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Everything posted by Shampoo

  1. First you will be amazed how little attention you get after the first day back to work. I too was very concerned about "can I get away with it?" so I decided to go public before and after. People respond better to openness, bullies look to expose "hiders"....so I just beat them to the punch. Seriously though...after the first day of questions....people are just too busy with their own lives, their own problems, their own insecurities to care....most of the attention is more about "how do they do that?"....."do they transplant your own hair?"...."how much did it cost?"...."how long does it take to grow back?". Realize almost everyone has something about their physical appearance they would like to change, so in reality they are saying to themselves "Gosh I wish I could get my nose fixed"..."my smile/teeth fixed"...."my bariatric surgery", etc... The people I work with were overwhelming positive....it's not like 6th grade where the bored kids are relentless...adults have way too much else to worry about. The only negatives I can think of are things like "wow I don't think you even needed that"...or "I would never do that I am scared of knives". Think about going this route....it may surprise you how well it goes to just be open about it.
  2. Doug...what part of Dallas are you conducting the consultations? If time permits and you would like...I can try to put together the "Dallas Hasson/Wong Fan Club" for dinner. There are three of us Hasson/Wong alums and we usually meet at least once a year for dinner in Plano on the north side of Dallas.
  3. I am one week out from my surgery and I would say yes at times my recipient area feels warm. I would think it is perfectly normal due to skin trauma and healing.
  4. mikey I agree....but I am no doctor and each patient presents unique features. to me it looks like the guy has more crown needs than anywhere else. of course it is very hard to get a clear or complete picture with only one picture and also we do not know his age....age is a very important factor. "chasing a crown" in your twenties/early thirties is practically insane because the balding pattern is usually not nearly defined enough at that point....and it could easily be the "black-hole" for future donor supply. but if rte is 40 and above I would absolutely throw at least 1000 grafts into that crown if it is within his budget and he has plenty of donor supply. if i was rte...I would certainly have further discussions with Dr. Rahal and let Dr. Rahal know the importance of at least doing a bit of work on the crown during such a rare event as surgery. i could be wrong, but rte already expressing his concerns about the crown is going to have high potential of him having regrets of "gosh i flew in for surgery, have this healing period to deal with..why-o-why didn't I at least get something placed into the crown?" of course he can use Nanogen to cover his crown and also have a future crown focused surgery...but I think he should at least have another pre-op conversation with Dr. Rahal about his crown goals so he and the doctor have clearly defined expectations that will help avoid disappointment.
  5. parsia....there is a small group of local Dallas area guys...3 of us actually that are Hasson/Wong patients...we have dinner a couple of times a year at the Mi Cocina on Preston Road in Plano. We discuss hair transplants over dinner for an hour or two. It's always enjoyable as well as educational. We are probably going to get together again in late July. I will send you a PM when we have something scheduled and you are free to join us for dinner if you would like. It is super informal, casual, and a fun discussion. Plus you'd be able to see 3 guys that have had transplants and you could see me in the full "ugly duckling" phase...lol. ps: Thanks for the well wishes...I am nervous as always...but know I am in good hands.
  6. parsia I am in Texas as well. In fact I leave tomorrow for Hasson/Wong in Vancouver. If I were you and in your situation I would go see Dr. Arocha at his main surgery center which I believe is in Houston. You have nothing to lose by visiting with Dr. Arocha and he is local. Hair Loss Houston Dallas Austin TX Arocha Hair Restoration You should also watch all the Doctor interviews and see if you like one of them. I watched every single interview video with every single doctor before I made my decision. There really are a lot of great doctors you could choose from. Interviews with our recommended hair transplant physicians ps: When you communicate with any of the doctors I would be very clear what your expectations are so you are both on the same page and there will be less chance of disappointment a year after your surgery. Expectations and understanding "the illusion of density" is key to hair transplant success.
  7. And are you sure Dr. Rahal doesn't ever perform surgeries outside of Canada? Have you inquired as to whether he may agree to do your surgery when he is on a trip to one of his clinics outside of Canada? I see on his website it says: "We serve patients from all points on the globe from our offices in Toronto, Beverly Hills, and New York" Hair Transplant Centers | Dr. Rahal
  8. How old are you? Where are you? How many grafts are you wanting?
  9. They shave or trim down existing hair during your routine maintenance so that is not an issue, or at least it never was for me. As for a wig "definitely take quite some of your time" I did not find that to be the case at all, in fact dealing with thinning hair every morning without a doubt takes more time and effort. The one great thing about a proper hair system is you suddenly have plenty of hair to work with. The only part I had difficulty with was never feeling 100% natural and being paranoid about being "found out". I suppose if I had given it more time maybe those feeling would have dissipated. Mine looked really good, but I decided for removal due to never being totally comfortable with the whole situation. If my only choice was between a "horse-shoe totally bald" look or the best hair system available I would wear a hair system.
  10. Wow....how recckless is that? BTW... Question: "Is There a Safe/legal Time Limit for General Anesthesia in an Accredited Outpatient Setting?" Answer: Most sources generally consider 6 hours as the upper safe limit for outpatient surgery, whether it is performed in a hospital or surgery center. After 6 hours, the rate of post-operative complication rises.... https://www.realself.com/question/there-safe-legal-time-limit-for-general-anesthesia-in-accredited-outpatient
  11. Steve...both are elite hair transplant surgeons with an outstanding facility and deep experienced staff of technicians. I don't think most hair transplant patients when searching for a clinic realize how important the experience and depth of the technicians of the hair transplant surgeon are. Many clinics do not perform the larger sessions because they do not have such a deep staff to go 8-12 hours. I met with one doctor who flew in his one main part time technician when he performed hair transplants. No wonder he normally performed sessions for about 1800-2000 grafts. I would bet there is no hair transplant clinic in the world with a larger full-time staff than Hasson/Wong. Look at the size of the Hasson/Wong staff: https://hassonandwong.com/surgical-team/ I chose Dr. Wong for my first surgery at Hasson/Wong and I chose Dr. Wong again for my 2nd surgery scheduled for later this month. Initially I met with a patient of Dr. Wong's here in Dallas who looked great. Then I noticed Dr. Wong's impressive meg-session results. Finally I seemed to connect with Dr. Wong after watching his videos at the bottom of the page in the link below: Jerry Wong, MD*Hair Transplant Surgeon in*Vancouver,*British Columbia Steve if you were "assigned" a doctor, I am sure Hasson/Wong would allow you to pick either of them if you decide that's what you want to do, but I think you would be happy with Dr. Wong. Both of them are great. Good Luck.
  12. who did your surgery? i've had two FUT surgeries and about to have my 3rd this month and my "scar" looks nothing like that my scar if you could even call it that is extremely hard to see if you are looking for it
  13. I am not a doctor....I guess it is done in some major life saving organ replacement type surgeries, but I would think it would not be wise to be under general anesthesia for something as optional as an 8-10 hour hair transplant surgery. Isn't being under general anesthesia that long border on dangerous?
  14. A rough estimate is that one dental patient dies every other day in the United States. Hair transplant deaths can't be anywhere near that kind of number, in fact I doubt it is one a decade. Source: " A dental patient dies about every other day in America, according to a first-of-its-kind estimate by The Dallas Morning News" Deadly Dentistry: Elusive Numbers
  15. I've wondered about staph infection in regard to hair transplants? Especially with FUT and that size wound...has anyone ever heard of someone getting a staph infection via their donor strip?
  16. The price calculator on their web site where you type the number of grafts desired and then it instantly calculates the prices of FUT and FUE really highlights how much more expensive FUE is.
  17. Both clinics are elite level hair transplant centers, so you can't go wrong in a choice between such great doctors.
  18. Looks good Dr. Carman One day this young patient will fully appreciate your conservative approach preserving all those future donor grafts.
  19. Rob not sure how accurate this website is, but it appears Bosley Management is not well liked by some employees. Working at Bosley: Employee Reviews | Indeed.com This review site however rates them pretty highly: http://www.signatureforum.com/cosmetic/detail.cfm?docid=2003051509282857077425
  20. Rob....I went to Bosley a long time ago for a consult, but ended up going to another doctor for my first hair transplant. I didn't get a great feeling with them during the consult, however I assume they would have some qualified doctors.
  21. Rob...you may find this thread interesting: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/157653-dr-epstein-va-bosley.html
  22. Thanks Sean....this LPP is all new to me. I ran across this statement on Dr. Bernstein's site....which seems to explain it pretty well: "those considering a hair transplant, ruling out a diagnosis of LPP is particularly important as transplanted hair will often be rejected in patients with LPP. In common baldness, the disease resides in the follicles (i.e., a genetic sensitivity of the follicles to DHT). Since the donor hair follicles remain healthy, even when transplanted to a new location, we call common baldness donor dominant. It is the reason why hair transplantation works in persons with common baldness. In contrast, LPP is a recipient dominant condition. This means that the problem is in the recipient area skin, so if healthy hair is transplanted into an area affected by LPP the hair may be lost. Because it is so important to rule out suspected LPP when considering a hair transplant and because it is often hard to make a definitive diagnosis on the physical exam alone, a scalp biopsy is often recommended when the diagnosis of LPP is being considered by your doctor. A scalp biopsy is a simple five minute office procedure, performed under local anesthesia. Generally one suture is used for the biopsy site and it heals with a barely detectable mark. It takes about a week to get the results. The biopsy can usually give the doctor a definitive answer on the presence or absence of LPP and guide further therapy. If the biopsy is negative, a hair transplant may be considered. If the biopsy shows lichen planopilaris, then medical therapy would be indicated"
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