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Everything posted by Shera

  1. Hi David, you seem to have mirrored my own progress and now your hair looks fantastic. Again, it's been a pleasure viewing your updates and sharing in your delight. Hi Kian, the major cities you can fly into include Delhi, Mumbai and Amritsar, from there you should be able to get a connecting flight to Chandigarh. If you are flying to Delhi or Amritsar, there is always the option of taking the Darling Buds taxi which will take about 5 hours, an experience in itself, but can be too much after coming of a long flight. The connecting flight should take no more than an hour. Chandigarh airport is new and just opened late last year, there will be connecting flights from Dubai amongst other airports in the near future if not already, I will double check.
  2. I could have written that myself, word for word. It's great to have the old me back again!
  3. I think Transformer is probably so happy with his result, he has just resigned himself to not waste any of his new 'with-hair' time on any hair forum sites but to enjoy the rest of his life with hair. Judging from his last set of pics and where he started, I would say he was well on his way to a phenomenal result.
  4. Hi dds, just wondered whether you'd made any progress in the last 5 months since the last pics were taken. Also, are you on any meds?
  5. Maybe it's because the Chinese in NY have embraced the US junk food diet. Hello Big Mac, Bye Bye hair. Seriously though, I just did a quick google search and there's some interesting research and ideas out there. I did find it quite bizarre, the lack of balding people amongst the Chinese in China, will try and see if I have some pics.
  6. Mikeey, have you actually been to China? I have just got back and I can tell you straight up that you rarely see any bald chinese. Even the old fella's seem to sport amazingly full barnets. This could be down to genetics but there may well be a diet factor there too. So don't discount the Herb just yet!
  7. Thanks for the feedback Paver, it was great helping you out in any way I could. I admire the way you made the most of your trip cramming in so many experiences and judging by the photos you sent, you made a big impression on the locals too. That's the way to do it. At times it was like tracking Jason Bourne! You managed to visit the Golden Temple, witness the colourful changing of the guard ceremony at the India-Pakistan border as well as exploring Chandigarh and Delhi, well done, you certainly made the most of your short trip.
  8. Dr Tejinder Bhatti will be personally conducting patient consultations in London on Sunday 8th May and Monday 9th May 2016. Consultation slots for these two days will be in high demand and will be filled very quickly so please do not delay if you are interested in attending. If you wish to attend then either PM me your details or email your details to darlingbudsuk@gmail.com. You will be asked to initially provide detailed photos of your hair as it is now, the front, sides, top and back views with dry hair preferably without a harsh flash. From these pics, Dr Bhatti will be able to identify firstly whether hair transplant surgery is a viable option for you and if it is, then he will devise a plan that is best suited to you. This plan will form the basis of the discussion when you meet with him in the consultation. I hope to meet some of you there too.
  9. Hi Mick, Your hairs looking fabulous, you must be over the moon. Especially as you did it on impulse, almost like what the hell, do or die! Mind you, if you think about it, in some ways most people do eventually have to make an impulse decision, that final decision has to be made and then there's no turning back. It's probably getting a bit harder with all the options out there. Anyway, it's been great reading your posts, no holds barred, tell it like it is! Almost feel like I've known you for years. As for being 53, I did read somewhere that 53 is the new 33!!!!
  10. Hi Mark, I had 3305 grafts implanted in 1 day, it wasn't really too much of an ordeal. I'm sure my doctor, Dr Bhatti could have stretched it to 4000 if that was the requirement. Have a read about my experience in my link below, it may well address some of your concerns. If you need any other advice or guidance or even a consultation with Dr Bhatti who will be visiting the UK in coming months, then please do not hesitate to contact me.
  11. Hi JHarte, I would also agree with the previous poster, 2000-2500 grafts will make a big difference. You're not half as bad as you described yourself in your initial post. Your donor looks really good, you appear to be a very good candidate for a hair transplant. Feel free to PM me if you need any other advice and guidance.
  12. Hi Jamesaus, you are looking good at 3 months. As Seth says, you are on the way to a killer result. Enjoy the ride.
  13. That's a great natural looking dense hairline you got there Spanker. It's always good to see results a few years down the line that have clearly stood the test of time, thanks for sharing.
  14. Hi Pavan, I think anything between 3500 and 5000 will give you good coverage. I think if I compare my pre-op pics to yours, then there is a just a slight difference with perhaps you needing more grafts. If you consider that I had 3305 grafts, then perhaps you will understand why Dr Bhatti has recommended 3500 for you. I suppose the question you need to ask yourself is whether you would be happy with a similar result to mine. If the answer is Yes, then maybe there is no need for you to travel abroad if you are based in India. Another thing you need to take into account is your age; at 29, it is possible that you will continue receding therefore if you have exhausted most of your grafts in this procedure then what will you do then? 5000 grafts in one go will probably produce a great result, definitely one for the advertising and marketing campaigns to get all silly over, but what will happen a few years down the line when you may well want to get your crown done. I hope that gives you something to think about, please feel free to PM me if you wish to converse privately. Whatever decision you make, I hope its the right one for you.
  15. Hi Ghumanz, Your hair is at a similar state as mine was at this stage, nothing for you to worry about, just buckle down and enjoy the ride. The pimples will go away with time as will the itchiness, just carry on with your current routine. All the best.
  16. Hi Sunny, congratulations on making the wise decision to go to Dr Bhatti for your second procedure. Your hair looks great after 8 months, after 12 months you will look brand new! Hope you keep the forum updated with your continued progress. All the best. Sat Sri Akaal!
  17. Hi Rohbee10, Congratulations on having your hair transplant with Dr Bhatti and thanks again for taking the time to complete such a detailed and informative write up. The lightning pain you describe will go after a few weeks, I myself got quite used to it and in a strange way, kind of missed it when it was gone. I hope you keep us all updated with your progress and as always if you have any concerns, please feel free to ask, the excellent service and care you have received thus far does not stop immediately post procedure. I wish you all the best and hope your results will be on a par with mine.
  18. Thank you all for all your kind messages of support and encouragement. Sorry, I should have posted sooner but I have been away on vacation. Also a big thanks to those who have PM'd me asking for further details and advice, I will try my best to help you all. Keep the messages coming.
  19. Dear all, I would like to make the following announcement. I originally felt compelled to publish my own experience and results as a way of giving back to the online community. As I have already mentioned in my own write up, it was the information and experiences garnered from patients’ reviews from this site which eventually inspired me into tackling my own hair loss. My write up was a means for me to give something back to the community thus continuing the trend from which I have benefited so much. Some of you may have already read my own write up, for others who may wish to read it, the link is below http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/178931-my-fue-dr-tejinder-bhatti-oct-2014-a.html Following on from my own experience and the amazing result I got from the hands of Dr Tejinder Bhatti in Chandigarh, India, a handful of my friends and family members decided to go down the same route as me. Of course they wanted me to make all the arrangements etc as I was now “so massively experienced”, after all, what else are mates for! A few of the patients I sent had commented that I should make a career out of being a rep, because I managed their trips so efficiently well. I think this may have been noticed by Dr Bhatti himself and as a result he has recently offered me the opportunity of being his UK Representative and Patient Adviser. I have accepted his offer and I will endeavor to ensure that every patient that I send will be fully prepared, that each trip is managed with the utmost care and attention to detail and the whole process runs as smoothly as possible. I look forward to helping many more of you on your HT journeys, hopefully resulting in the same killer result as me! Feel free to PM me any time if you feel I can be of any assistance. Kindest Regards Shera UK Representative and Patient Adviser for Dr. Tejinder Bhatti Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center, Chandigarh, India. Dr. Tejinder Bhatti MS, DNB, M.Ch (Plastic Surgery), FAIS, FICS (USA) is recommended at the at Hair Transplant Network. My FUE HT Story Darling Buds India
  20. Hey Speedy, I feel your pain, but hopefully once you have decided on an HT and it is a success you can move on with your life without carrying the burden you appear to at present. A night out in the UK means you're never really too far away from a load mouthed drunken idiot, I wouldn't let the experience you mention stick in your mind too much. If you do your research and make the right decision then there's no reason why you shouldn't have a similar life changing result as myself. Just go for it I say, get it done and move on with your life. Have a read of my story below and please feel free to PM me if you need any help or advice. All the best Shera __________________________________________________ Dr Bhatti FUE Oct 2014 3305 grafts http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/178931-my-fue-dr-tejinder-bhatti-oct-2014-a.html
  21. Hi Fantastic, I would probably make sure all the other issues mentioned are addressed prior to getting a visa. Booking the flights and getting the visa should in my opinion only be done once all other issues have been addressed such as you being certain of what you are having done, all other logistics relating to your stay are in place and a clear indication of associated costs are established. Once this is all agreed, only then should you start looking into flights and visa detail. I hope you act upon the advice given and I hope your trip to India is as pleasant as can be. Shera __________________________________________________ Dr Bhatti FUE Oct 2014 3305 grafts http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/178931-my-fue-dr-tejinder-bhatti-oct-2014-a.html
  22. Hi, just a few questions. Have you already paid a deposit for this procedure? Have you researched into the Dr/clinic? Have you viewed past results and possibly spoken/emailed past patients for their views? Are you actually aware what procedure you are having done and the associated costs? Are you aware that you will need a visa to travel to India? Has the hotel etc been booked and are you aware of the costs? I think in the first instance you really need to come up with a list of questions and ask the clinic rep to clarify these in writing. It could simply be just because you have not asked, the clinic have just assumed you know the answers. Also you might want to demand that the clinic at least send a driver to the airport to pick you up, worryingly you do come across as someone who could possibly be taken advantage off by a dodgy taxi driver after a long flight Feel free to PM me if you need any assistance. __________________________________________________ Dr Bhatti FUE Oct 2014 3305 grafts http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/178931-my-fue-dr-tejinder-bhatti-oct-2014-a.html
  23. Fibres would be a good solution for you. __________________________________________________ Dr Bhatti FUE Oct 2014 3305 grafts http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/178931-my-fue-dr-tejinder-bhatti-oct-2014-a.html
  24. Hi Furry, If you have already decided on FUE and are located in India, then you will have a tough job convincing yourself to go anywhere else other than Dr Bhatti. You know it makes sense, go for it! Check out my experience with Dr Bhatti using the link below. Wherever you do eventually decide to go, all the best. __________________________________________________ Dr Bhatti FUE Oct 2014 3305 grafts http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/178931-my-fue-dr-tejinder-bhatti-oct-2014-a.html
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