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Everything posted by Steeeve

  1. While these pictures may not be the best representation of Dr. Arocha’s talents to you I would like to give you some friendly advice; If you use the search tool and look up ‘Arocha’, you’ll find a lot of patient testimonials. There are about 80 pages to sort through. Results that his clinic has posted and results posted by patients. People have been talking about him on the forum for about 15 years. He also actively participates on here when he’s able to. I’ve spoken with many doctors on the forum, through email, text, and in person and I chose him for my first procedure and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. My experience was life changing. I can’t wait to go back for more work with him to share with the forum.
  2. Sometimes they do. If they don’t and you would like to see them, ask and they will usually be able to provide them.
  3. Man, congrats again! Work looks solid! I guess you felt good about everything since you decided to go back… Thanks for posting and looking forward to your updates!
  4. Congratulations! The work looks great! Following!!
  5. What an interesting case! I would be concerned about the noticeable contrast, too, if it were my hair. Lol Congrats to the patient and team for an excellent turn around!!
  6. This pops up a lot on the forum here. It certainly doesn’t look good atm but as others have said the best thing to do is wait. I’ve seen it take 8 months to recover but usually it takes around 6. I wouldn’t say it was over harvested at all. At least not yet. Shockloss can be a total pain. I had a strip and at month 3 there was a little gap on my right side after using a 1” guard. There’s literally no comparison to what you’re experiencing but by month 5 it was better and by month 7 it was gone. Currently this just looks like shockloss, to me, which should resolve itself. I’ll be following along, though. I hope you stick around to 12 months! Your recipient looks great!
  7. Following this to see this crown come to completion. Congrats on your procedure and Happy Growing!!
  8. I’m just coming across this and all I can say is wow! What a transition so far!! Following and hope for an update soon!
  9. The work looks incredible. I think your extraction pattern looks terrific this early on. I really wouldn’t worry about graft count. That amount of grafts per cm2 is going to give you a very dense look but should also blend in very well with your naturally existing hair. You went to one the absolute best doctors. Following.
  10. Wow. Congratulations! This just…this deserves a slow clap👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  11. Hey @GoliGoliGoli, I didn’t want to derail OP’s thread so I thought I would just answer your question on my own thread. I opted for FUT for a few reasons. One was that I have always kept my hair longer. When I started losing my hair I was kinda forced into shaving my head because my hair loss was pretty diffuse throughout and when it was long it made me look unhealthy. While having a shaved head never held me back from anything…I was like everybody else here. I just wanted my hair back. I’m leaning toward being a Norwood 6 and I felt like I wanted to get a couple of strips under my belt before moving on to FUE. I think that if I had waited until now I probably would’ve started with FUE as I feel like FUE really is getting the kind of yield that strip got for so many years-some of the most renowned doctors would say FUE was better now. That being said I really don’t regret my strip scar. It is a non-issue for me. Since I’ve always been prone to keep my hair longer I didn’t feel like I was sacrificing anything for my gains and when I go for FUE I’ll have some grafts placed within the scar to help conceal it if I ever decide to cut my hair a little shorter. The price was better suited to me. FUE costs so much more in the states than FUT. I wanted what I wanted and I wanted it right then! Lol I also felt at the time, and still feel, that I chose the best doctor for myself and that going with him for strip was the best choice for me. That’s really the most important thing. Trusting your doctor. He recommended strip before FUE and I haven’t looked back.
  12. That is a solid wall of hair. Congrats to that guy for 12 years of never looking back! What was he coming in for?
  13. Dr. de Freitas work is always so perfect. So refined. If I were to see a guy (in person) with work done by him I would never guess this was a transplant. I would stare in envy for a little while - okay, a long while - but I would continue about my day.
  14. I have personally corresponded with Dr. Nader through email and would say he was extremely polite and professional just through email. We basically went through the consultation process during those emails and all that was really left was for him to have a look at my head and perform the procedure. He even gave me his personal cell number (which I never used) and told me to contact him any time if I have any more questions. I ended up not going with him after deciding that I wanted FUT prior to having FUE. I have no regrets with who I chose as my doctor but just based on my correspondence with him and judging by the patient reviews on this website you would be in excellent hands with Dr. Nader. on a side note @Melvin- Moderator, I would vote yes on Nader for a recommendation on this forum. I don’t know if any other doctors other than the Cortez brothers in Tijuana but there are reviews scattered across YouTube for them and I have yet to see one where anybody was underwhelmed once they completed their HT journey.
  15. This is totally fascinating. I’ll pay more attention to my eyebrows and eyelashes after my next transplant…👀👀
  16. I’m doing really well, man and looks like you’re doing great!! I think where you started from you’re in an incredible placeThe crown typically takes 15 to 24 months to reach its final phase so you still have quite a bit of time left. Congratulations! You don’t look like a balding guy anymore! 🙂👍🏻 What looks natural for your hairline is totally subjective since there are literally billions of hairlines created in nature, however, from the pictures you posted it does look like you may have multi-hair grafts placed in your hairline. All that really matter is that you’re happy but if that’s something you would want to go back and fix I would think it should be an easy problem to solve. I don’t know how easily it would be to notice to an untrained eye, though, and it’s also difficult to tell by your photos how harsh it really is. It may not be noticeable at all in person. With the way you style it in your photos it looks 👌🏻👌🏻 Congrats again and I hope you keep posting until your final outcome!
  17. Following this thread. This is 100% the best investment one could make for themselves, especially at that price! Your hair looks so good already this early on in your second procedure. Can’t wait to see this finished!!
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