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Everything posted by hairshopeing

  1. The 3 rd one with the shirt!! Definite improvement, it's 3.5 months by month 5 to 6 you l be flying!! Try and relax I know it's hard!!! I stress as well, but keep in mind it won't help!! Your on the right tracks!! On 2 months time you will be giving advice out to others who are experiencing it!!! Your actually in a better position then most as all the hairs that were shock lost will be healthy as they were transplanted ones!! I look forward to your update at 6 months saying how pleased you are with the new mop of hair!!!
  2. Definite improvement, shock loss and rogaine shed probably contributed to the hairs going!! Also I think you are worrying that your Pre hair which was from previous transplants has fallen out and you didn't think it would, am I correct?? I also get the impression that because it was hair that had been moved you didn't think this could/ would happen?? Remember hair that has been moved shouldn't been susceptible to dht, So in theory mpb shouldn't effect it, but shock loss isn't an effect of dht levels its purely down to scalp trauma, so even the healthiest of hairs can fall out by the bucket full, all healthy ones will regrow and miniaturised ones may not, but as all yours will of been healthy as the were ones that were moved they will all return, so chill out and wait, you've got nothing to worry about!! Iv had bad shock loss in my donor, and I'm not concerned, of it happens in my recip area then I will be because I had some miniaturised hairs there which may not return, but yours won't of been miniaturised if they were all hairs that had been moved from your donor from previous transplants!! I am no expert but from th research iv done I think that's right!! If any more experienced vets can chime in to confirm or correct me it might help to ease your concerns!!
  3. Hi, I'm by no means an expert but generally nothing really happens too much till between month5 and 7 and from then on its gradual, any growth before that Is a bonus!! So don't worry, sit tight, I'm sure it will be fine!!good luck!!
  4. Tell me about it mate nearly 4 weeks out!! Gonna shave back down to a grade1 on Sunday!! And make my excuses to the world!!! Haha the things we do for hair!!
  5. Your looking right on track mate!!! It's looking good at this early stage!! Glad it's working out for you!!!!! Happy growing!!!
  6. I'm no expert but a drastic change in style might work, possibly shave down quite short?? Or just something completely different and say the way you used to have it masked the problem better but you fancied a change! A haircut can make a huge difference in hiding or revealing hair loss!! Good luck with it!!
  7. Hi Had a fue procedure done 3 weeks ago, at day 8 had a raised white bump in recip area which looked like a spot but had a hair in the middle, when I washed my hair this area bled slightly then disappeared, then yesterday had the same thing happen just in my new hairline, white raised bump with a hair in the middle, after washing this bled and the bump was gone, iv also had a couple of these in my hair where it's just my normal non transplanted hair also! Is this quite common?? Does it affect growth and should I be doing or taking anything in order to stop this! Note I no longer am applying anything to the recip area,not even aloe Vera! Any advice appreciated!! Thanks!!
  8. Fanfeckintastic!!! Another 6 months and ul be like Samson!! Happy for you mate!!!
  9. Yeah, had 2137 fue done on the 10th so almost 3 weeks out now!! Had some shock loss in the donor area, but the recip area is fine do far fingers crossed!! Stressful to do and a very surreal experience eh!!
  10. Great write up!!! I agree, great dr and person!! We just need good results now!!! And like you I'm sure dr Feriduni is the right person for us to get them!! Fingers crossed eh!! I stayed in the hassotel, but was on my own and just wandered round afterwards without a cap or bandana and hardly anyone batted an eye!! Spent most of my time in the room,think the maids thought I was mental!! Nice hotel!! Happy growing mate!!!!
  11. Great write up!! Will help a lot of people looking into Belgium!! Good luck with it all!!
  12. Good stuff!! Look forward to it!!
  13. You look like you are in the same position as I was!! At 17 I had a high , uneven hairline with a weak forelock and people would tell me I would be bald by the time I was 20!! And at that time I had long hair and would loose what I considered a lot daily when washed and brushed!! At about 21 the rate I lost slowed right down and at 38 my hairline and density was very similar to when I was 21, it had barely changed from being 17!!! However, the damage was done, High, uneven hairline, which would never return!! I did propecia for the last 12 months before having a transplant 2 weeks ago!! So I would say looking at your pictures your 17 old hairline looks very similar to 25, however visit reputable surgeons who take into account future loss, family patterns and conservative approaches to young patients don't rush in!!!! Just reconstructing and filling in your hairline is all I'd look at for the time being, not drastically lowering or closing off temples, way to much, way to young to take that path!!!
  14. Just had a procedure done with Feriduni and can recommend him as I too looked into all the above!! He does the injections and the cuts for the hairs to be implanted and the techs do all the extractions and placement, but there a right unit who know what there doing, I asked him in my consultation what part he would do and he explained the above, saying down to fatigue and also that the ha were very well trained and experienced and could extract and place as well as he could!! Hopefully he's right!! Time will tell!! But I know for sure if the result isn't what should be expected he will put right whatever he can, he is a very talented surgeon and seems a very honest decent man!! And then too factors are why I chose him!!
  15. Looks really good mate, nice clean work and some good early growth!! I'm sure it will be a ace result!!
  16. This is madness,everyone on here would chop their right arm of for your hair,it is what everyone on here would love!! Your way to young with to worry with that much hair!!! Any photo can show a weakness dependent on lighting and angle!!! Enjoy your time and stop worrying!! You've got plenty of time to address any hair issues if they arise when your older!! But for now go out, and enjoy, u jammy bxxxxxd!!!
  17. Thanks chris dav!! Hopefully I can get a result like yours!! Very impressive!! Yes Jayukdht iv got loads to post as I said in the write up, just need to work out how to put em from my camera to I pad then on to here,so need some time over the weekend,will post next week with 2 week update!! Cue ball yours is coming in great mate,hopefully I'll be like that at 3 months!!! Top dr eh!! And nice team, hopefully the results will follow!! Haha thought that tablet was for that but forgot all about it until I was back in the room!!! Typical!!! But yeah very emotionally draining,and I'm not the type to be bothered by stuff,but the procedure itself isn't a big deal,infact when it was over I thought,well that was easier then expected!! But it's the lead up and the afterwards,travelling back,worrying about the grafts and the post op worry!! Still be worth it in the end,fingers crossed!!!! Guess it's the same for everyone!!
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