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Everything posted by hairshopeing

  1. Best of luck mate and remember why your doing it and why u chose who u did!! It will all be good in the end!!!!
  2. Everyone has nerves, and its hard to rationalise your decision sometimes!! I'd think " am I really getting a hairtransplant!!" And what I'd this and what if that, but then is look in the mirror and the hairline that I hated so much and struggled to make look half decent and the risk to reward ratio kicks in!! Can I just plod on as I am?? No! Could I be happy as it is? No! I think you have to try if your very unhappy with your hair or you will forever be what if ing!!! However if people are ok shaving down or not that bothered about there hair then i wouldn't entertain having a transplant!! There is a risk involved but if your not happy as you are then remember why your doing it!! I flew over to Belgium on my own and was staying for 5 days, and in the hotel room the night before was sat there thinking am I really going to do this, I'm in Belgium on my own about to get a feckin hairtransplant!! Then I had a shower, brushed my hair, and looked at the reasons why I needed to change my hair so badly and thought could u just go home now and except it as it is?? Save all this money and hastle, recovery times, lieing to people where iv been and what iv had done, see my kids before 5 days?? And the answer was no I couldn't!!! So I relaxed and thought your here to get sorted, suck out up and get on with it!! I'm over 2 months out now and I still get the" I can't believe iv had a ht" thoughts but the reality is I have, and so far I'm glad I have!! Any worries just ask and good luck!!
  3. Looks really good mate, really suits you!! Where did u get it done?? How much did it cost and was it painful?? Iv have a fair few tattoos and there no fun to get but on my head would be pretty knarly I'd imagine!! Congrats though!!
  4. Looking forward to seeing a lot more dr mwamba results!!!! Well deserved!
  5. Haha I asked how MANY not MUCH did you pay for!!! but 6000 euros if above 2500 grafts is cheap and I'd imagine its slot above that number!! Man your donor looked brutal, glad it's all healed nice!! And good luck, in sure it will grow on nice!!!!
  6. Hard to tell mate!! 3000 -4000 I'd imagine for the size of surface covered?? How many did u pay for???
  7. Bloody hell, looks like you had loads taken from your donor!! How's my were you supposed to get?? What's your density?? As seems an awful lots has been taken from the back??
  8. Work looks great mate!! Very neat and dense looking!! Sure it will be ace!!! Heal well!!
  9. I hope that price structure is wrong, as I think it will put people off in the uk as like always over here everything is inflated on cost when done in the uk!!! But there is a global recession on and the exchange rate on the euro will still favour a trip to Belgium despite a world leader on fue being on the doorstep in the uk!! Price should be fair and competitive with regards to the other European surgeons who are at a similar level and calibre!! I hope the price is wrong or rethought as that's just silly money as even with an fue expert like Lorenzo there is no guarantee of results!!!!!
  10. I agree, that rate is too much!!! That means the people from Spain would have to fly to the uk them pay Aprox 30% more than they used too, I doubt that would happen!! I love lorenzos work!!
  11. That just looks like scabs or dry dead skin, the hairs are passing through it! I think that's normal but I'm no expert, if one could chime in to reassure you that would be good, but I think that looks ok!
  12. Why has he decided to come to the uk mickey?? It's great but very surprising news!
  13. It's great news for anyone from the uk looking at fue, a top notch dr in good old Manchester!! Any one know why dr Lorenzo has decided to come to the uk?? As rumour had it he was booked out for the woke of 2013 in Spain??
  14. I bet he can't wait to leave sunny Madrid for cold,wet Manchester!!!
  15. That's going to be quite a change!! People will be recommending the uk as a great place to get an fue transplant rather than avoiding at all costs!! Congratulations and looking forward to seeing the results!!!
  16. That's fantastic news!! Does that mean dr Lorenzo will be performing fue personally on a regular basis in Manchester or will he just have an input??? Congratulations on the new venture and look forward to him joining the site and seeing loads of his outstanding results!!
  17. I find the same! Have to was my hair every day!! Gets greasy really quickly and goes limp!! Also oily skin especially my forehead!!
  18. Too good to be true perhaps!! Seems a lot of the reviews were from women!!
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