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Everything posted by Shampoo

  1. How old are you Steve?....You're funny man. Yes I admit I look in the mirror everyday, but primarily to tie my neck tie before work. Honestly, my "mirror worries" have dropped enormously from 5 years ago. I can not express how much better getting ready everyday is now. And that's the point really....I am way more happy with my hair now. No my hair is not my 17 year old hair, but my hair is worlds away from where it was not long ago. It better be right? After all I've gone through to arrive at this point... Like I said....this isn't for everybody, ya gotta really, really want to do this. It's a journey most are not equipped to take. But I found it very rewarding. I think anyone in the hair transplant world knows there could always be another one down the road...heck I may arrange to have one after I croak so I appear my best at my funeral viewing. That could be a first! Yes I agree completely. You younger guys should see some major breakthroughs as you age. No doubt about it. I too am sometimes surprised when I see respected clinics performing procedures on like a 22 year old kid....but I suppose if the kid is fully informed of the dangers and still demands it...I dunno. Personally I don't think I would perform the surgery no matter what the kid demanded....I would tell him, ethically I can't do it. For my first surgery way back when, the doctor held like a seminar in a hotel meeting room where he explained transplants to a group of like 20 guys. At the end he visited with every guy that attended. I was surprised Dr. Stough turned down like 95% of the interested guys and said things like "come back in a few years", "I can't work on you as you have an unpredictable "leaky bucket" pattern. That really impressed me that Dr. Stough was ethical and honest with patients when he knew they could be unhappy years later.
  2. Irate?...nah man....just having fun and trying to learn something. Your opinions about potential patients getting educated before taking the plunge I agree with 100%....especially young guys that may not realize what the future holds as far as their level of balding to come. Personally I don't think guys under 25 should even consider a transplant.....their balding future is just too unknown. I do wish it was more about stress and less about DHT. With that said... dude I don't care what the average is I know my hair looks tons better.....that's all that matters to me. What you claim happens "on average"...isn't relevant to me. And even it was relevant or true....heck I'd just buy 1/3 more than I need. I don't usually "throw in the towel easily" on anything....I find a way. You claim my crown is "still thin" and I say "compared to what"? My crown is certainly a lot better than it was... and that was my goal.... my goal was overall improvement. honestly Steve are you denying over-all improvement? It is ironic that you are not happy about my transplant, but I am. Go figure..... ps: if i need a touch-up later... I'll order the staff to prepare for my arrival...whatever man...lol
  3. Whatever...this forum involves cosmetic surgery. You made a statement about vanity and being "stronger" for just throwing in the towel and accepting physical imperfections. "post more pictures" from a guy that is afraid to post ANY pictures? a brave and "stronger" warrior wants more pictures! but is afraid to post even ONE picture of himself! (vs NINE pictures from me) probably maxed out? yeah sure I'm blessed with plenty of FUE grafts if I ever need them. Crown still thin? Even if it was...thin compared to what?...lol Compared to this? Bloody well right Hasson & Wong are "weak surgeons"! Keep digging.... crowns are a lot more about of follicle management, than "not taking well" to pretend the look below isn't "a challenge" or "a problem" is laughable good luck with that look!
  4. But Djlazerblue you can say that about a lot of modern day life why not take advantage of what present day innovation offers? being naked is a "natural" part of life kidney stones are a "natural" part of life a ruptured appendix is a "natural" part of life untrimmed toe/fingernails are a "natural" part of life increasing poor vision is a "natural" part of life as we age rotting teeth are a "natural" part of life extremely crooked teeth can be a "natural" part of life women without any makeup is a "natural" part of life wearing nice clothes is not a "natural" part of life fast and/or beautiful cars are not a "natural" part of life cesarean birth is not "natural" baby formula is not "natural" diapers are not "natural" Look I am totally a 2EachHisOwn.... but if I had a terrible crooked smile I'd get braces!....Why not? I'm not going to stare in the mirror with crazy crooked teeth You can claim i am focusing on the wrong thing But that's for me to decide.... After-all appearance must have some importance for you or why would you spend three years studying hair transplants? But if it's not important to you...and you want to be "natural" Hey whatever makes you happy. What's important is you studied and made a decision for you. And I studied and made a decision for me. I do agree with you that people need to fully understand what they are getting into. You did the right thing by real research....your advice on that is sound. No need to belittle others (I am "stronger than you"..."man up"...blah blah) Is that called "passive aggressive"? Basically you are telling a forum of guys that have had transplants that you are "stronger" than them...that they need to "man up" Why not just accept like most of "Joe Public" that transplants aren't for you Why the need to demean those that study and arrive at different conclusion? There is no group right or wrong on this decision It's a very personal decision made by each patient.
  5. If you are talking in the days right after a transplant, it's probably best to ask your doctor. Hasson & Wong provided me with a mild take home shampoo for the week or two post op. I am not a doctor, but I would assume any mild quality shampoo would be ok after about two weeks post-op once your grafts are fully rooted. I tend to like Aveda products. Something like Aveda "Shampure" is mild and what I use often. shampure™ shampoo | Aveda Also I am currently carrying out a personal experiment on another shampoo. This guy I work with has gone from mild balding to looking much better, and he claims it is this Mexican shampoo he is using called Tio Nacho. He really does look a lot better from pics from a year or so ago. I am skeptical of shampoo balding cures, however Tio Nacho is cheap and readily available so I thought "what the heck" what do I have to lose? It is a bit hard for me to really tell because I started using Tio Nacho shampoo as my hair was growing back in from my transplant. I will continue using Tio Nacho shampoo and report back on results. https://www.walmart.com/ip/38102944?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227026053888&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=42977820872&wl4=pla-81469649312&wl5=9026929&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla_multichannel&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=38102944&wl13=&veh=sem
  6. UKLad...so you have never had any type of transplant or hair procedure? The reason I ask, is your frontal hair is not of the usual balding pattern.
  7. yeah sure you are! You can add! Yes and I'd do it all again in a second even if I had to take a 2nd job being a dishwasher at Denny's. how does one define "problem"? "problem" vs. what? is the crown & everything else a "problem" when you just shave it all off? it certainly would be to me! yes giving up and having "the horse-shoe" or "ah hell shave it all off" looks now those options would be a "problem" as defined by me for me! I guess "problem" is in the eye of the beholder.... To me this or anything close...is a "problem"....(but 2EachHisOwn) are hair transplants 100% effective? of course not! and what is 100%? is marriage 100%? are airplane rides 100% crash free? are any surgeries cosmetic or not 100% successful? is any medication 100% effective? is any doctor 100% effective? is any exercise 100% effective with every person that tries it? do you really think you have landed at any kind of landmark conclusion by concluding hair transplants are not for everybody? of course they aren't in fact I have stated multiple times I personally think most guys wouldn't do it even if hair transplants were free I have no idea and really don't care as long as I don't look and feel bald i just know some hair is a lot more than none I just know i have more hair and others certainly have noticed too I think I am probably more talented than average at making the most of whatever additional density my transplants have given me of course no one denies hair transplants are all about the illusion of density millions of women wear makeup creating an illusion...so what? millions of people where certain clothes that make them look less fat...so what? millions get all kinds of cosmetic procedures that may not last a lifetime...so what? face-lifts eventually wear off liposuction...but people may still get fat again so hair transplants aren't for you join the crowd....they aren't for most guys for a whole host of reasons ya gotta really, really want to do this and after research you have concluded it's not for you I agree with you everybody should research thoroughly like you and I did and reach their own decision....
  8. Welcome Wally. I too am a guy in my fifties and have had two transplants in last 4.5 years. It is difficult to make full judgement from just one picture, but it appears to me that with the right surgeon you could achieve a result that most guys our age would be pleased with. Of course it all depends on budget and what your goals are. It is also important that you have realistic expectations that you discuss with an elite doctor before having surgery. You are wise to take your time, study this and other websites before making your decision. I suggest choosing a surgeon that does hair transplants full-time and has a great reputation. If possible don't make your decision based solely on price or locale. There are some great doctors in North America easily accessible by plane that can make a big difference in your appearance.
  9. Isn't this one of the approved hair transplant surgeons on this site, that plead "no contest" to two misdemeanor counts of aiding the unlicensed practice of medicine in 2013? Dr. Charles seems like a nice guy and appears to get good surgery results, but it is certainly troubling to see his name coming up again in the legal system. I hope this most recent incident involving the retired NFL player is not true.
  10. Lorenzo please just take a break and consider returning. You have helped so many people with advice and wisdom it would be a great loss to this forum. I think we all need a break occasionally which is understandable, but don't allow a tiny minority of "haters" keep you from doing what you do so well...and that is helping others in the hair transplant journey. All the best to you.
  11. It is my understanding that when you are told 1500 follicle grafts were transplanted, that does not mean 1500 hairs, it means 1500 follicle grafts that contain various amounts of 1 hair, 2 hair, 3 hairs follicles. I have met Dr. Arocha and he seems like a very good surgeon that I am sure would be happy to discuss this with you. You need to feel right about this, so don't postpone getting an explanation from the doctor.
  12. Harry you should discuss this with them. This is very common with their patients needing some relaxation meds. Many of their patients ask for and are provided with some type of relaxation medication. They will be happy to provide this for you. Since I had never taken Valium or Vicodin I asked Dr. Wong if I could use my own Xanax to control my anxieties as well as make me sleep. Each patient is different, but my Xanax worked like a champ for me.
  13. sheesh what? This should be no surprise for the patient or at least one doing even the most basic amount of homework....It is all clear as day on their website. Hasson/Wong requires a $500 deposit when surgery is booked. Then 3 weeks before his surgery the $7500 was due. Balance due on surgery day Do you not realize what a Hasson/Wong surgery day requires? This is not a 1 doctor 1 tech surgery center. Hasson/Wong has a deep experienced staff of techs.. Many of them will be working on you in waves. So yes you cant schedule the surgery room, the tech team, the elite doctor, and have Hasson/Wong turn down other business on that day without expecting to pay up front...otherwise you'd have people with jitters bailing at the last second and a surgery room full of elite technicians and an elite surgeon showing up for "dry runs".
  14. By using Xanax I fell asleep during BOTH my Hasson/Wong surgeries. Almost no hair transplants are performed using anesthesia. Many hair transplant surgeries last several hours, and the dangers of using anesthesia rise dramatically the longer the surgery. With hair transplants being an optional cosmetic surgery as well as lasting several hours most patients and doctors do not feel that level of risk is warranted when it can be done without it. Of course! Hasson and Wong has most of this type of information freely available on their website and also they communicate the information to patients that are scheduled for surgery. Ridiculous statement....from not doing homework.
  15. I doubt this is the reason, but after my 2012 surgery the doctor in Dallas that removed my staples at the ten day mark missed one staple....I noticed some extra pain....started feeling the area with my fingers and discovered a staple was still there....went back and he greatly apologized and removed it.....after that with each passing day there was less discomfort...but like someone else said there can be some occasional...shooting-pin&needles pain for the first couple of months.
  16. Milo...I very seriously doubt a single dental x-ray would cause sudden hair loss. If these episodes continue I would seriously suggest you seek out a good mental health professional that specializes in panic/anxiety so you can get this under control.
  17. That is a wonderful and informative video Dr. Lindsey. Finally we get more real insight about the challenges of FUE. Thank you for sharing this.
  18. And I am certainly glad you did, because you offer some incredibly wise words, full of wisdom, and very well put. Great post!
  19. This aspect is definitely a 2EachHisOwn. Many see it as a negative that techs do a lot of the placing of the grafts. I take the opposite approach. I think if you have a deep, experienced, highly qualified staff then it can be better than the doctor doing everything, especially if it is a large procedure. Personally I would rather have "waves" of fresh, experienced, talented techs working on me hour after hour vs one single human being going hour after hour after hour. How is a tired doctor after the 6, 7, 8, 9, 10th hour of doing everything better than a fresh set of 3 highly qualified experienced technicians that take over in shifts every 3-4 hours? I assume that some of these "do everything" doctors are not doing a lot of large 3500-5500 session procedures.
  20. I appreciate Lorenzo sharing his personal experience with scalp tattoo as well as his thoughts on the possibility there is a link between his cancer and tattoo inks. In fact Lorenzo's post has prompted me to look into the subject of cancer and tattoo ink so I am quite thankful for that. Why should only people that come from the tattoo industry discuss this matter when a quick Google search clearly shows that many respected entities are concerned about this? Do we know for sure? No, but the stakes are pretty high that we need to get this right and make sure tattoo ink is not making people really sick or even killing them over time. For the time being it is a 2EachHisOwn decision, but hopefully further research and discussion can at the very least lead to safer inks for tattoo consumers across the board. Being interested in SMP for myself I certainly hope that this leads to safer products by all SMP providers. Tattoo inks can give you cancer - and one colour is the most dangerous - Mirror Online
  21. I've never heard of it...but are you sure it's no longer available? Magic Spray colored hair thickener hides hair loss thinning hair
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