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Everything posted by Shampoo

  1. hairweare who did your surgery? i have had two FUT procedures and have ZERO "feeling of tightness".
  2. I agree and go one step further and say anyone that states "someone choosing strip over FUE has a lack of IQ" actually has a lack of IQ themselves!
  3. I don't think Dr. Wong needs an apology. I think he is a wonderful caring doctor that has provided outstanding results to patients for many years. Is he perfect? I doubt it, but he is a heck of a lot better than most hair transplant surgeons. I doubt Hasson/Wong became one of the most respected hair transplant clinics in the world by treating patients poorly. Your accusations that they are reckless hardly jives with a reality that says otherwise. And how exactly would I "know that already"? Is this more of your vague innuendo technique? And by the way what photos were "supplied already"? Dr. Wong asked for specifc multiple photos with eyebrows...have you done that? And if so why have you not posted them for the forum? You want to make the discussion public You want to make the demonization of Dr. Wong public But then claim "OMG PRIVACY" when it comes to photos? Why the one way street? You are the one that went public.... So shouldn't everything including your photos be public to back up your public claims? I would like to hear Bill's take on this? Bill is Hasson/Wong ignoring hairfarmer as he claims? How exactly do you define a troll. I am an active member of this forum. You posted and I commented. Isn't that how a message board works? Again you seem to want a "one way street". You post and unless people agree with you they are "trolls". Whatever that means..... This is a perfect example of your paranoid logic and demonization. Explain what "vested interests" I am "protecting". I do not and have not ever worked in the hair transplant industry. I studied hair transplants on this message board for a year or two. Decided to go with a world renowned clinic known as Hasson/Wong. I flew one time from Texas to Vancouver. Dr. Wong performed my surgery. I got a wonderful life changing result. Hasson/Wong treated me great. I have not been back & have not spoken with Dr, Wong since my surgery. So what is my "vested" interest? Can't someone study and issue... come to a different conclusion than yours and there be no reason to think there is anything sinister going on? I just wish you would be truely more transparent. You make all these public claims/accusations but seem reluctant to back them with public pictures. "well I've sent them to so and so" how is it fair to make public accusations but then not provide that same public with the evidence? (pics)
  4. Again....have you provided multiple pictures that "include the eyebrows" as Dr. Wong requested? Where are they? I'd like to see them? What is there to discuss if you are not being cooperative with the clinic? What are you afraid of by showing the pictures requested by your doctor? You blow a lot of smoke in the forum, but have not shown very many multi angle pictures of the supposed trainwreck of a transplant. Talk is cheap, lets see the pictures?
  5. That's interesting Glock...something I had never really thought about. But could a patient choose a FUE using 100% of the grafts in 7x1 area, if the patient was not worried about a "scar" or small blank spot that would be easily covered by above hair just like with strip? In other words if the goal of the patient was mainly a quicker healing time and not having any stretch or tight scalp issues...and the patient was not worried about a tiny FUE "scar" of blank line that is easily covered.
  6. Have you provided multiple pictures that "include the eyebrows" as Dr. Wong requested?
  7. That is exactly what Dr. Wong did with me at the consult and the morning of the surgery, I honestly believe Dr. Wong is a very caring doctor and will bend-over backwards to help rectify any perceived problems for reasonable patients. I would like to see lots of additional pictures of this patient at different stages and with different hair lengths. Can someone provide a link I can click on to see these types of pictures of this patient?
  8. I agree. I also think a patient with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), puts a clinic/doctor in a very awkward position. I actually feel sorry for both sides of the equation. The clinic has a business to run and the patient probably does not fully realize they have BDD. I suppose clinics get pretty good at being able to eliminate these kind of patients pre-op, but sometimes I would think it can be difficult to predict during consultation how "difficult to satisfy" certain patients may turn out to be. The doctor probably has a gut instinct once this type of patient is discovered that the patient will probably never be satisfied....so why keep doing more surgeries? I know as a business owner there are certainly rare cases where I politely tell what I believe is an unreasonable customer "here is your money back and please find someone else to provide you the service you seek because we have decided to no longer do business with you". Even more rare is the unreasonable customer I have taken to court seeking payment and we have won every case thus far. Without knowing all the facts of this particular case, it is hard to say exactly what Hasson/Wong should do, but sometimes it is just best to "cut your losses", offer at least some type of refund and move on. I wish this patient the best, but would not want to be the next doctor/clinic on his list. ps: My experience with Jotronic, Dr. Wong, Christina, Daria, and the entire Hasson/Wong clinic was excellent.
  9. what's odd is on their website there is a tab called "Our Surgeon" and when you click the tab it says "Meet The Surgeons" but then no surgeon's pictures, bios, or names are shown.
  10. I think it is a good result considering he did not get a whole heck of a lot of grafts. It appears he has a lot more hair than he did, so that's a good thing. It's sometimes hard to tell the full result with the way he styles and cuts his hair. I would like to see it with less gel, less color, just to get a feel for the real result. One thing that concerns me is with each video moving forward he seems to be less confident about the result as he was early on. From what I can see....the dude does not look balding anymore and that's what we all want. My gut tells me there is more to this story....but I hope he is happy.
  11. I'd have to agree with this list, but would add Dr. Ron Shapiro as well.
  12. I am no doctor.... I have never smoked a cigarette in my life and obviously it is not wise to smoke the day of surgery but I seriously doubt having a couple of smokes will cause a 75-100% failure in grafts....probably not even a 25% failure. I'd say don't smoke...but if you are so addicted you cant control yourself and know it could effect the outcome slightly and are ok with that....then go for it!
  13. Personally I think Dr. Wong does some of the best crown work and Dr. Hasson is one of the best with frontal hairlines. Both are elite hair transplant surgeons. I could have chosen any surgeon in the world and I chose Dr. Wong. My Hasson/Wong experience was excellent from start to finish. The staff, the doctors, and the clinic facility are extremely top-notch. Hasson/Wong purchasing an ARTAS machine should not have any effect on your FUT. I would have to believe they are buying that because some consumers are asking for FUE, but I bet Dr. Wong and Dr. Hasson still see FUT as the gold standard and best over-all choice for most patients needing large transplants. Every patient is different, but I was VERY CONCERNED about post-op stares and dealing with friends and co-workers. It turned out to be a non-issue. I was up front with everyone and 99.9% were supportive and positive. In today's world pretty much everyone has something they'd like to change, so when they see someone else making a change, they are not as negative as in the past beacuse they are thinking "hey I'd like to change my teeth, or my belly, my nose, or the wrinkles on my face". If you plan six weeks off from work I betcha you go back to work much sooner. Trust me you get braver post-up and dont really care what people think....and you will be shocked how quickly people move on...their lives are busy...and they just really dont care what you did.
  14. If your head is itching pretty bad I will tell you what I did that worked like a champ. Go buy a box of "Kleenex Cool Touch" tissue. The cool touch type is a slightly heavier cool to the touch tissue. Then take a tissue and wave it back and forth over and lightly touching the area that is itching. The tissue is light and soft enough to not damage the grafts, but is just heavy enough to relieve the crazy itching that sometimes occurs after hair-transplant surgery. It may not work for everyone, but it worked really well for me when the post-op itch was driving me crazy.
  15. Bald Pilot, The educational links were "Removed By the Moderator" :rolleyes: So search YouTube with the following exact titles shown below and it will take you to the EDUCATIONAL Videos about crown hair transplants. #1. "Hair Transplant for the Crown by Dr. Sam Lam" #2. "Dr. Sam Lam discussed how to perform crown or vertex hair transplants" #3. "Can a Hair Transplant Fill in my Crown? Sara Wasserbauer, M.D." Again these videos are not for finding a doctor, but are to get a better understanding of crown transplants. BTW: I do not and have not ever worked for any transplant doctor/clinic, and the doctors in these videos that were deleted have not ever performed a transplant on me.
  16. BaldPilot, Below are some educational videos about transplanting the crown. The videos are not intended to suggest a doctor, but to learn about crown transplants. FUE would give you a quicker healing time But FUE will be more expensive....and less elite North American doctors With FUT you are looking at like 4-6 months for an ugly duckling phase. But FUT can fill in your crown nicely. You should keep reading and decide what works best for you. (Links removed by moderator)
  17. Dr. Wong advised I wait ten days for suture/staple removal. Some doctors say a week is enough. I contacted a local plastic surgeon I knew and he removed them for free. Suture/staple removal was painless and took less than 5 minutes.
  18. Hello Gregg. I suggest you first take a look at the videos in the link below. Interviews with our recommended hair transplant physicians There are several surgeons in California and you can watch their videos. Also once you become more familiar with the hair transplant industry, you may become less wary of traveling. I traveled all the way from Texas to Vancouver, BC. for my transplant. I felt that is was important to go with one of the very best surgeons because I was going to have to live with the results the rest of my life. I had flown great distances to beaches, amusement parks, mountains.... so why should I decline to fly to a great surgeon on something so important?
  19. On a side note, be sure to keep a close eye on your "chronic esophageal reflux". I just lost a brother to esophageal cancer, so it hits close to home when I read you have chronic esophageal reflux . My brother who had reflux for years had no idea he was sick or that anything was wrong, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Esophageal Cancer April 26, 2014 and passed away July 8, 2014. The doctors said esophageal cancer is a rapidly growing problem and many times is not detected until it's too late. Anyone with chronic esophageal reflux should have an endoscope performed to determine if they have the pre-esophageal cancer condition known as Barrett's Esophagus. Good luck with your hair transplant journey.
  20. A bit much? It's ridiculous. Some of the close-minded "FUE Nazi's" that think it's "us against the world" are out in full force in an obvious attempt to smear, demean, and destroy Joe. In my opinion it relates to the fact they don't like and just can not accept/comprehend that rational people can study an issue like FUT vs FUE and just honestly come to a different conclusion. They imply some people that prefer FUT have an ulterior motive, that it can't be just an honest educated different conclusion. So now they are carrying out a "pay back" against Joe because he worked at probably the top FUT clinic in the world and of course advocated what his employer offered. OMG....who's ever heard of something so sinister? :rolleyes: Is a guy that sells Mercedes and switches to selling Lexus to be demonized as a liar, crook, dishonest snake oil salesman? It's a joke... but not totally unexpected by the arrogant "FUE is the ONLY way" crowd!
  21. I can second that. Christina, Daria, and Doug are a wonderful part of the Hasson/Wong team. I feel the same way about Dr. Wong. Dr. Wong changed my life! Joe best of luck in your new endeavor and thank you for your guidance with my surgery at Hasson/Wong....and the dinner you treated me to the day after my surgery. I'll miss seeing you when I head back to Hasson/Wong for my crown sometime in the next year.
  22. Jon have you considered Scalp MicroPigmentation (SMP) ?
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