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Everything posted by Mick50

  1. Hi Payam ,I hope you know form the tone of my previous posts on your transplant that I am sympathetic to your concerns and wish you the best ,but you really need to be more precise about dates ,5 month 1 week is not approaching 6 months in transplant parlance ,nice improvements subtle or otherwise can happen in 3 weeks especially at the point you are now i.e just coming out of the ugly duckling stage . I haven't been to Asmed ,I personally think if there is any ambiguity as to who does the extractions it would actually be better for the clinic's reputation to be totally upfront and clear about Dr Erdogans's involvement as that would separate them from most of the clinics in Turkey where to say they are economical with the truth is putting it mildly .Some of the guys who I spoke to on the phone actually thought Dr Resat [my Doc ] was going to perform some of the surgery ,I was aware that he wasn't , but the advertising on Longevita who Dr Resat was with at the time was misleading ,surely Asmed as a top clinic want their patients to be fully aware and clear what exactly the techs do . Leaving that aside I can see nothing wrong at this point with your transplant ,OK the temples are lagging but as I told you 5 months one week is just the beginning of the growth stage . I have always said there are some people who are not emotionally equipped to deal with the ups and downs of a hair transplant and don't take this the wrong way Payam ,as I think you come across a genuine guy, but you are one of them ,you have to be fair to the clinic you chose ,even with the issues you have with them , and respect the growth time-line , if you have a below par result at 12 months that is a different story, and I'm sure Dr Erdogan will work with you and plan accordingly .
  2. Thank you Melvin , yes I will do the crown at some stage, one of the pics shows the crown ,but in favourable lighting ,in the next few days I am going to show it in the same light as I took the front pics for comparison to get the forums opinion on how many grafts it will need ,and your opinion will be invaluable [ of course I will get docs evaluation too] . I am delighted with my transplant but be great to get more coverage in the crown, my plan is to get the back of the mid-scalp maybe 1500 to 2000 grafts going into the crown ,if a success I will be able to comb the hair back and pretty much cover the crown . In a funny way crown balding always bothered me more than the frontal recession I seem to remember we had this discussion a while back which is worse , and of course you are right the most important thing is the hair -line and front .
  3. Thanks hairlossPA I apologise I was in a rush when I made this post ,really should have given a bit more information .I went with a Doctor called Dr Resat in Turkey he was with Longevita at the time [middlemen] he is working independently now . All he did was draw the hair-line and issue meds etc , 2 techs did the rest ,he did supervise up to a point by checking in during the op . OK I was lucky and I always felt the techs knew what they were doing but I wouldn't recommend for anyone to take same risk ,sure there are great techs out there and they can be trained well ,but so many variables in in this game, and if I knew then what i know now I certainly would have gone with a recommended Doc like Dr Erdogan or Dr Bhatti who I could have afforded at the time . I paid 1750 pounds so for my second one for the mid-scalp into the crown I will pay more ,I am seriously considering Dr Maras in cypress .
  4. Fair enough Bill, we always have the option to not show our faces, so I agree it's good for hair loss sufferers to se as many actual patients results as possible .
  5. I have to agree with Jean here ,as I said in the above post the success of this case largely hangs on how well the transplanted hair blends in with the distinctive forelock . I hope that would have been the main consideration in the pre-plan, and in my opinion the forelock wasn't so dense that the transplanted hair couldn't match it and blend in seamlessly, which at this point is not the case. Hopefully by the 12 month mark things will have improved .
  6. Cheers Legend ,well your hair is in a lot better nick than mine was before the transplant ,no reason if you choose the right surgeon and look after yourself, I'm sure you can achieve a full head of hair for the rest of your natural . I agree it's great to see results 3-4 years post op ,so many posters stop after 7- 8 months .
  7. tbh I saw continued improvement after the 12 month mark OK not new growth but the hair thickened and became more natural looking
  8. Thanks wheretogo , it's sad really that hair can make such a difference to someones's appearance and self esteem, but at least there are options now, and hope my post will give hope to guys who are in the early stages of the journey .
  9. Cheers man.. its not perfect but been a game changer for me ..as you can see from pre - op pics not a lot on top ..I didnt mind the receding at the front so much but when I got the full horse - shoe look that was when I decided to do something about it .
  10. I have noticed a lot of guys who seem suprised that they dont have a lot of growth at the 5 month mark recently .I had my transplant 3.5 years ago I never did show pics form transplant up to now .First few pics pre-op ,then a few days post op . . I banged my head day after the transplant thats why there is a long scab on the left side also knocked the front right as well didn't seem to affect the out-come thankfully . The last 13 pics taken today [19/8/2018 ] so 3.5 years later still going strong ,some taken with flash ,some without ,and 2 taken outside . Last time I will post pics on here ,except maybe to get advice on whether I should go for a second one later to thicken up the crown and mid-scalp ,really don't want to mess around and do damage to the grafts .I am 55 and maybe I should be thankful it has been a success and live with a slightly thinning crown besides with Toppik it pretty looks full anyway . No fibers in any of the pics . Apology not all pics in order ,last pic is 5 months 1 week post op ,second last pic 4.5 month mark. Just shows you the 4.5 - 5 month mark is just the beginning of growth . Last pic how it looks in the morning straight out of bed before combing .
  11. Terrible you had to go through that ordeal Ozguy , same thing still happening today, if anything it's more like the wild west out there with dodgey clinics, not just in Turkey either, UK is full of them, only about 2-3 good ones . Glad you got it sorted .
  12. Yea no need to worry, looks like a total success. Congrats !
  13. Your hair looks amazing , I have to admit if I had your hair pre- op I would have been more than happy and I wouldn't have taken the risk that the new hair-line would match your native density, I have seen similar low NW'S like you and they have been disasters when lowering the hair -line , Dr Bhatti did a great job .
  14. I have already pointed out to Bill that Dr Yaman and Dr Bloxham have not shown any of their cases in at least 6 months, it begs the question is Dr Feller still recommended ? as he also doesn't present his work on here anymore . I was told by Bill that monthly updates by Docs have to be presented on a monthly basis . I asked Dr Erdogan 2 questions in response to the post he made recently , one regarding does he have enough time to properly supervise 4 different teams of techs when they are doing the extractions ? ,the second question was about the ambiguous advertising on his website regarding as to actually who does the extractions?, I haven't received a reply up to this point .
  15. Dutchie was a poster on here he picked Hasson /Wong ,4200 FUT grafts , I remember as it was the exact number of grafts I had though mine was FUE . He was a bit of a character and I guess one could say he didn't have much of a filter and just said what he thought . He was full of hope and expectation as he was a NW 5 I would say, and like a lot of us his hair -loss was beginning to badly affect his confidence . To cut a long story short his result was well below par considering he went to a top clinic and paid top dollar ,basically things got heated and he wasn't happy with the response he got back form the clinic ,and he made some inappropriate comments which in a sense I cant blame him, as some people were saying it was a satisfactory result and I agree with Dutchie it was well below par , I think he had just about reached the 12 month mark . I seem to remember the clinic offered Dutchie to visit them [Think they said they would pay his flight ticket ] and they would evaluate his progress and the agreement was Dutchie would hold fire with his comments on here til he saw them ,unfortunately he kept posting negative posts and at that time Bill stepped in and decided it was best to suspend his membership until Dutchie visited the clinic, or resolved matters in a civil manner by private correspondence be it by phone ,email or whatever. Would be great to hear how things turned out for Dutchie, hopefully things were sorted out between him and the clinic to both their satisfaction .
  16. For me the success or failure of this result is dependant on how successfully the finished result changes the shape and look of the distinctive forelock in relation to the rest of the balding head so the forelock blends in with the midscalp, for this to be achieved the mid -scalp needs to thicken up which hopefully it will do in the following months .
  17. I seem to remember the thread was locked temporarily to give time for Dutchie's result to fully mature and to let things cool down for both sides to evaluate the situation at that point . Bill can you let us know if you have any more information on how things turned out for Dutchie regarding his hair transplant result with Hasson/Wong ? I seem to remember his membership was only temporarily suspended and you said he would be welcome to post again once things had been resolved . Thanks .
  18. OK man I hear you, didn't mean to put you on the spot, I also can't afford to drop 15 -20k either, which I would have needed to pay as a high NW 5 , luckily there are affordable Docs/clinics out there , I also was considering Dr Yaman for my second op ,but his lack of participation on this site recently i.e monthly showcases ,and a few results like above have made me think again .
  19. Why are you considering Dr Yaman if you have these concerns ?
  20. On a slightly different note I have brought to Bill's attention that Dr Yaman is not presenting his work on here anymore which he is supposed to do on a monthly basis , [at least one case I believe ] as part of this site's rules for continuing membership . I have to say this is a very poor result .
  21. Hi Dr Erdogan, I'm not sure if you have understood the main concern recent threads have highlighted with your clinic . There seem to be 2 main issues, the first one is the matter of full disclosure regarding , are patients aware that you will not be doing the extractions . I have looked at your website and in the in the "What We Do At Asmed" it is ambiguous to say the least as to who performs the extractions ,as I'm sure you are aware it points out the 'Doctor wears a magnifier on his head " and directly beneath there is a picture of you I presume, with said magnifier ,OK it doesn't directly say you carry out the extractions but I'm sure you can see how this might cause confusion. Can you clarify that this potential confusion is cleared up in following consultations and the patient is fully aware what happens at that stage of the transplant ? The second issue/concern is some patients have posted on here that they feel the techs are not properly supervised as you are doing up to 4 procedures per day and you do not have the time to properly supervise the work they are doing. Can you clarify that it is possible for you to fully supervise the techs ? Regards.
  22. Probably a good idea Payam to take a break for a month or so ,I still feel you will see real improvement over the next few months, look forward to your 6 month update , try to forget about hair for a while ,work out at the gym etc .
  23. Yea the last pic is a bit dark.. just click on my profile then click on attachments ,lots of pics there showing progress pretty much from 3.5 years ago to now ..some taken with DSLR cam I will need a second transplant for total coverage but as NW 5 and a very expanded bald crown 4200 would never give total coverage ..but if I use Topik which I only do on occasion the crown looks pretty good ,especially as I am 55 years old . The Dr was Dr Resat in Turkey he was with Longevita at the time but he only drew the hair-line, the techs did the extractions ,incisions etc ,he just overlooked them ,by coming into the room every so often . I guess I was lucky all things considered ,I certainly wouldn't go to a tech clinic for my second transplant would want the Doc to at least do the incisions I have too much too lose at this point, would hate to end up worse than I am now which is a pretty good result by anyone's standard.
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