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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. I have plenty more on IG, I have a series called Instagram live with surgeons. You’ll get some good insight. Yesterday I filmed a surgery, so you can actually see the process too.
  2. Well, Dr. Konior is definitely one of the very best, his reputation is world renowned. I had an interview with him a few months ago, and he said any surgeon that tells you something like “exosome is a miracle treatment” run from their office. I suggest having a listen yourself. We no longer mention the other doctor from Atlantas name here, for legal reasons. Suffice to say he’s very pro-FUE and anti-FUT. I suggest going to doctor who will give you impartial advice on which technique would best suit you. Check out Dr. Konior interview below. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CItfBT8j7KO/?igshid=10rdtfsbcqylm
  3. Also, I’d throw in Dr. Shapiro in Minnesota. Check out @hybonixthread, you guys have similar hair characteristics and hair loss.
  4. @Gatsby Has some knowledge based on what he’s gone through in his own life. Being young and making a decision based off money is never a wise choice. Now, are there good affordable clinics? Absolutely, but you need to research based on results and quality first and then weed clinics out based on budget. I’m not aware of the other two surgeons you mentioned, but Dr. Cooley is one of the best surgeons in the US. If he’s close to you, it’s a no-brainer. Check out his profile and look at some of the patient experiences/reviews. Those matter the most. https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/physician/North-Carolina/Jerry-Cooley/4
  5. Forget PRP stick to fin it’s a lot more effective.
  6. Yes, he will be putting up his journey on the forum. Very excited to see his growth. I have to say I’m excited to see him join, I found him very knowledgeable.
  7. Nope, did you see the whole video? The second example I gave was of @Cahustler who didn’t have much growth at all at 5 months.
  8. I think we need to appreciate the fact that not only is Eugenix showing images, but the hairline is being combed through in a way that exposes the true nature of the results. I’m not only impressed by the results but the presentation is A+
  9. Wow that’s incredible, you were blessed with thick coarse hair as well 👏🏼 I would love to see more results from Dr. Ma.
  10. It should not affect your beard growth
  11. Hasson and Wong and Eugenix have the biggest portfolio for Norwood 6’s in my opinion.
  12. I wish you the best, but we’ve seen some really bad cases here.
  13. Everything looks excellent as expected with H&W.
  14. Definitely check out Dr. Arshad and HDC, both clinics are in the 2.70-3 range. Check out members @Siyork89 results here and you can also talk to @UnbaldEagle take a look at their profiles https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/physician/United-Kingdom/Arshad/692 https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/physician/Cyprus/Kyriakos-Maras/664
  15. Some photos of the final work and team. Dr. Mohebi did the extractions while his technicians Anna and Rizza (5+ years experience with Dr. Mohebi) performed the placements simultaneously. The technician Christina (5+years with Dr. Mohebi) separated the grafts with a microscope to ensure singles are chosen in the hairline.
  16. Guys, Yesterday I was part of something never done before. Filming a live hair transplant procedure on a fellow hir transplant surgeon, while doing an open Q&A during the procedure. A special guest Dr. Sethi joined the live chat. I highly suggest you guys check it out. Be on the look out for Dr. Gujratis journey thread on here as well. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMKwoNznE9i/?igshid=1dck58efa8ud7
  17. Awesome information, Dr. Bisanga has been killing it with the YouTube videos.
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