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Everything posted by Mick50

  1. I actually think a lot of young guys with some recession of the temples as long as the rest of the hair is dense can look cooler and have more of an edge more than young guys with very straight hairlines ,I 've seen guys on here straightening their hairlines and in my opinion they looked better before the op, apart form the aesthetics which is subjective, as Melvin says can be difficult to match the native density .
  2. Pics look pretty good to me showing the area which has been covered by the transplant .The most revealing pics after any transplant are the top down ,and we can compare the before and after in this case , for a moderate amount of grafts a very nice improvement
  3. Thanks nOOb ,certainly got out me out of a hole, got to be a certain type for the balding look to work . I have never taken meds .
  4. Sorry Melvin if I came across as harsh ,I am one of the guys who endorsed Dr Yaman's recommendation , I know every clinic has bad results , I'm just a bit concerned something has changed with the procedure at Dr Yaman's clinic, as we all know he can produce great results .
  5. Cortisol/stress nothing to do with hair -loss ,I have a brother who is the most stressed person you could meet, an alcoholic ,shit diet ,yet has a full hair of hair 2 years younger than me .. all in the genes as simple as that ,,of course a good life style, diet ,is good for your general health, but unfortunately wont stop MPB
  6. I agree in to be fair to Dr Yaman the poster needs to conform date time etc ,but if this is a genuine case, I find it incredible that Melvin implies that possibly realistic expectations could be a reason for Hussein's dissatisfaction ,I had 4200 FUE grafts and my balding NW 5 is just about covered, .Please Melvin do not insult our intelligence
  7. As I said I went with Longevita they are certainly not scammers, and I had a great result ,you can check a recent post I made "3.5 years post op " . They were upfront with me about how much the Doc was paid [Dr Resat] and how much they charged for their services . Longevita are middle men so if you choose to go with them you need to check out the Doc/Clinic they have on their books ,they gave me the numbers of patients who had been with the Doc I chose ,and they were all happy . The after care was good any concerns I had were answered within 2 days .They exaggerated that you will have 24 hour personal person on hand ,the co ordinator I met was very busy and rushing off to another clinic ,but both techs spoke reasonable English so not a real issue . Longevita are not a clinic as I said they are middlemen with different clinics/Docs on the books . Just to add I'm not here to recommend or not recommend Longevita as the Doc I went with is no longer with them, so I have no relationship or connection with them at this point .Dr Karedenez also used to be with them before he went solo and advertised his own clinic . I have no idea if the clinics they have on the books are producing good results or not at this time .
  8. Yea I went with Longevita, but as you know they are just middlemen, the Doc I went with is Dr Resat he is no longer with them, which clinic did you go with ?
  9. As high NW before my transplant I relate to your journey Melvin , hair greed is real but we sometimes need to take stock and realise how far we have come ,your hair looks great , I sometimes think we are our harshest critics, most people don't look that closely anyway ,in the first pic you are a bald guy ,in the second pic you are a guy with a good head of hair, as simple as that.
  10. A definite improvement between month 4 and month 6 , hopefully things will thicken up over the next few months .
  11. I haven't been to Asmed, but yes I'm sure he does the incisions form what other posters have said
  12. Hi. Dr Erdogan is involved with the surgery he does the incisions as well as drawing the hair-line meds etc. There seems to be a new development recently in Turkey where you can pay a higher price for more Doc involvement and a lower price if the techs do the whole op extractions,insisions and placement . It is only recently that there has been any complaints about Asmed ,before you never heard of disappointed patients, every single result was fantastic ,whether there is a correlation between these recent cases and new techs been hired I've no idea .
  13. Very nice improvement ,the lady seems to have nice aesthetic features and shaped face , but having the hairline improved will frame her face and show it off even better .
  14. You're at the point where different lighting will make a big difference , I didn't do much much ,like most guys kept on checking progress ,my progress was quite steady ,I never took Finasteride ,tried minoxidil decided the stuff was evil, after a few days heavy bags under my eyes , disappeared thankfully ,apart form that just tried to relax and let things develop .
  15. Just normal daylight is good, natural light coming into the room dry without flash
  16. Thanks for uploading the pics, work looks really good, This pic is 6 months post op ? Be good to see a pic face on to see how the hair-line is progressing ,6 months is still early, look forward to future up -dates .
  17. Hi wheretogo do you have any pics pre -op and immediately post op ?
  18. Up to you ,but always best to give it the full 12 months ,OK maybe not the same area but the donor needs time to recover and who knows if the blood flow might be affected, guy posting on here at the the moment who has had shock loss even tho that area wasn't transplanted, as I say a hair transplant is as much about the psychological aspect ,and why add stress ,wait the full 12 months
  19. Yea most reputable clinics wont operate until the 12 month anyway , for the sake of 4 months best to see how things are at 12 months , the head and body need time to fully recover ,there are enough "what ifs" in this game why add more
  20. Difficult to say how many grafts are growing, I can only speak form my own experience, and at the 5 month one week mark as you are now I could see lots of gaps and the hair-line looked as if it had too few grafts ,but over time it took shape and thankfully most of the grafts grew and matured . I dont know if you looked at my 3.5 year post , if you do you will see there's a big difference between the 5-6 month mark and how it finished up ,just relax, really no point in comparing to super -fast growers that really proves nothing . You're not going to really have an idea til the 7-8 month point how successful it will be ,even then I saw great improvements after that, thats why they say one year is when it can be evaluated properly .
  21. Wow! that looks amazing for only 6 months out ,look more like a final 12 month result , work looks looks ultra clean and refined ...
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