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Everything posted by Paulygon

  1. Dear Moderator, Hmm.. I am confused as well. Why was the link removed and why is it considered "promotional"? If Spanker hadn't commented I would never have known it was removed. -thanks Spanker That is a really cute video and I think it provides value to the community.... I feel like it is not a good decision to remove it. What's the deal and how do I rectify this so that the community can see that clip?
  2. Paulygon

    TV and Movies (hair loss references)

    some references to hair loss in TV shows and movies-- Sex and the city, Hangover 1, etc..
  3. I love this clip from Sex and The City, regarding "secret single behavior", where Carrie finds out for the first time that her boyfriend, Aidan is losing his hair and that he uses Rogaine.. the look on her face is priceless! I think most of us in the hair loss community have pondered how or when to tell our significant other about our use of meds or prior hair transplant. This clip shows that WE ALL HAVE SECRET SINGLE BEHAVIORS.. so don't fret! :-) check out the clip! or at least, the screen shots below. **video link removed by moderator**
  4. You guys gotta see this clip from Sex and The City, regarding "secret single behavior" and your girl finding out about your hair loss for the first time! : Paulygon's videos - Secret Single Behavior
  5. Oh my God! This is something I'm always afraid of!! Hilarious how you played it off tho!
  6. same here.. that, in combination with yield vs. cost was a big selling point for me. I am very happy with my decision. since I already have the scar, I plan on going for another strip procedure (or two, who knows) before I start doing FUE.
  7. pics? can you find anything similar on google images?
  8. my FUT scar is pretty minimal, some nice work by Dr Mohebi.. I have buzzed it after transplant procedure, I think at a level 2 or 3 and nobody said anything.. my hair grows pretty fast though.. and I work from home so I don't have alot of people passing by behind me when I am sitting down, working.. why not get it done by a stylist the first time or two and have a professional's opinion? there are some great men-only hair stylists out there.. in Southern California we have a place called 18 and 8 and the stylists often deal with mpb or HT-procedure'd guys.
  9. hmm.. probably better to undershare than overshare... lesson learned!
  10. Thanks Spanker, for the high quality response! A couple points you brought up are worth reiterating: 1- the fact that I stopped applying minox for an entire week (here and there) is a lack of discipline -- I needed to hear that.. time for me to shape up! 2- If you don't get another procedure, the way you look now is the best you will ever look, so there is no reason the shorten that period that you are worry free enough to say "screw it." that is a scary truth! wow, i just looked at myself in the mirror, and though I am in much better shape hair-wise than a couple years ago, I can not afford to get much worse than this!!! man...! 3- you should be diligent in taking your meds and humble about your result, remembering that the meds really helped your outcome and keep taking them and taking them on time and on schedule. yes! more wise words from the Spanker! Question for you: how long have you been appyling minox just 1x/day? do you plan on continuing at that rate? I would certainly like to hear about whether you are able to maintain results by decreasing from 2x/day to 1x/day.. and if you are, I would probably try that.. it will be much easier a regimen, and probably decrease my burn-out feeling and minimize the chance of any more "F*** it days". FYI- I also noticed minox seems to dry out my hair (its the alcohol-content, I presume), but my hair grows fast enough anyway that I don't mind. better to have dried out hair than no hair up top. maybe there is conditioner that you can use to balance out any dry-ing out effect of minox.
  11. I was hitting on this girl at a party last weekend. She was quite a bit younger than me and it was really just a friendly flirtation based around her hair style (Miley Cyrus' hair- this should give you an idea of how young and fine her body is, mmmmh!)... She really had her stylist put alot of effort into that hair due. Funny thing was, later on at that same party, I totally bonded with this one older gentlement about, again, HAIR.. . (I guess hair is on my mind alot these days). We actually talked about hair transplants and I recommended to him Dr Parsa Mohebi, as he did a great job on my HT procedure.. I showed the older gentlemen my before/after pics and he was very impressed. When I got to know the guy better, he said that his daughter is at this party... the daughter turned out to be the girl was trying to pick up.... I did not go back to talk to the daughter again after that.. eventually on her ride home with her father, she was bound to find out that the guy hitting on her had a hair transplant.... maybe I shouldn't have been so nice to offer information about my HT to a balding man at a party... it can bite me in the butt, because he'd tell the daughter and it could kill sexual attraction, since I wasn't in the comfort phase with the daughter yet... it would be too soon for her to find out. (anyone remember Mystery Methods, Attraction->Comfort->Seduction phases are linear.. I was only in the middle of the attraction phase with her, too soon for intimate info) Anyway, the point of this story is that hair is soooo important to everyone (I can talk about hair with anybody these days and they are all so interested in their own hair).. and I just thought it was a funny story to share!
  12. I get a few days every months where I don't take my meds, don't apply any rogaine.. the bad thing is that this can extend to a whole week.. which can cause my hair progress to move in a negative direction. my F*** it days is a slipperly slope. Anyone experience this, or is this really a lack of discipline/immaturity on my part? Side note: I have noticed that after not applying Rogaine for a couple weeks, my hair feels weak and starts falling out, thankfully Dr Mohebi's transplants are so strong and nicely placed that the Rogaine fallout is unnoticeable.
  13. The cool thing about a bandana is that you can make it as loose as necessary... as long as you are badass enough to pull the look off.... good job man.
  14. I wouldn't mind trying this.. where do you tend to purchase it from?
  15. As far as Q's 2 and 3 are concerned: 2) I think that, at the point that your staples are removed, provided you have healed normally, you should be OK with buzzing at any level as long as your scalp isn't sensitive or in pain to the touch. 3) I think you should be safe switching back since you are beyond 10-days post procedure. Ask you doc if you have any questions since you are getting your staples removed anyways!
  16. I tried to avoid sun exposure on my scalp for 6 months. I used Regenix shampoo for the first month (it was provided by the clinic) you can read about it by Dr Mohebi (Hair Restoration Blog » Blog Archive Dr. Parsa Mohebi Reviews Regenix » Hair Restoration Blog) I wore a cap for the first couple weeks after procedure, but I wore the hat somewhat awkardly (higher and less securely on my head than had I not had an HT procedure)
  17. I never looked good with a shaved head.. so FUE was never a big deal to me. I figure even if I were to go bald, I'd let nature take its course MPB-style.. so the FUT scar really isn't a detriment for me. I'm all for the progress of tech in Hair Restoration, but as it stands, FUT is an excellent procedure, really not as painful as people make it to be in their minds (I was surprised at how painless it was for me, personally; of course I'm sure the drugs helped).
  18. oh wow, those are excellent prices.. the one I am looking at is $59.98. thanks for your input! plus I generally trust Costco in terms of medication efficacy and stocking conditions.
  19. Hi All, I tend to run out 5% foam much faster than intendend (I douse my whole scalp with it ) and I really dislike standing in the lines of Costco or Target to purchase it. I find some good prices on Amazon for the product and am wondering if anyone has experiences with purchasing it.. since it comes from an independent seller, is it reliable? My concerns would be whether it was stocked properly, in heat, or for too long, and would the effectiveness/efficacy be the same as if I were to purchase it in the store? Not sure if I am allowed to provide a link, but this is the one I am looking at buying: http://www.amazon.com/NEW-Minoxidil-Treatment-Uncented-Ingredient/dp/B007Z75H0Y/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1398122873&sr=8-4&keywords=minoxidil
  20. I really doubt 1x every 3 days will be of much benefit. I have been considering bringing it down to 1x every day (as opposed to 2x / day) but I have already achieved a good baseline and am wondering what decreasing to 1x/day will do..
  21. I like it, as annoying as it is to apply, I have seen results.
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