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Everything posted by Shampoo

  1. Totally agree Spanker. Utterly ridiculous! I find in life a certain segment of people must always find a "crusade" to be on. They can't just live and let live. If Propecia doesn't work for them, well then it must be "evil" and others shouldn't be allowed to use it either. Except almost all medications don't work for everybody, so according to their logic there would be almost no medications available that actually work for most people that take them. "Oh My God Tylenol caused liver damage and "sent others to their grave" in a certain small segment of patients so lets use our "CONTROL FREAK DISEASE" and force everybody to not have the option just because it doesn't work for me. :rolleyes:
  2. It's hard to believe because you are unable to supply specific data to support your specific claims. Do you realize that balding men can be prone to depression, anxiety, and yes even suicide over the balding itself? Yes balding in and of itself can be life-threatening. So where is the data that proves it's the finasteride causing the suicide and not that it is really a subset of men that are depressed about their balding in general and all that goes along with that? Many balding men are depressed. Depression can lead to suicide. So if a very small subset of balding depressed men commit suicide you cant just jump to a definitive conclusion that Finasteride is the cause when it could be the balding itself. How many of the 62 men (out of millions I might add) were having all kinds of other issues unrelated to Finasteride?...Job loss?...Alcoholics/Drug abuse?....Divorce?...Family Problems?...Aging Phobia?...Depression? Men suffering from hair loss may face greater risk of anxiety | Health | Life & Style | Daily Express You claim to have known "2 guys who took their life as a direct result of using Finasteride"....but how do you know the suicide wasn't about the balding itself, or a million other related issues that cause suicide? How can you scientifically prove the Finasteride was the sole cause or even any part of the suicide decision? Have you also ever considered that using your same logic that Finasteride could be preventing suicide in a group of balding men that get great results from using Finasteride and thus suffer less depression/anxiety about their balding condition?
  3. I still am not seeing how it has been proven that Propecia is the cause of 62 suicides.
  4. the FDA approved it for MPB way back in 1997....almost 20 years ago what are the multiple credible medical sources that specifically prove that finasteride was the sole cause of 60 suicides? would you ban cosmetic Botox because people have bad reactions and even death, even-though millions have enjoyed the benefits of Botox? Botox Injections Can Cause Serious Health Problems | Cosmetic Products & Treatments discussions | Well Being center | SteadyHealth.com
  5. You could say that about tons of prescription medications. There are "HORROR STORIES" about most medicines. But that doesn't mean those same medicines don't help millions of other patients. Should we outlaw every medication if there are some bad results? Advil Class Action Suits: Advil Lawsuit | Advil Side-Effects Lawsuit | Advil Side Effects: Heart Attack, Stroke - Wright & Schulte LLC | Your Legal HelpWright & Schulte LLC | Your Legal Help Nyquil Class Action Suit: http://www.bizjournals.com/cincinnati/stories/2009/11/23/story7.html Tylenol class action lawsuit: https://www.drugwatch.com/tylenol/lawsuit/ Nexium Class Action Suit: https://www.drugwatch.com/nexium/lawsuit/
  6. good golly I musta been "castrated" via Finasteride years ago and just not ever known it :eek:
  7. Here is an entire website dedicated to Celebrity balding Celebrity Hair Loss: Game 6 Photos Show LeBron James Had a Hair Transplant
  8. I asked Dr. Feller the same question 3 years ago and he stated that he feels it is best to wait 18 months to allow for complete "re-vascularization" before a follow-up. Dr. Feller said it can be done earlier, but again "ideally" 18 months is best. However I was asking about a followup FUT procedure, and I am not sure if FUT and FUE vary as far as how soon a followup can be done.
  9. Which Celebrities Had Hair Transplants?
  10. are the first set a pictures before you had any work done by any doctor?
  11. Thanks Dr. Blake....I am only a month or so post-op from my final FUT, but was just curious since if I ever need additional surgery I will need to switch over to FUE. I would think mega-session FUE surgeries would be a nightmare on "face down" time....thank God I will never need that.
  12. Thanks Pete....that is a lot better than I thought... only an hour or two "face down" time for a 2700 graft FUE sounds tolerable.
  13. For any of you guys that have already had a FUE or especially guys that have had both FUT & FUE surgeries I had a question about the FUE procedure. I have some degree of panic/anxiety and the "face down" time during a transplant is particularly trying on me. I have only had FUT surgeries. So basically the "face down" time is mostly limited to when they remove the donor strip all at once. How much does the "face down" time differ with FUE? I assume since they are taking out the follicles one at a time that the "face down" time is much greater with a FUE surgery? For example my "face down" time during my recent surgery for 2700 graft FUT seemed to be about an hour.....what would the "face down" time be with a 2700 graft FUE surgery?
  14. bencar....I believe they used to do that in the early days of transplants and it was called "a flap". I have been told that is what Donald Trump has is a old "flap type transplant". As far as I know most the industry does not perform flap type surgery any longer. You can read more about "flap hair transplant" surgery here: Dangerous Hair Loss Procedures to Avoid
  15. bencar...I have already had 3 transplants...but the first one was so small and so long ago I almost think it "doesn't count". So let's start with I have had 2 "real" transplants in the last 4 years. The answer to your question is "yes" if I lost more hair I would consider another small type transplant. More of a "touch-up" transplant. Dr. Wong stated any additional transplants would have to be FUE and I have plenty of donor if needed down the road. I am hoping at 57 years old I now will have enough to "run out the clock"....but ya never know. My hair is still very important to me....that's why I try to tell the young guys that it may seem like a long time away until you are in your fifties, but you need to use the donor hair wisely, because you may want work done later.
  16. No doubt N0Air! May 24, 2016 - View from one of the surgery rooms at Hasson/Wong
  17. Wow....I have never heard of a clinic working on a patient until 1AM. That's incredible!....that deep, deep staff helps! Good luck...it looks great thus far.
  18. NOAir....looks like you will be one happy camper. Just curious...about how long were you in the chair for 2509 FUE procedure? Also what was your discomfort level? That's a sweet view out the Hasson/Wong surgery room window isn't it?
  19. Fair enough Scotsman. I agree there is corruption in the drug maker industry, but the drug making industry also has and does save millions of lives every year. But I bet you and I can agree drugs are way over-prescribed and we would all be better off avoiding a lot of drugs by eating healthier diets and more exercise. I also think there is some possible corruption between drug makers and government on keeping things like cannabis oil for medical treatment away from consumers for so long. It appears cannabis oil as a medical treatment shows some real promise.
  20. bencar I'm sorry but I was very reluctant to ever post any pictures, but finally did. I would think I have more pictures posted than most people that frequent this site because so many never post any pictures...so it's not all bad. With that said I will not be posting any pictures yet of my 3rd journey. i appreciate those that document every step, but i don't do that....but I will at some point post some additional before and after pictures. Here is one picture a few days ahead of my transplant last month. Of course this picture is not up close and is not what you requested...but it shows that for the most part my front was ok for a guy in his mid-fifties. I mainly wanted the mid and crown thickened up. We'll see how it works out...this current ugly duckling stage sucks...lol...but hey I'm on my way back!
  21. Scotsman I think we can "agree to disagree"...and I respect some of what you say with maybe a slight uneasiness about you implying that I am possibly being dishonest. Look...it is pretty simple...the FDA approves and many of the top surgeons in the world advise to take it....and most of all....it seems to work great for me. I think it is a reach to imply the highly respected hair transplant surgeons on this site are corrupt and are knowingly advising their patients to take dangerous drugs just to make a buck. Plus I would think most patients like myself take the surgeon's advice then get the prescription from their family doctor....so how are the transplant doctors making toms of bucks from it? Come on man...they make a good living doing surgery, not advising patients to take drugs they secretly think are dangerous.
  22. as stated earlier....almost all drugs have a segment of patients that the drug either doesn't work for or causes side effects and some of the people the drug doesn't work for think because it doesn't work for them it can't be true that it works perfectly well for others. many if not all of the most respected hair transplant surgeons in the world advise most of their patients to take finasteride to avoid or greatly slow further balding.
  23. I have used propecia for years without hardly any side effects. I believe it to be highly effective at slowing down the balding process. I would think almost any widely used prescription drug has some lawsuits pending, class actions suits, and accusations of causing accidental death and/or suicide. Listen to drug commercials on TV and all you hear is "in some patients this drug may cause breathing difficulty, internal bleeding, heart failure, bone fracture, suicidal thoughts, bowel disruption......yadda yadda yadda".
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