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Everything posted by paddyirishman

  1. Thanks for your reply...it looks very natural. What condition was you face in after the beard grafts were removed and How long did it take to heal properly? Can you see any small scars there now? Whats the texture of your beard grafts like compared to your regular doner hair? Thanks again. ......Paddy......
  2. Any update on the growband please? I hope you have grown lots of hair. ......Paddy......
  3. Thanks for sharing. I think you have achieved a great result so far. The hairline looks very natural and suits your shape of face. How many grafts did you recieve? Was the beard grafts done on the second day and if so how many and where were on your head were they placed? Thanks and all the best.. .......Paddy........
  4. Thanks for your update ahmedabad_guy. Your hair has really come good, in another month or so there should be a really big improvement. Have you considered taking Biotin or aloe vera or Saw Palmatto, they are all great for good growth strengthing and thickening the hair ? ........ Paddy......
  5. Well if you are referring to the picture and labelling Well if you are referring to the picture above as a bald spot , I must definately go and get my eyes checked out I didnt realise a bald spot fell into this miniscule category. Sorry to all forum members and most importantly Kevbones for my very poor eyesight and observation.. ......Paddy....
  6. Pictures are very informative as one can see where the hairline was drawn and where the 2100 grafts were placed . Looking forward to the updates Abhinay. .........Paddy....... ..
  7. Your very welcome Bigjab. If we can block the DHT as much as possible NATURALLY and strenghten and maintain the hair from the roots inside the scalp thats what its all about. There are other ideas the list goes on. Even massaging your scalp to increase bloodflow can make a difference. .......Paddy...... .
  8. Hello Hlptoronto. Good to hear your HT is going very well. Best wishes for your PRP packages. Will the PRP package help your newly transplanted hair or is it for your hair you didnt get transplanted.? The reason I ask is a top doctor told me it makes no difference to the newly transplanted hair. Thanks again. ..........Paddy........
  9. Hello Bigjab. No its not compulsory to use medication at all for your HT. Believe it or not, many patients do not use medication especially older patients. Medication will not do anything for your newly transplanted hair as that will grow and get stronger over a period of time anyway. You only take medication to strenghten the hair and help maintain your hair thats not transplanted. But as you are well aware medicatìon can have considerable side effects for some. When you stop taking the medication if your health circumstances change later in life your back to square one. You may lose that hair anyway. So in my opinion for the long term without any major health risks you are much safer to use Biotin along with Aloe Vera which are well known for strenghtening your hair from the roots .Multivitamins from HAIRFLUENCE are especially formulated with multivitamins including folic acid to maintain and strengthen your existing hair also indroduce Saw Palmatto and use Nizoral shampoo to keep your scalp clean for that blood flow and vital oxygen around your scalp . Maybe drink green tea also which blocks DHT. Live a reasonable healthy lifestyle especially before and after your HT and you will see outstanding results as much as anyone taking medication would. All the best Bigjab. ......Paddy.......
  10. Hello HLPTORONTO I hope your HT is making good progress and you are seeing good growth now. Where would you go for your PRP sessions considering you are in Canada and you had your HT with DR.BHATTI in India.? Thanks and all ths best .......Paddy.....
  11. Hello Bigjab. Yes its very important to keep your scalp clean and free from a build of dryness as this can restrict badly needed blood flow to your grafts on your scalp. Nizoral shampoo is excellent at kepping dryness on your scalp at bay a couple of times a week . Make sure to use a good shampoo and conditoner in between that is not hard on your hair. Even Baby shampoo is really good and not hard on your hair at all. For conditinor after you wash your hair towel dry your hair first and put a good conditioner into your hair and leave for 3 to 5 minutes to lock that moisture into your hair and this will help it from drying out. Wash out with luke warm water. Hot water is not good for your hair and this dries it out . Drinking Green Tea can be a natural way to block DHT also . .............Paddy.......... ..
  12. Hello Traveller99. Holding on to your existing hair is a top priority now and after your HT. Check out HAIRFLUENCE for great ideas. Aloe Vera, Biotin and Folic Acid. Far better natural ways than medication that has all kinds of risks. Best of luck with your HT. Dr. Bisanga is a great doctor. Keep us updated please. ............Paddy............
  13. Hello bigjab. I notice from the pictures you posted you have still plenty of hair you want to hold onto . If you dont want to risk side effects associated with medication there are many great ways to help to strengthen and maintain and even regrow your weaker hair . Aloe Vera organic , Which you can drink or massage into your scalp. Great for hair . Biotion in the form of capsules. Check out HAIRFLUENCE which have great tablets that are packed with all the nutrients thats required for great hair. Folic acid is another great addition to maintain your hair. I hope this helps....All the best. .......Paddy.....
  14. Zinc is known to have great healing properties also. All the best on your journey. ............ Paddy........
  15. Abhinay I agree with kevin20 and leftkook . If you are going to present your patients results on the forum please try and respond as best you can within reason to questions and feedback to members who have a great interest in EUGENIX. Thanks Abhinay. ........ Paddy... .. ..
  16. Your crown looks great to me , you have tons of hair there, and is nothing at all to be concerned about. In addition to having a great head of hair you have plenty of years on your side so for now my advice would be to concentrate on more enjoyable things in your youth. Be very very careful in the future if it ever comes a time you consider medication for hair loss as there can be pros and many cons. Speak to a doctor and have your health assessed and make sure to put your health as your no.1 priority in all aspects. Remember hair isn't everything, but your overall long term health is at the end of the day. ENJOY YOUR LIFE AND NO NEED TO WORRY ABOUT A PROBLEM THAT DOSENT EXIST 😃 ...........All the best....... .............Paddy.......
  17. Thanks for the update Pete . The first procedure was FUT for the hairline , Was the second one FUE ? Was anything done for the crown ? Thanks again Pete and I look forward to the upcoming updated picture. ...........Paddy........
  18. Great improvement all round. Side temples look really good and natural. I presume the crown was implanted ? How many grafts Abhinay ? Its a pity there is no pictures shown of the patient to show where the grafts were implanted just after surgery which would be more interesting . ............Paddy........
  19. Looking forward to the updates on this patient. Abhinay just out of curiosity is their any account or documentation with regards to a 1 or 2 or 3 etc of hairs per graft implanted per procedure. Thanks Abhinay. ..........Paddy.......
  20. Good improvement from where you were . All the best for the future. ........Paddy.......
  21. All the best Im sure you will have a great result with your hair characteristics and plenty of backup in your doner for later. ........Paddy....... ....
  22. Thanks Bill and well done for putting a stop to this kind of stupidly and nonsense. Keep up the great work in the background that on many occasions go unnoticed by so many forum members. ..........Paddy.........
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