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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. Forget about a HT if 2,000 is your budget. You need at least 5,000 grafts. Which will cost at least 5k at an affordable clinic.
  2. That’s debatable I’ve heard they source from China, I’ve been using it two weeks and I must say it’s good. No itching crusting. Feel like my hair is thicker. But it could be an affect of how it’s a bit sticky.
  3. Dr. Nadimi has continued to impress me. Her work is looking virtually identical to Dr. Konior. Excited to see your progress.
  4. That would be awesome man I’d really appreciate it. Also our resident hair transplant neo @Aftermathuses aveda as well, not cheap, but definitely worth it.
  5. This is spot on, there are good doctors for different situations as well. Few would argue that Dr. Wong isn’t the best for crown HT’s. I think guys see some impressive results and think right, this doctor has the magic recipe. Keep in mind, the results you see are a fraction as well. As many results will never be shown because there’s no consent.
  6. What kind of paste? Dude you look like George Clooney now haha. Did you by chance take pictures month to month? It would be nice to see when you started seeing growth.
  7. 5 months is still early man, do not worry or let others worry you.
  8. Damn dude you look incredible. You’re turning to a silver fox. How does it look with product in it?
  9. It’s a factor of course, but it should not be THE factor.
  10. In theory, you shouldn't have any issues, since you were only applying it in one section. If you haven't seen regrowth and you are on dutasteride. I don't see any reason to continue. That said, you should probably give it more than 5 months. You started the beginning of the year, I would give it at least a year.
  11. Ben my dude you’re looking insane for 6 months 🙌🏼
  12. Different surgeons have different philosophies. Remember, that a quote is subject to change in person. It may be less or more.
  13. Absolutely brilliant result 👏🏼 I cannot wait to visit Dr. De Freitas clinic in person.
  14. Because you maximize your lifetime grafts. Plus, the scar is a non-issue if you where your hair as long as he does.
  15. Congratulations on your procedure thank you for sharing your journey with us.
  16. Are you talking about Dr. Cuoto? There are several high quality doctors. I don’t think there is one particular doctor that has better work than anyone else in the world. I’d say it’s more of a league. There’s the champions league quality and europa league quality.
  17. I think your donor looks fine, you have to expect to see some signs of surgery at a low guard. There’s no scarless surgery regardless of the surgeon.
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