is it likely that the 50% that have grown so much will stop growing and still go dormant in the next week or two like generally happens? Or, are the 50% that are growing an indication that I am one of the lucky few to have transplanted hair that will continue to grow after the procedure and they won't go dormant (at least for a while)? Really curious to see what happens over the next few weeks!
  17. Good question. I had my procedure 2 1/2 weeks ago and about half of my transplants have grown considerably and the other half are dormant with a few falling out. I've read that the hairs are really not connected any longer so they should just fall out at your stage (usually well before). Usually scrubbing them with your fingers does the trick so definitely odd that yours are stubbornly staying put!
  18. According to my doctor, Hair Surge shampoo.
  19. Don't be hesitant for a hair transplant. I just had one 2 1/2 weeks ago. I needed 1,800 grafts. 3,000 for you seems about right. I saw you were concerned about needing another one down the line, and you probably will, but I wouldn't be hesitant to do it again if I needed to. It was a few days of minor discomfort for a massive gain. That said, my Dr. felt pretty confident that if I stayed on Rogaine, I would likely keep my current hair and wouldn't need another trip but I had no miniaturization in my crown area. Of course, no guarantees for any of us and I'm prepared for another round if I end up needing it. As for concerns about a bad result, definitely research your doctor well. I don't know either of yours but I can say I was 100% confident in my doctor so it took any anxiety about a bad result out of the equation for me, so that's really important. He was truly as good as they get.

    Hi David - Quick question...I see lots of people that have signature blocks under their posts but I can't seem to find the location to add a signature. If you could kindly point me to where signatures are, that would be great!



    Also, kudos on a FANTASTIC resource for people with hair loss! Was a lurker here for quite some time before my recent FUE ;)



    I am a huge Forum guy (usually tech stuff) and if there's ever an opportunity to upgrade your back-end forum management software, you may want to consider the same software that many of the tech sites use (forums.androidcentral.com as an example).



    It actually automatically monitors all of the posts you participate in, tells you how many comments have come in since your last read, and even takes you to the right spot in every single thread that is new to you when you click on the thread. You don't even have to scroll to the new stuff. Really cutting-edge!



    Anyway, just wanted to send the suggestion your way if you guys ever look to transition but in the meantime, thanks for the tremendous resource and service you are providing for so many people!


  21. I just had (13 days ago) a no-shave FUE. They cut the hairs close but the close cut was hidden by my other hair. Nobody could see a thing. Fantastic procedure!
  22. Great results! I'm 13 days out since mine (approx. 1800 grafts). Had a fantastic Dr. in Colorado (James Harris) who is also cutting edge in FUE so I'm hoping for the same great results you've had! Your transformation is really remarkable - congrats!!!
  23. Sorry for what happened...consider travelling to Colorado to see Dr. James Harris (Denver). He is a true master, a world renowned teacher in the field of Hair Transplantation and often fixes up the botched jobs of other "Doctors". My FUE was 12 days ago and I was immensely impressed with him. Lots of other good doctors, of course, from all the good reads on this site. Just glad I was able to have my procedure from one of the best in the field with no worries of a botched job. There's more than enough to worry about already!
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