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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. Because it’s not a viable option. If you’ve depleted your donor enough for needing restocking, you’ve approached surgery the wrong way. The goal should always be to preserve the integrity of the donor. Because you don’t want to trade one thin area for another. If it were a good option, more surgeons would do it.
  2. That’s disgusting. I didn’t like some of the things he said, but going after his personal life is the problem with today’s “cancel culture” society.
  3. First of all, I said the pictures say it all. Whether you think its good or bad, that’s a matter of opinion, hence why they say it all. None of what I wrote mentions anything related to mental disorders. The fact that you would try and make it seem that way is ridiculous. “I’m sorry you’re not happy with these results. I hope you can find some happiness. Best of luck to you.” I stand by that, I hope he can find some happiness and I wish him luck. None of what I wrote is untrue or implies anything other than what I wrote.
  4. Who did you go too? Hard to say by these pictures. If they were implanted in the wrong direction. They will have to be removed. Have you consulted with any top doctors? https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/hair-transplant-surgeons.asp?sr=HRN-MOB
  5. I wasn’t aware his channel got deleted. I enjoyed his videos on the hair band. He had some controversial views. But I believe people should be able to disagree with each other without getting “canceled.”
  6. Dr. Bisanga is definitely a too notch doctor. But I wouldn’t put too much faith in the whole restocking thing. It’s best to preserve the donor, as it is equally as important visually speaking as the recipient.
  7. Slow and steady wins the race thanks for updating us 🙏🏼
  8. These pictures say it all IMO. Jim, I’m sorry you’re not happy with these results. I hope you can find some happiness. Best of luck to you.
  9. I had a poll here last year. Approximately 80% were satisfied with their results.
  10. I spoke to him last week. Apparently, he’s transitioning to a larger clinic next year. I believe he’s in a similar situation as Cuoto catching up on domestic patients.
  11. The grafts look chunky, it’s possible they have extracted 2,300 and combined them into 1,200 sites.
  12. I doubt he’s had surgery. I’d believe he’s done other treatments though like dutasteride, prp and microneedling. Surgeons have been offering that for years.
  13. Flat fees are NEVER a good idea. Let’s he honest, incentives are necessary. If it’s a flat fee, wheres the incentive to do more work? You could expect the bare minimum. That business model works at hair mills, but not at patient-centered clinics.
  14. I would argue the opposite, Norwood 5+ guys don’t need meds after getting an HT as much as a Norwood 2-3. They got nothing to lose and everything to gain, no pun intended.
  15. Congratulations, I hope you’ll share your journey here with us.
  16. I forgot to add Dr. Reddy to the list, I’ve been told he compounds it for UK patients.
  17. Well guys, I have compiled a list of all of the places you can get legit topical fin and dut. There are places like Mionxidil Max which sells it and Morr-F, but these places don't seem that legit. Feel free to add more sources, if this thread gets some good information I may pin it. Check it out Where Can You Get Legit Topical Finasteride and Dutasteride? Sources Listed
  18. Are you trying to get grafts in between your native hair? If so, high risk for shock loss. However, the risks mitigated with the use of finasteride.
  19. Why don’t you consider topical finasteride? It works almost as good, from what I’ve heard from Dr. Wong and other world renowned surgeons even better than oral fin in many cases. I believe it only systemically reduces DHT in the body by 15% as opposed to 70% with oral.
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