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Everything posted by Steeeve

  1. Man, this is already a homerun and you still have some time to mature! Dr Wesley’s work is always so impressive! Congrats!!
  2. Post-op work looks great! I’ll be following along! Happy Growing!!
  3. Your immediate post-op pics look great. The pic of your donor looks incredible! It only gets better from here. Congrats!!
  4. Last Saturday, April 16th, I was three years post-op. It’s been an excellent three years. People who have never met me before will comment on my having better hair than their 18 year old brothers. I don’t know about that but I’m very happy. I do feel I’ve lost a little ground in my hairline but that’s very subjective as I would be very bald right now had I not gotten the hair transplant. Im currently on fin, biotin, and minox. I have been on all of these meds since April of 2012. I also hide what is gone in my crown. I’ve grown out the front and frontal mid-scalp long enough that I can pull it back and tie it in a little ponytail and no one is the wiser. I’m kinda locked into that style, though, if I want to continue to hide my barren crown. My family has been trying to get our finances together since the snowpocalypse that Texas saw in February of 2021. We’ve finally pulled ourselves out of that rut. I haven’t spoken to Dr Arocha just yet because we have two family vacations planned before the year is out but I’m planning on moving forward with getting my crown done at the beginning of 2023. Same format as usual for those who have followed along. Two types of lighting and no product or fibers. Bathroom:More direct light from outside into my office:Here’s a look at how long I keep it to cover my crown:and here is a look at some weakness on my right side. In certain light it shines through.I was very much trying to talk the wife into going for the next transplant in between vacations but in all reality I just don’t have the time off to spend. I can’t wait to move forward. I’ll post when I do. Be good people.✌🏻
  5. This looks amazing so far and I can’t wait to see the finish line.
  6. The only advice I would offer is to hold for the 12 month mark post the last transplant to start to let your feelings get you down. Even if you were an early sprouter from your last transplant or even the one in 2013, 5 months is way too early to feel downtrodden about what’s going on. It’s still, however, very much the early days of growth for this latest transplant. I agree, though, you should keep Dr Bloxham in the loop. Your hairline when styled looks 👌🏻👌🏻
  7. Hey @Leonidas, my friend, how everything looking? You should be coming up in 10 months pretty soon. How’s your transplant progressing?
  8. I’m planning for it, yeah. I’m not sure when just yet. When I do have it all figured out I’ll be posting about my journey on the forum again, though.
  9. @Melvin- ModeratorCongratulations!! On the hair transplant and getting married!! Your hairline redesign is perfect! I feel like you had all of your hair loss concerns addressed during this procedure. Well done! I’m so excited for you! I’ll be following along with literally everybody else in the community here! Lol
  10. I was wondering the same thing. @Micky597, this is mind boggling, man. So natural. Your recipient looks untouched. Congratulations! You haven’t even hit a year yet and you look like you’d never lost a hair in your life!
  11. This is really solid for roughly 8 and a half months. Even though you let your hair fall over your forehead, having had it lowered makes a big difference as to how that frames your face. Congrats!!
  12. @yesplease, thanks man! In April I will have been on fin for a whole decade and other than the occasional brain fog, and we’re talking a real light fog here, I would say the rewards have heavily outweighed the risks for me. @Cahustler and @Melvin- Moderatorthanks guys, I appreciate the love. Cahustler, I’d love to see an 18 month update!
  13. Sorry, my friend. I haven’t been on the forum so much lately. I think everything looks on track! You’re hair that was previously transplanted looks so good growing back in from being shaved for the transplant. I think you’ll be set at 1 year! I’m looking forward to watching your crown grow in!! Congrats, man!!
  14. Thanks guys! I appreciate the love, for sure. I’m hoping to get more work done in the spring and when I do I’ll definitely be updating that journey and If I notice any significant changes from the dermarolling I’ll hop on with that.
  15. Hey everybody! It’s been kind of a hot minute since I’ve really been on the forum and I wanted to pop in with a quick update. I’m just over 28 months post-op and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve found a really good length for my hair to cover my crown sufficiently while still complimenting the frame of my face. When I meet new people now I hear a lot of people talking about how nice my hair is. I always play it cool but I’m not going to lie; it makes my heart swell. Lol Dr. Arocha really did right by me and while I know I’ve said it before I really can’t wait to get back in the chair and get some more hair moved around. I haven’t been able to get back in to get anymore work done (obviously) due to the snow/freeze that that Texas had last February. It pretty much wrecked our house and ate up all my hair transplant savings. Maybe next year. I’ve got a few pictures to share. The office I currently work in has a giant window with really great diffused lighting. I would also like to add that @Melvin- Moderator suggested sometime ago that I try adding dermarolling to my regiment, which I was initially hesitant about, but it sat in the back of my mind for who knows how long and I finally started giving it a try. I started doing it on April 16; exactly two years post-op. So while it’s only been 4 months, and I haven’t noticed any results just yet, I am looking forward to seeing why that should bring. I hope this finds everybody well. I’ll be around.
  16. Brilliant improvement. I can’t imagine from where you are so early on that this won’t turn out completely 🔥 at 18 months.
  17. You’re so set. This looks like you’ve already reached the end of this transplant’s journey. Simply amazing this early on!!
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