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Everything posted by Paulygon

  1. Cantdecide, this was a great question. Are you certain that your next procedure will be FUE.. or are you still deciding? Do you have the option of getting more strip procedures, or are you maxed out in that respect? I saw that you wrote "I think I have about 1800-2000 left via FUE". How do you arrive at this number? I'm also in a position where I am trying to figure out how best to tackle my crown for my next procedure
  2. Check out the link I sent for the behind the scenes trailer of Jude Law's upcoming movie, Dom Hemingway. At timestamps 0:00s-0:02s (and scattered through the clip) Jude talks behind the scenes about his upcoming movie, AND his hair actually looks really great - (looks the way I remember him before he had the major hair loss; as good as he looked in Alfie). If this IS a combover- then this is THE WAY TO DO A GOOD COMB OVER! In the actual movie though, Jude's hair looks more like his real, current state of hair, with that odd patch in between the bald area (this is my perception based on recent photos published of him over the last few years). So, in the behind the scenes portion, is he just combing the same state of hair in a different way, or do u think he has concealer in there.. what is up?? I don't understand why Jude hasn't tried to restore his hair.. I would hate to have that specific hairline that he has been sporting over the last few years (which is basically the one he is showing throughout the whole Dom Hemingway movie). Any thoughts or insights, people? see video at:
  3. Dr Frank, I underwent "simultaneous solutions" route with excellent results as well. My surgeon, Dr Mohebi, restored y hairline with FUT while we allowed "vitamin F" and Minox to work the crown. Feel free to take a look at my before and after photos. Out of curiousity, what percentage patients actually come in these days without ever having tried any of the meds for hair loss? (I imagine it would be rare) Anyway, I congratulate you and your patient on those great results!
  4. "YOLO surgeon"-- haha what a great expression Rootz!
  5. I only had 1 HT done and I think Dr Mohebi is the best. I've only had FUT but I think I will go to Mohebi for FUE next round. Honestly though, different docs can be awesome at different things.. and there is room for several surgeons to be "the best". Still, I would recommend everyone to do their research and go to the best 3-5 for consultations, and then pick the HT doc that it feels right with. Mohebi is in Los Angeles and after my research and consults I really just felt I was making the right move going with him.. couldn't be happier with the results too.
  6. could the difference be due to how the hair is combed out of the shower vs. after sports/sweating (I know its not combed but I mean, the directions they are laying in)? maybe you run your hands in through your hair in a backwards direction during sports but in the shower you just run your hands upward and forward (ie. after shampooing). I've noticed that my HT grafts have very strong looking roots compared to native hairs in that region.. but I love that! perhaps you are unfairly critiquing yourself.. we ARE our own toughest critics!
  7. I went from NW5A to an excellent head of hair with 2710 grafts + meds. Going from NW6 would be challenging.. but I would agree 6-8000 makes sense. I would love to see some pics of NW6 who are happy with their results.
  8. Oh man.. I remember falling for the gimmick of the Hair Matrix (hair system) by Hair Club... I was a young stud with awesome hair (but I just knew I was thinning) and yet the Hair Club managed to get me to shell out some dough! I went back the next day and argued for my money back (and got a refund). Overall, a hair system isn't bad if that makes you happy... but there's nothing like getting the natural effect of your own hair growing where there was no hair (or bad hair) before. HT is the way to go man.
  9. I may be getting to this thread late.. but I read the comments and looked your pics.. I agree with Spanker.. And I feel like we haven't been told the whole story regarding H&W's advice to OP. I'm wondering, perhaps H&W told OP that HT is possible but his donor hair would cause his HT not to be optimal compared to someone with full density donor, and then OP's personal issues took that to mean that HE CANNOT GET HT. OP, you look excellent in your current state... working on the confidence is the route you need to go at this point.. Since your original thread was a year ago, I am wondering, how have you fared?
  10. Great write-up. I also had a nice and similar experience during recovery.. except I did choose to go out several times a day for pizza, ice cream, groceries. I was located in an upscale LA-area neighborhood with good eateries; I kind of let myself experience recovery as a Spa-weekend. I found that a baseball cap (which was provided by the clinic) did a decent job of masking my surgery bandages (of course I wore the baseball cap at a bit higher a height than I normally would). I'll try to do a write-up about my experience at some point.. though its coming on 2 years pretty soon! Time flies after those hairs come in! (It's the ugly-duckling phase that seems to take forever)
  11. I've also heard this in interviews with Jotronic who has seen many cases of the use of body hair as donor.. Joe's perspective was that it still looks like body hair on the head... use it as a last resort for sure..!
  12. I love that the hairdresser couldn't tell.. Mine couldn't detect my HT either! My thoughts would be that if you want to be certain how the Rogaine affects you, maybe you should wait about a year after your HT.. at that point about 98% of the result of your HT will be apparent. There is a nice chart on this page: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/148161-what-exactly-hair-transplant-growth-timeline.html I started multiple meds around the same time as my HT operation with amazing results (I wanted results asap). Your approach is prudent - I like it. Congrats on the new growth!
  13. I liked some info posted by Bill in another thread Bill: "As you know, hair growth timelines vary for everyone. It's even harder to give you an average percentage in the early months since hair growth typically only starts between 3 to 5 months. I would suggest that if you are looking for averages it might look something like this: 3 months - 10% 4 months - 25% 5 months - 40% 6 months - 60% 7 months - 70% 8 months - 75% 9 months - 80% 10 months - 90% 11 months - 95% 12 months - 98% 18 months - 100%" http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/148161-what-exactly-hair-transplant-growth-timeline.html
  14. nice reaction to meds! if you are seriously considering an HT I would definitely recommend going with someone that you would have an ongoing relationship with who would plan for your future hair loss. congrats on getting started early!
  15. I remember reading a post recently where one of the contributors mentioned that he had stopped finasteride before the HT in order to give the surgeon a "true representation" of his current state of hair loss. I tried to search for that thread but couldn't find it, sorry
  16. You know, I did pretty on with Regenix for about 2-3 months post-HT.. it was very mild yet an effective cleanser... just what the doctor (Parsa Mohebi) ordered.. literally. you can read more about it on Dr Mohebi's blog if u are so inclined Hair Restoration Blog » Blog Archive Dr. Parsa Mohebi Reviews Regenix » Hair Restoration Blog
  17. to Balloonknot725: you should read Gillenator's post if you have any lingering doubt whether cancellation was the right move.. I think you made the right choice by not going being part of a doc's learning curve. (Although it seems like you are pretty happy with your choice at this point, I just felt this might be some reassurance) Gillenator says: "Yet there is such a thing as bad FUE. I still hear from guys who had FUE from someone not competent with it or are just learning it. Most learn with larger punches which can do a lot of collateral damage with manual extractions. In fact, some of them have such damaged donor zones that they cannot have any more harvests whether strip or FUE." Donor area pain after FUE - Page 4 - Forum By and for Hair Loss Patients
  18. Gillenator, this is a great post. I am going to link to this for another guy, who was about to make the possible mistake of getting FUE done for a discount price by a doc who is learning to use the ARTAS robot.. he has been on the fence on whether to cancel the procedure.. he finally decided to cancel (by advice of guys on HTN) but he still has a nagging in the back of his mind whether he has made the right decision. I think he will be more confident that canceling with a doc that is just learning is the right move, after reading your post. Thank you for your input and sharing your experience with us.
  19. Interesting comparison. Personally, every time I shave using a shaving machine I am left amazed that people actually use these devices over manual shavers. My moderately priced shaver (3 rotating blades) always leaves hairs in different areas. It is such a hassle to get a quality shave from one. If the parallel exists to automated hair translant procedures, then I would concur, the manual ones would get you a better quality result the first time, just like a manual shaver.
  20. I Similar to Spanker, I would have benefitted from it in my 20s but finally decided to get HT done in my 30s (at 31 to be precise). It has also freed my mind to concentrate on other things.. I will likely go for touch ups in the next few years. I found a doctor that I will be sticking with.. I think it is important to have a long-term plan with the same doc that takes into consideration your predicted progressing hair loss.
  21. what about Steve Jobs? he had amazing hair in his early Apple days.. and was a bit of a playboy too. I wonder how much he was affected by his hair loss.
  22. ya, probably just correcting a receding hair line. something small.. but he'll need to maintain it in the future.. i would do the same. looks good to me.
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