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Everything posted by HairFunk

  1. Welcome to the forum Chris. I really enjoyed your 6 month video. Keep us updated on your progress!
  2. This is a fantastic example to show how lighting can change the look of density! It looks like two totally different hairlines!! Great thread this. Hair transplants certainly will never give you the perfect head of hair, though can achieve great results still 👍
  3. This will be a great result. Keep us posted !
  4. Hope you have your Grandads genes. Best to monitor it over the next few years! Worst comes to the worst and you do notice it going, you could start a course of Saw Palmetto (natural DHT inhibitor) or even Finasteride 2-3 times per week. Wait a few more years first as it looks perfectly OK.
  5. You have no problems there! Do you have any family history of hair loss ?
  6. SMP could work better to be honest. FUE and SMP combinations are becoming more popular also !
  7. That's quite a lot of thinning! How long ago was the last op and how many grafts?
  8. I've read about this numerous times. Though refused to believe it was effective 😆 has anybody else tried?
  9. Genuine medical questions relating to immune response etc.
  10. Say you had a hair transplant, caught the Corona virus and recovered after a week or two. Could the virus potentially have a detrimental effect on the grafts during the initial growth phase?
  11. I can see this having a serious knock on effect to a lot of businesses worldwide!
  12. Much better photo. Sadly the result is lacking in density with a fair few multi grafts planted in the hairline. Best to find a clinic experienced in hairline softening. I think another 800 - 1000 grafts throughout, plus singles on the hairline will tidy that up for you.
  13. Are you able to post a clearer photo of the hairline?
  14. Great post. I see a lot of people posting about shock loss here lately!
  15. This is a very sad case to read. Shame you've had to go through this ordeal! 5 months means you are half way through the growth phase and you will get more growth, though you may have some shock loss in the donor. You may have to consider some Scalp Pigmentation treatment though if nothing improves moving forward. Hope all works out!
  16. I hear it is not as abrasive as a regular tattoo and deposits ink in the upper dermal layer only. You should be fine if the technician has good experience!
  17. Yes you don't want to damage what you have invested in. Be cautious!
  18. Very interesting case. How often do you have to trim the hairs?
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