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Everything posted by Mick50

  1. I Think I will make a new post showing a quick progression from 3.5 years ago to now rather than show them on Payam's thread just wanted to show that 5 months is early in the game, think about it these grafts have been plucked form your head outside the body for a period of time then put into a new zone ,luckily it works ,but it still trauma for the grafts and they take time to grow, in my opinion you have a good idea by the 7 -8 months if it is going to be a success or not . In the mean time BigBen click on my profile you can see the pics I have uploaded there, the most recent one is about 5 months I think, OK taken on my phone ,,but if you look you will see there are pics that have been taken with a DSLR camera as well .
  2. Payam when all said and done 5 months is way to early to make any judgements on whether your transplant is a success or not . I have uploaded 2 pics, I had my transplant on the 6/1/ 2015 so the first pic is 5 months 1 week post op ,second pic is just under 4.5 month post op. Jesus man tranquilo if I thought they were the finished results I wouldn't have been happy ,in reality the hair was only beginning to grow and thicken ,will upload a pic soon to show how my hair look now , I Have plenty of pics on here showing my progression tho not in a linear thread as such . Third pic look a lot darker than it does on my phone see if I can upload a clearer one
  3. I was thinking about this whether they stagger the patients in relation to how long the grafts left out of the body so you are saying they all begin at the same time ? The clinic I went to in Turkey the Doc saw me before first ...so the other patient didn't start his til maybe a good 45 mins after me there were only 2 of us . As I said before anyone who has spent anytime on this forum knows that the techs do the extractions and I have always been impressed by the results the clinic produces ,my only concern is if someone doesn't understand this before the day of the surgery ,it will naturally be a shock to find out the techs are doing the extractions and not Doctor Erdogan if they haven't been properly informed how the clinic operates. I think all clinics who are heavily tech reliant have a duty to make it clear [ Full disclosure ] exactly what part of the operation the Doc performs , it shouldn't be left for patients to read between the lines or work out what exactly does "the Doctor and his surgical team mean "in relation to specific parts of the surgery to be carried out
  4. Ok maybe not one of my better written posts, but the meaning is clear in my opinion..and I totally agree not really a big deal The main thing is as you pointed out it brings to the forefront Doctors/clinics have an obligation to fufill certain criteria to contine to be recommended on this site ..and monthly examples of their work is one of them .
  5. Hi BillI re- read it again and I had saw that I had said 2 doctors "used to post a lot" in the first paragraph, and in the second paragraph I said the 2 doctors I was thinking of were" Dr Bloxham and Dr Yaman " so actually I decided it was pretty obvious I was referring to the aforementioned Docs and no need to post the edited version you are referring to and a simple thank you was suffice . Thanks again .
  6. My problem is not the tech involvement with Dr Erdogan, but surely it's misleading if a recommended clinic say a/the Doctor uses a magnifier to do the extractions when it fact it is the tech that do them . If you look at Asmed's website you will see that it is misleading .
  7. Hey man , who you telling I took a real risk and went to Turkey in the full knowledge the techs were doing all the work ,luckily for me I got a pretty good result , knowing what I know now I wouldn't take that risk again , I actually think Amed produce very good results in general , but there do seem to be a few unhappy patients recently compared to before ,of course one wants to limit the variables but are all techs created equal is the question I guess .
  8. Had a quick look at the forum Bill it would seem Dr Bloxham hasn't shared an example of his work since Feb and Dr Yaman even further back ,I hope they will both share recent examples soon. I was seriously considering Dr Yaman at one stage but obviously would like to see current examples of his work . Yes I'm aware of course, Dr Lindsay and Dr Erdogan to name just two consistently share examples of their work .
  9. For me the main concern is the Asmed site says a Doctor uses a magnifier to do the extractions there is no mention of techs doing it ,OK if you research on this website it becomes clear the Doctor just does the incisions but as not everyone who has a transplant with Asmed is a member or reads posts on here .
  10. Thanks for the reply Bill .Yes I'm aware of the "Results Posted By Leading Hair Transplant Clinics forum " I must of missed posts by the aforementioned Doctors I will look again , I in particular used to enjoy Dr Bloxham's posts just cant recall seeing any recent posts, ah I think old age must be creeping up on me . Thanks again .
  11. Just a question for the Moderators really . I was wondering how often do recommended Doctors have to show their recent work? ,two Docs come to mind who used to post a lot of cases quite regularly I'm thinking of Dr Bloxham and Dr Yaman just wondering how much involvement is expected from the site from Docs/clinics for continuing recommendation? . Thanks in advance .
  12. I think something worth taking into account for everyone person who uses this site there probably 10 who do not, and go ahead with a hair transplant and are at the mercy of whatever clinic/Doc they choose, I know people will say well it's their own fault etc but we all know how hair loss can sometimes affect a person's thought process and logical thinking ..In Payam's defence if you go onto Asmed's site it is a bit misleading as to who does the extractions, the way it is written you would think it is the Doc who uses a magnifier before extracting the grafts, if you go on the site and click on 'What We Do At Asmed ' it doesn't say the techs perform that part of the surgery .In the interest of transparency I feel this needs to be made clear that Dr Erdogan just does the pre -op ,hairline etc but only does the incisions and the techs do the rest .
  13. I have been on this forum for over 3.5 years and I remember a few cases like yours where the patient was very anxious at 5 months but things improved greatly by 7-8 months ,I cannot off hand pinpoint those cases , and in general I agree the really fantastic results have good early growth ,but how typical their growth is or how typical your growth is I have no idea, the bottom line is you went to a good clinic OK it has a lot of tech involvement but they are well trained and the Doc did the incisions which I believe is the most important aspect of a hair transplant. I know you feel it's easy for us to say but remember a lot of us have been through the waiting game and we all know it's hard to handle especially if you are a slow grower . Most of us on this site know the difference between perfectly satisfactory result and a patient who had unrealistic expectations and a patient who has a genuine subpar result, if you are the latter I'm sure you will receive plenty of support from the clinic and this site
  14. No clinic will admit your transplant is subpar at only 5 months when the grafts in reality are only beginning to grow, remember everyone grows at different rates ,even if you have poor growth at the 7-8 month point you wont get any clinic to hold their hands up and say it's a failure .If at the year mark and there's not a satisfactory improvement I would expect Dr Erdogan to address your concerns and offer you a free touch up at the very least, whether you would accept it is another matter . I will have a look at my 5 month pics to compare to yours, hang in there I have seen cases where the growth doesn't really kick in til the 6 or 7 month, of course we can all understand your concern and hoping things improve for you .
  15. This case is obviously not a failure, neither is it a success .With the amount of grafts used to cover the frontal area, one would have expected more density .Asmed's signature if you like is dense packing using a lot more grafts than most clinics for the same area but in this case for whatever reason the result is below par compared to most of the results I have seen form them . How typical this is from the clinic I've no idea as normally the results the clinic post on here and patients own results look pretty damn good. The OP is taking the right approach and waiting til the 18th month mark ,in my case I did see an improvement after the 12 month mark,but I agree with some of the posters by 12 months you pretty much know if you're happy or not with the transplant . Dont see a major problem here as the result looks natural but most of us would want more density so hopefully Asmed will come up with a plan to achieve this .
  16. Love the new site ,great improvement much more user friendly As I said to you Melvin I would like the option of being able to select option of only members being able to view my pics which was possible in the old site .
  17. Bill's hair looks totally natural and dense .I can assure you it is true over head harsh lighting does make a difference to how the transplanted hair looks. In most lighting situations my hair look great[ including natural daylight ] especially as I was a NW 5 and had 4200 FUE grafts which isn't enough to give me total coverage ,I will be having a second transplant in the future to add density in the front and mid-scalp . Of course I can only speak as a high NW maybe lower NW'S 2-3 may have results that look good in all lighting situations but actually I think Bill's hair looks dense even in the harsh lighting , you must remember most Dr's show their results in favourable lighting ,not saying they're being dishonest but as I said a perfectly good solid result wont look its best in certain lighting situations ,and if you carn't accept that maybe you are not a suitable candidate in the first place .
  18. Hi Melvin , Whilst I appreciate where you're coming form regarding name calling etc I do hope this forum will remain open where people don't feel they are going to be jumped on if say they something which mods don't agree with or is a wee bit contentious etc ,we really don't want a situation where people might feel constricted in expressing their opinion . In my opinion the FUT Versus FUE which Dr Feller started a few years ago OK, it got heated, but this site would have been a poorer place if it hadn't been allowed to run its natural course .
  19. Hi there ,doesn't sound like a great experience ,can you show any pics ? You don't have to show your face .
  20. Erdogan charges 2.5 euros a graft ,we all know in an ideal world money shouldn't be a factor when choosing a hair transplant Doc but a lot of guys especially high NW's would never be able to afford the prices the top Docs charge ,good luck to those who can afford it ,luckily there are Drs out there who consistently get good results who are affordable like Dr Bhatti , Dr Erdogan and a few others .
  21. Jesus what a story I hope you get good growth ,if this doesn't put off anyone going with the Artas nothing will , I bet there's a few Artas machines gathering dust and the clinics still paying for them .
  22. Hi Djlazerblue ,yes I would agree with your 2 points, I did have excellent donor especially for a NW 5 , and yes most of my hair loss had occurred before the transplant, maybe had 4-500 miniaturised hairs on top whether they were shocked out or grew back would have made negligible cosmetic difference to the final result . A younger guy has to make sure the Doc he chooses takes his future hair loss into account and plans accordingly ,but I have to agree with you that doesn't always happen that's why this site and a few others are invaluable . ,unfortunately 1000's of young guys get suckered in by unscrupulous marketing .
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