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Everything posted by HairFunk

  1. Keep us posted. You do have options. I think SMP would really help you in the interim as a quick fix. Often results are seen in 2-3 weeks. Then consult with a surgeon to explore FUE or even FUT depending.....
  2. From about 5 months onwards, my own hair transplant really showed growth. I think it is always a slow build up until that point with most peoples growth, though does depend on the individual.
  3. I totally forgot all about ARTAS. I remember there was HUGE debate many years ago about whether machines were better than surgeons for FUE / plus the if machines were better / more ethical than extraction technicians (who were trained). I also remember one guy posting about his ARTAS experience and that the machine kept punching grafts once the target graft count was already reached as nobody was there to switch it off as they were all out the room!
  4. Try and get better photos from the back and sides in brighter light so we can evaluate better...
  5. Very interesting strip case. I'm looking forward to the updates also!
  6. Looks really good. Keep us posted on progress. I'm keen to try this topical myself.
  7. You have really good hair and most people would be very envious of the amount of hair you have. We can be our own worst critics after all and focus on aspects about our appearance that in reality no one else even notices at all. Don't be so hard on yourself and enjoy being young and having a full head of hair. Try to get your thoughts working for you rather than against you.
  8. This is looking really nice! Give us all an update when you find the time.
  9. I see this a lot on here with guys panicking about what they have done after their procedure and lashing out. You may not have been ready to undergo the process and recovery phase despite thinking you were. 'Buyers remorse' is a good way of explaining it as Melvin mentioned above. How old are you? How long have you been thinking about surgery for? The work looks good and the hairline higher and natural. I think you might just well be pleasantly surprised with the outcome. Hang in there is all I can say and keep us all updated.
  10. What does your hair transplant look like when pushed back? I think another small session to add density where you have the divide will complete your goal.
  11. Wow! That's and incredible amount of grafts. I've just checked out your case Gatsby. Very impressive, congratulations.
  12. This is very impressive. What punch did they use? You have healed incredibly well!
  13. You look to be responding well early on. Keep going with it is all I will say and update here. Come 4 - 5 months this could well be reversed !
  14. This is very interesting, I need to read about this! I'd never have thought that it could reduce body hair whilst strengthening scalp hair. Though as body hair emerges during puberty and scalp hair is lost this kind of makes sense.
  15. This will be interesting to observe over the coming months. Keep the forum updated as you progress!
  16. Great result. This looks very natural. Congrats.
  17. 3000 grafts from under your chin? Are you sure? That is a massive amount of grafts to take from this location. The area looks fine anyway. Plus is in a location where people really don't notice
  18. Very nice result. Congratulations you must be over the moon with the result.
  19. Do you have any other photos you can post? The result is looking sparse at over the half way stage in all honesty. You might be growing late.
  20. This was a lengthy read and you're less than 4 weeks post op. The work pretty looks good. You might be working things up in your head / focusing excessively on details to the point of obsessiveness. I'd advise contacting the clinic to discuss all. What have they said about your concerns above? Are you in contact with them??
  21. I need to echo this. You must not be so hard on yourself. You could look into SMP treatment to help with the look of density throughout your scalp... many use it to great effect.
  22. Hows it looking now? Do you have any dry skins / dermatitis issues? I wonder if Aloe Vera or a Vit E cream would help ?
  23. Best not to roll around for 3-4 days I hear. Flat on your back best, plus reduces swelling.
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