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Everything posted by Mick50

  1. Anyone who opts for a hair transplant has to consider various possibilities and unfortunately one of them is you maybe one of the unlucky guys who gets a subpar result . Someone's donor will determine how many grafts will be needed to do the job if someone has thick hair caliber less grafts will be needed to achieve an illusion of density than someone with fine hair and of course density needs to be evaluated to determine how many grafts can be extracted safely. As for hair growing thinly ,if the transplant is done correctly the hair will grow to its natural potential up to 18 months, so be prepared to wait ,and it will be wispy and thin in the early stages but it matures and thickens . I had 4200 FUE grafts and basically the transplanted hair is the same as my native hair ,I was lucky though as my hair has a natural bounce which I think helps enormously .
  2. How is the new title more realistic and truthful Bill ? The facts as presented are: Legend had the full amount in the bank to pay for the surgery but unfortunately he lost his bank card the week before and couldn't pay directly form his bank so he set up a Paypal account but because of the delay he wouldn't of been able to pay the money to the clinic until a day after the dead-line ,so the manager cancelled the procedure because she wasn't willing to be flexible and wait the extra day which to me seems odd as things do happen and if Legend told them the money would be there the next day surely they could have trusted him and bent the rules slightly ,but of course their prerogative not to . The not being able to afford it issue came retrospectively where Legend admitted in reality it was for the best not to go to Dr Diep as in reality he couldn't afford his FUE rates but as I said that wasn't the case why the op was cancelled, so I think another title would be appropriate as the new one is totally untrue and misleading .
  3. Can you show pics post op showing donor area ? be easier to see the area the grafts were extracted. Asmed usually extract the grafts in a homogenised manner, so more than likely it is just shock -loss
  4. Maybe for the best Legend ,I feel with you it's better to fully decide whether you want FUT or FUE before you pull the trigger ,also you weren't happy with the person you spoke to in the office ,this could all be without getting too deep that unconsciously you are not quite ready to go for it ,ha not too mention losing your bank card ,a few months delay will make no difference . In saying that it seems odd that they couldn't trust you and that you were sorting the cash out
  5. All good advice above ,hope this guy is not the kinda person who asks advice but in reality has no intention of listening ,,cmon going with the surgeon cos he lives 2 hours drive away and seems like a nice guy ,,anyway his choice cant say he wasn't warned
  6. Jesus the Fin is definitely working for you , you may never need a transplant if you keep taking it ,not that your hair was particularly bad before ,just it seems much thicker and healthier now ,maybe think about a transplant in the future at some point but for now you're in a good place .
  7. There is a slight irregular hair -line in the centre , at the moment there doesn't seem to be any thinning anywhere else , I personally wouldn't try to straighten the hair-line i.e the recessive temples .They might be an indication of mpb later on, as I had similar hairline at your age and progressed to a NW 5/6, but impossible to know at this stage . I cant see a major problem if you want to address the small irregular hair line at the front as wouldn't take many grafts to fix it presuming you go to someone skilled in finer hairline placement ,personally I would wait and see how your hair-loss develops as your hair looks good and no one will in anyway look at you and think you have a hair loss problem
  8. I'm always amazed that people don't realise that Longevita are just middlemen and have various Docs/clinics on their books at various times . The Doctor who did the OP's transplant no longer is with Longevita ,so asking for an update will be of no use to you whatsoever , if you choose to go with Longevita you need to see results from the clinics they have on their books currently . I went with Longevita and the same applies, the Doc I went with is no longer with them ,again knowing how my hair turned out will equally be of no use to you . I just realised I have spoken to you before about this ,as I said then, just check out their present clinics results ,really no point in deciding to go with them based on Docs who are no longer on their books.
  9. Yea it's a bummer both my brother's never lost their hair ,one older and one younger ,my father was a NW 5 by the age of 30 ,all his brothers never lost their hair, same for his father ,on my mother's side her 2 brothers never got male pattern baldness OK their hair isn't as thick as it was when they were younger ,but it's just old age where most guys hair thin to some degree. Point is all the male members on my family pretty much kept their hair apart form my father and me , ha I would have been really pissed off if my father had a full head of hair and I lost mine ,that's just insult to injury .
  10. Looks great ,just shows how many grafts are needed to get that kind of density ,one of the lucky guys who has true density and not an illusion ,really natural result ,I have seen a lot of cases where guys get hair-line work and it just doesn't match the native hair ,really impressive result .
  11. Just show pics man ,don't have to show your face , I have no skin in this whats so ever but you cant knock a clinic without proof of your result ,just not cricket old chap . I personally don't like when posters try to put off other guys form going to a Doc/clinic because of their result ,if you have had a bad result just show your recent pics in natural lighting , and people will make their own mind up ,what people really want to hear is how the clinic deal with a genuinely sub -par result .
  12. I think left means you can't compare the early stages of your growth to everyone else ,not that you are experiencing early growth as such .,Your growth looks about average to me ,and hair-line which is beginning to take shape looks good ,just try to relax you're really at the beginning of the fun stage ,
  13. Of course when a new poster comes on with no posting history and seems to concentrate on one particular clinic with negative reviews etc they are working for another clinics, happens all the time. There is a school of thought that thinks anyone who posts negative experience with clinic, subpar growth etc that the thread should be locked immediately for a chance, firstly, to prove that it is a genuine patient ,then for the patient to give consent for the Doctor/clinic to respond and at that point let the post go public to hear both sides of the story .
  14. Quite topical at the moment tech involvement on the forum ,just something came to mind regarding the legal situation in Turkey regarding techs doing the extractions and incisions I do remember Dr Karedanez saying it is actually illegal for techs to do anything other than assist a qualified plastic surgeon or Doctor . I think in the States in varies form state to state ,the law ,regarding techs . I did a quick Google search on the matter couldn't find anything to clear the matter up ,does anyone have any information on this matter ? Dr Karedenez by the way as far as I know has adopted the new Turkish model of offering different choices at his clinic ,one a cheaper price ,where the techs do everything, and one where you pay more ,and he does incisions etc ,so maybe the law has changed in Turkey or maybe he has decided if you cant beat them join them . It would be good to get clarification on the matter, maybe the mods could jump in and clear things up as I would imagine it is a question they quite possibly would have inquired about before recommending a clinic, for obvious reasons .
  15. Dr clinic Clinic does seem to be closest comparison to Asmed although he has adopted the new model in Turkey of offering different packages one where Doc has no involvement apart form drawing the hair-line ,and a higher price where he does the incisions as well ,of course he is much cheaper ,seems to get good results it must be said .
  16. Good point , if it is true at least people will know and they can decide if it's for them ,the clinic I went to in Turkey OK it was a tech clinic and the Doc just drew the hair-line but there were 2 sets of techs working on me and another guy , who I didn't even get to see as we started at different times . even with 4 patients Asmed they don't appear to be staggering the times ,as guys on here have pointed out they were all at the clinic at the same time .
  17. I was under the impression that it is actually illegal for techs to do the Docs job in Turkey [even extractions], seem to remember Dr karadenez saying something about it a few years back ,but a blind eye is shown because of the revenue it brings in . Maybe the law has been changed and they legally can do extractions ,not sure about incisions OK quite correctly some posters have pointed out other recommended clinics have the same tech involvement as there is at Asmed but it begs the question are they doing 8 surgeries a day , impossible in my opinion for Dr Erdogan to have quality control control over that many techs no matter how many doll's heads they have worked on Point I'm making is OK I was being a bit flippant about the doll's head thing but I read Dr Erdogan's explanation of the how the techs are trained , gradually introduced to doing extractions etc ,but we all know how thing's work ,what happens if someone goes ill ,would you be sure that a tech without enough training wouldn't be slipped in ,again it's just adding to the variables already present in transplant surgery .
  18. Very nice result ,at first I thought a lot of grafts for the guy's hair -loss ,then I looked again and realised quite a large crown to fill in , looks great ,very impressive .
  19. Well forums can get heated Payam, plenty of room for people getting taking things out of context or misinterpreting etc we all have been guilty of it , I really hope you get the result you want sooner rather than later ,and you have raised some valid points about Asmed which as you know I have pointed out to Dr Erdogan , of course my experience is of a very limited anecdotal one, but I saw great improvements after the 7-8 month mark ,lets hope you do to ,if not I would expect Dr Erdogan to address your concerns directly and not a clinic rep, even though as you admit yourself you could have handled things in a different way .
  20. I would not be happy if my hair looked like Payam's does now at 12 months ,at 7.5 months I would be concerned but like everyone I would have to wait another 4.5 months before I was certain that I had sub-par growth ,at that point I would expect Dr Erdogan and not a clinic rep to evaluate my case and hopefully stand by his work and offer a free touch up and give explanations why the result in his opinion is not satisfactory.
  21. People are claiming that certain people are being insensitive and unfair to Payam ,read his thread form the beginning, everyone including myself tried to encourage him and keep him buoyant ,but it became apparent he had serious tunnel vision and had no intention of listening to what was being said to him .I even asked Dr Erdogan could he clarify certain concerns some patients were having because it did seem and there still is is genuine concerns that need to be addressed. Read Payam's comment on Stephen's transplant above how insensitive and not caring about Stephen's feelings does that comment display ,it shows someone who will say and stop at nothing to fulfil the self fulfilling mission he is on. OK Stephen is not completely happy and is going for a touch up, but to say his transplant is an utter failure and looks awful is nasty and most importantly not true .
  22. Yeh yeh well if you're so well informed you shouldn't be jumping on the band-wagon and know that 7 months is too early in the majority of cases to deem a transplant to be a failure, and you should also know as Jean pointed out every clinic has their share of sub -par results .
  23. Yea Hasson and Wong who as we all know produce great work ,but they've had their sub-par results as well ,an unfortunate reality anyone considering a hair-transplant has to be prepared and able to deal with a sub -par result, as Jean has pointed out they happen at the best clinics . Hairs looking good Jean ,,lots more thickening to come
  24. Payam's result is not a finished result it's a result so far at 7.5 months ,my hair hair improved drastically from the 7-8 month mark to 12 months and right up to the 18 months ,no one has dismissed his concerns ,just anyone who has done any research knows 7.5 months is way too early to deem if it's sub-par result or not
  25. Have you contacted Dr Reddy to get a quote of how many grafts you will need in his opinion ?
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