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Everything posted by hairshopeing

  1. Looks good!! Contains all the recommended tablets rolled into one!! Quite expensive though!! Be interested to hear of anyone on here who's tried it!!
  2. What was the news on Lorenzo u were going to share mickey that mick from farjo knew?? Also I think the hrn should sort you out an invite with a inclusive trip after all your forum posts! You have desicated alot of your time to this site and i think someone from it should attend and if blake cant then to get the best informatoon from it you should be present. it would be invaluable for this sight to get some first hand information from the best of the best!!
  3. It's looking really good matey!! Massive change from Pre op!! Ur gonna have to thin that fecker out by November!!?
  4. Martin keoun spelt wrongly I know!! And lescot must be using topic or concealer as his is looking better, particularly at the start of matches!! Declan donerley must have and Patrick keilty I reackons! I look at Peter Andre with suspicion, all his brothers are bald, except one who's had a ht in the last few years, yet he's got a suspiciously perfect hairline, maybe he just a lucky b......d!! How about beckam?? Was looking a lot thinner several years ago, maybe propecia???
  5. Mine did the same when it was scabbed, when the scabs come off the hairs don't show them lines, seriously relax its normal, you won't see them defined lines when the scabs have gone!!!
  6. Looks great matey!!! A lot better at that length, 3 months and u got a fro!!
  7. Agreed, shave it right down and grow ur stubble out to the same or slightly longer, you suit a shaved head, seriously, you've got the right shaped head and skin colouring!!! Shave it and you'll be surprised!!! Good luck!!
  8. It s looking good mate, massive change from a couple of months, good times and growth ahead!! Pleased for you!!!
  9. I Aldo recently had fue with dr f and can 100% say my account was identical to took the plunge!! What also needs to be remembered is the time the grafts are out of the body can affect the result, with 2 very experienced techs removing grafts either side then more per hr are removed then 3 place, reducing the time there out of the body! At first I expected dr f to do the extraction and placement but he explained in my initial consult, the techs are as good if not better that him at extracting as that's what they do day in day out, and he would make all the incisions and administer the numbing injections on both recip and donor. The techs then place as again they are very experienced in this process, he mainly oversees the whole process!!! I think you have to trust what your dr tells you as ultimately they know best!! And to be fair dr f has got your best interests at heart and will address any issues!! Hopefully we won't have any to address!!! Fingers crossed!!!!!
  10. Hi Shaun, ur lucky that the uk is close to Belgium where there is a vast amount of excellent surgeons, Feriduni,bisanga, devroye all produce fantastic results! Research all them and some of the Turkish guys seem to be getting great accolade lately, check them out! I know how you feel and spent a good 2 years researching before getting a fue transplant done by dr Feriduni about 5 weeks ago!! Spex is now his uk rep so I'm sure he will be happy to help with everything, or feel free to ask me anything and if I can help I will!!! Good luck and do plenty of research!!
  11. Hey mate iv noticed every couple of months you post Simla pics with the same questions, I'd say you've just got a large forehead with slight recession which will probably thin out over the years!! I was exactly the same as you at 19, which is some pics you have posted previously, and you havnt changed much since to your current position! I was the same and if its any consolation mine didn't alter much and I'm now 38!! So it's not always the case that a young guy who recedes will be bald by his mid 30s! But like myself I get the impression your not happy with ur current hair so even if it stayed the same u wouldn't be happy?? If that's not the case then I wouldn't worry too much! Iv just had a ht as even if I hadn't lost another hair on my head I wouldn't of been happy as my hairline was uneven and thinning and too high! But had been like that all my adult life!! Any advice feel free to ask!!!
  12. Coming in good now mate!!! I'd shave down to a 1 if I were you, make it look cleaner as it grows!! Exciting times ahead!! Congrats!!
  13. Hi Feriduni pays for 1 nights accommodation at your hotel and your taxi to and from the hotel on the day of your surgery!! After that you pay your own which is 8 euro each way and your hotel is at 70 euro per night if you use the hassotel standard room!! Any info you need feel free to ask! Iv just had fue by dr Feriduni and he's a fantastic dr and person!!
  14. Looking good!! Happy growing!!!!
  15. Thanks guys!! All bald and pink now!!! Well mickey I see your point, and its a very selfless one!! Payed or unpaid I think you'll help a lot of people make the right decisions!!! As you talk a lot of sense and have a very good understanding and knowledge of the industry as a whole!! So keep up the good work!!
  16. You will surpass even!!! Just sit tight matey!!
  17. Haha ta mickey!! Cleaned out will oil later and take it slow!! Great threads your producing mate!! They should give you a job on here!!!
  18. Hi guys Quick question I'm 4 weeks post of from fue, going back to work tomorrow and want to shave my whole head to a grade1! That can't harm at this point can it!! All scabs gone by day 11! Just want to be sure!! Appreciate a speedy response! Thanks!!
  19. Then I'd be pleased as to me it seems you've had good growth and still another 6 to 8 months for maturity!! Enjoy it!!
  20. Looks like a big difference from first to last!! Definite improvement!! Is that at 12 months the last dry one??
  21. Fantastic!! Glad your enjoying it!!
  22. It's the most stressful thing ever!! But you must remember stressing doesn't change the outcome !! In 12 months you get your results and worrying wont change them, I think everyone who has a ht must be a little obsessed by their hair or they wouldn't put themselves through it all!! I know I am!! And to see something you obsess over go worse is very traumatic, but expected!! That's just they way it is!!! I really feel for you as I can tell its hard at the minute for you and I think your views will be becoming distorted by it, but I can honestly say that's its a big improvement and I'm sure it will be great, now try and relax, do something you enjoy and don't look at it for the rest of the day!! Remember if you want the rainbow you've got to put up with the rain!! That's by Dolly Parton, and they say she was just a big pair of tits!!
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