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Everything posted by Shampoo

  1. When I was at Hasson/Wong late last month I was surprised how much FUE they are now doing. Dr. Wong spoke to me about what great results they are getting from FUE. If you are in Vancouver you should go visit their clinic and speak with BOTH doctors about FUE only if that's what you are interested in.
  2. Yes I think it is all relative. One guy may have a bad knee surgery and 1000's of other patients may have the same knee surgery with great results. The guy with the bad result is obviously going to be a "squeaky wheel" and also come away thinking "this sucks" because it didn't work for him....but in reality it worked well for the vast majority of patients. I would be shocked if only 35% of hair transplant patients are happy 18 months post-op, but I will say that this surgery is certainly not for everyone. In fact I told someone recently at work that was asking about my surgery...that I think if this surgery was FREE there would still be a lot of balding guys that wouldn't do it. You have to REALLY want to do this and be able to deal with everything that comes along with it for it to work. Here is the link you requested. I will be adding more as my 3rd journey concludes. Hair Restoration Social Network ? Community for and by Hair Loss Patients
  3. Bencar....I suppose it also depends on how you define "unsatisfied". For example I was thrilled after my transplants, but was I "satisfied"? No so I went back for more.
  4. Bill or Dr. Arocha.... I know it's apples to oranges but.... If you are going to be in the surgery chair say 8 hours how does during procedure discomfort compare for FUE vs FUT?
  5. Hasson & Wong post-op sun instructions: "Avoid sun exposure to the scalp for 6 months. Sunburn to the recipient area will reduce growth. After scabs have fallen off use sun screen of 30 SPF or higher for the first 3 months if you will be exposed to the sun without a hat."
  6. what a ridiculous un-sourced statement "so and so said....but I can't even state who so and so is" :rolleyes:
  7. Thanks Dr. Blake....I was unaware any clinics advised "vigorous" scrubbing/shampooing in the first week post-op. I guess I learn something every day.....but knowing myself I still wouldn't do it....lol
  8. That level of "vigorous" would scare me, but too each his own. I was much more conservative the first week than this guy with just some gentle soft "tapping" when using shampoo. I did leave the gentle shampoo on for 15-20 minutes.
  9. Sam I am 3 weeks post-op myself....and yes the "ugly duckling" phase is always a challenge....but I predict in several months you will look back and be very happy you had your transplant. These first few months a patient must just march thru and realize the "pain" will be worth the "gain". Trust me I would not have had another recent surgery if that were not true. Yes hair-loss will continue, but you can greatly slow that process by taking Finasteride. Yes you have to stay on Finasteride, but that is true of a lot of life changing drugs and it is even true with exercise and diet. If a patient stops taking high blood pressure medicine or stops exercising a patient's condition returns to the earlier state....finasteride is no different. And most drugs have some side effects for a certain amount of patients...again Propecia is no different. Plus at your relatively young age, I predict the industry will have new discoveries and be able to do things like clone follicles so donor counts will not be the issue they are today. Hang tough and know with each passing day you are closer to that "finish line" of looking in the mirror and knowing you have a much better look.
  10. OMG....my life would be over if I couldn't use my favorite shampoo which is Aveda Rosemary Mint shampoo!
  11. bencar...often after a hair transplant a patient suffers from itching as the scalp heals. It can be pretty intense at times. since yours is not post-op itch I would start with something like this: T/Gel® Therapeutic Shampoo - Stubborn Itch | NEUTROGENA®
  12. anxious to hear Dr. Blake's answer...... but i can tell you the next day in the afternoon/early eve of BOTH my last two FUT surgeries I was not feeling well and really pretty drained from so many hours in the chair for the FUT personally there is no way I could sit in the surgery chair all day again the following day after FUT on the first day
  13. that's my story exactly... I had my first FUT when I was 37 years old I am now "stripped out" If I ever need more...I'm told it will need to be FUE. And knowing me....I bet I will get some FUE in the crown down the road.
  14. ridiculously reckless doctors and patient
  15. Hello Mickey85. Thanks for the well wishes. Yes my 3rd procedure is now done. The first procedure was so small, I hardly even count it. Everything went well with this latest procedure, except I was aiming for a large session and came away with a 2708 graft count....which still is a nice size session. My scalp laxity was not what it needed to be for a larger session. Dr. Wong said if I need anything down the road like a touch-up it will need to be a FUE procedure. Dr. Wong and Dr. Hasson seem to be doing a lot of both type procedures these days. At this time I do not have a designated thread about my latest journey, but hope to keep the forum updated. Staples come out in 3 hours!
  16. Wow....almost 5000 grafts in one session is pretty awesome. Glad it went well. I am two weeks post-op tomorrow. I am wearing a hat at work too....get staples out tomorrow....will get first haircut in about 2 weeks....so back and sides better match recipient areas. At that time the hat will come off. People get used to the new look very quickly....adults are way too busy with their own lives and problems to really care after a day or two. Trust me you will be surprised how little attention you will get after the first day or two of "coming clean". I think from what you have said, you may have some doubts and second thoughts over the next 8-10 months during the "ugly duckling" phase....but I predict if we meet back on here in June of 2017 you will be a very happy camper. Good luck and stay in touch Steve.
  17. Thanks chris39. I was not shaved except at recipient areas. My hairdresser the last few years has come to my house to cut my hair so that will help in this situation as well. I wonder if anyone has ever had a hair transplant and like within 2-4 days had to attend a funeral. I know I would hate having to attend a funeral soon after surgery when I look like an escaped mental patient!
  18. chris39 when did you have your first post-up hair cut? I was a bit surprised templeloss waited 5 months for his first real haircut. I am getting my staples out tomorrow and am trying to decide when I will get my first cut at least to make it look more balanced. my hairdresser is fully aware of my transplant history and will be careful....tomorrow will be the 2 week post-op point...but I may wait a full month before having anything done to let the scar heal up a bit more and let the grafts get fully super-glued in.
  19. It went well mav...quite a few 2, 3 hair grafts this time. I did want more grafts, but due to laxity issues I had to settle for 2708....and after three FUT surgeries I am done with FUT due to scalp laxity. Dr. Wong advises if I ever need another small surgery he would like to do FUE on me. Only time will tell if I will ever need another surgery. I get my staples out Tuesday and then the waiting begins.
  20. Thanks Dr. Blake. Very good informative video. The only thing I might add a bit more strongly is the possibility of pretty significant post-op swelling for some patients. After my last two FUT surgeries on the 3rd day my face became quite swollen and lasted only about 2-3 days. This was swelling to the point of "wow" when I showed pictures to my friends. I am not sure how common this significant swelling is. I was informed by Dr. Wong it could happen, so it was no big deal...but a bit shocking when I looked in my bathroom mirror on the 3rd day post-op. In fact part of my travel plans center on only staying 1-2 days max post-op so I can be done with airports and be back in the privacy of my home when the swelling hits on that 3rd day. Thanks again for the video.
  21. Thanks for the interesting video Dr. Lindsey. Both guys have great frontal improvement from your work. I hope the younger guy has good donor supply, because at his age and the looks of his crown he is going to need it. About how many grafts did you place into each of these patients?
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